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Everything posted by keelec

  1. James, Glad to hear of your progress. Now, were you able to apply someplace other than Nebraska, Texas, or California????? I have Marty beat by a bit...... I got my NOA1 on January 6th Ummm, which year were you talking about????? :D Anyway, it can be a long and arduous process, but thankfully there are a lot of good people to talk to on this board. Marty, If you were lucky enough to send your petition to Nebraska, Texas, or California..... Start planning your trip now. It would take an act of God to get the Visa before then. (with a little luck, you might have it by Thanksgiving). However, if you applied to the "other" center, then you may have it this summer. Best Wishes to Everyone, Clifford
  2. Wow, This all sounds strange. They generally give out SSNs at birth to US Citizens now. I think I got mine around age 4 (yep, too young to work). The reason I got mine was that I inherited a little money which got put in a low interest CD.... (if I only had someone help me with stocks at that time). Don't you need a SSN to deduct dependants on your taxes today? Or, what is that College Fund IRA? Go to the IRS office and tell them that you are setting one up for your stepson, and you need a SSN. I would think that any Foreign Nationals that have bank accounts in the USA would need a SSN or TIN (students, foreign businessmen, temporary workers, etc). If you can't get the SSN, apply for the TIN (W7 form), and see if the VA will accept that. Is it possible for you to "Legally Adopt" your stepson? How would that change things? Good Luck, Clifford
  3. I would assume that you apply in the same way you apply for your new wife. Generally SS numbers are being assigned at birth. Of course, you could also apply for a TIN using the W-7 form. I don't know the forms for the actual SS number. ----- Clifford ------
  4. If RT tickets (originating from China) are cheaper than one way tickets, then: For K1 (and probably K3 visas), tell the airline that you have a 3 month visa and MUST buy a RT ticket (our government did that for us). Then if somethow things don't get to the wedding, you even have a return ticket. ----- Clifford ------
  5. I know that pre-nups have been a HOT topic in the past. However, I would hate to be a woman going into a relationship with some guy that has been actively cheating his ex-wife, cheating on his taxes, and playing all sorts of other games..... At least with a pre-nup, everyone is very much up front with the agreement from the beginning. It is kind of like cheating in a relationship with a married man.... And, then if one catches him, always wondering if there will be someone else in the future doing the same thing. :P :P ----- Clifford ------
  6. Oh the games people play..... Now, he will have a heck of a time unraveling the lies..... Is he going to tell the INS who will tell the IRS who will tell his Ex Wife's Lawyers about hiding income? And, how will the INS take to resubmitting the I-134? Any other lies??? He could quickly find himself truly in the poor house!!!!! While I am not sure about alimony agreements, I certainly don't believe in lying on taxes (or for that matter, lying to the US Court System).
  7. Carl, I have no doubt that everything will be peachy when you get to GZ. If you get there, and have the visa denied again, then you can be sure that there will be 1000 letters written the very next day to everyone and anyone who will listen. ----------------- If Patrick is right that the you are assigned to a single VO, and that Bing will see the same person the next time in, then it would be a bad idea to take your old tape in. If you just have a 1/10 chance to get that same person, then it might be worth a try. But, I think you will have a wonderful trip to China too. I am sure that Bing will enjoy taking you back to her parent's house for one last visit before coming to the USA. Maybe you should plan a wedding ceremony in China while you are there. Talk to Bing about her plans..... It may not be going too far out on a limb to schedule a return flight together (give yourselves a few days after the interview) incase a few hassles come up. Best Wishes, Clifford
  8. CONGRATULATIONS Thank GOD you didn't get "The Window from HELL" It is about time.... You Deserve It. Ummm, I thought your "Story" was different...... Didn't you go to China to meet your fiancee's sister.... And she was busy due to work and you met her sister instead???? Well, I am very glad that everything worked out for all of you. Best Wishes, Clifford
  9. I am very sorry to hear that you haven't heard anything since that last E-Mail. I assume part of the problem is that she is scared to talk to you on many levels. It is much easier to hide from one's problems. And, it is much easier to maintain one's resolve to leave one's LOVE if one doesn't talk to him. At this point, you have two choices. 1) Figure out how to finish the paperwork and move on (probably the best course of action). 2) Meet the family and see if you can pick up the broken pieces of the relationship (perhaps something that would lead to further heartbreak). Best Wishes, Clifford
  10. Carl.... It is now 7 pages.... I would anticipate several more pages in the future. It will be over a dozen soon.... I like the idea of taking the video that you already have back in.... Perhaps they won't even look at it. Maybe she will find someone new that is willing to talk to her. Just hope that Bing doesn't get the same woman that already told her to go away :angry: :angry: :angry: -------------------- A couple of ideas that you might consider: 1) If you want a "Character Recommendation" thread... You would certainly have several pages of notes. I bet even some of those "Closet Democrats" (Dave & Mark) might even chime in Very few people here have met both you and Bing, but we certainly know how deep of a place in your heart that you hold for her. 2) If Bing does go back to GZ, she might want to find a "friend" on 001 that has an interview the same day if possible. (I.E. If she has a choice of when she can go back, she needs someone who can be there with her). ----- Clifford -----
  11. Still waiting for an answer.... Ummm, let's have this one be one to break out the Champagne :D
  12. Wow Carl..... I think the Mick Whup Eric and the 300 threads are going to be buried by the "Carl & Bing" thread :D -------------- Do you think anybody ever sits back and thinks about the cost of this folly? I just sent in my taxes.... $3,500 extra because our visa has been delayed.... ( Maybe that is their goal ) I am planning my third trip to visit Irina (another $2K or more flushed).... Like you, I have plans and dreams of traveling with her, but I would like it to be on my own terms. I have delayed plane tickets just sitting waiting to be used (plus the cost of delaying them) In your case, this one rude request is going to cost you an additional $2K. And, I can't imagine how pissing you and Bing off has actually protected our National Security??? :angry: :angry: This is just crazy.... They charge you $100 for the interview, and then do such a horrendous job at talking to Bing, and don't even give her 5 minutes of their time so that it costs you an additional $2000 to fix their mess. ---------------- I still believe that you should make as big of a stink as possible….. But, I don't know what I would do if I was in your shoes, and your decision seems to be a very sound one. Of course, we all support you 100% with whatever you end up doing..... The only important thing is for you and Bing to be together, and happy. I wish you the best of luck, Clifford
  13. Wow, an interview tomorrow...... Ask Bing what line not to stand in..... If she calls your name, have someone say that Mei is in the bathroom Anyway, best of luck, and I assume what happened to Carl and Bing is just a fluke. ------ Clifford -----
  14. Carl, Your head must be swirling with ideas...... Perhaps it is time to head to one of those "bars" in East Portland and slosh down a few brews while watching the local entertainment.... Hmmm, probably won't help, but worth a try anyway. As far as making another tape...... I would say NO !!!!! Ok, perhaps I am a bit stubborn, and perhaps a little passive aggressive..... But, in a purely hypothetical discussion (since I am not in your shoes now), I would be more in favor of trying to fight this. Call Linda Donahue, and talk to her about your disappointment with "The System", and how you and Bing had an overabundance of evidence demonstrating your communication (including a video tape of the two of you talking), and how the VO refused to look ask any questions about your relationship, or communication, and denied the visa based on a 3 second language quiz. It is as if the reason behind requesting that you make a new video tape it to embarrass you rather than provide any kind of meaningful data to the process. If she doesn’t listen, I think telephone, e-mail, and fax bombardment is the way to go…… Of course, this is your call…. It is yours and Bing’s lives that are on the line if we manage to piss off the wrong person and create longer delays. And, of course, those who are following you may be affected positively (or negatively) if you make a big stink. ----- Clifford ----
  15. Mark, You got married 4 months ago..... What's up???? Anyway, congratulations about getting the forms in and the process rolling (where are you applying?) Well, I guess we'll hear from you in another 6 months. With a lot of luck, you may even spend next Christmas in the USA Ummm, I meant both of you in the USA.
  16. Carl, The more I hear about this... The more pure nuts it is...... It is stupid to ask if the two of you can communicate, then not look at any data documenting your actual communication. Did they even ask how many trips you had made to China to visit? Yes, maybe you should have been in GZ to accompany Bing (or, perhaps just gone and flushed 2 grand down the toilet). I think this clearly a case where the powers that be in GZ decided to deny the visa (or at least add another month's delay) without looking at the data. And, they are obviously discriminating against non-native English speakers (well, that would include ALL CHINESE). Oh, here is something that I found that you might find interesting: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/J...WFORD/or-ep.htm I am almost certain that there is also federal legislation requiring language tolerance, although I do see it a hot topic. Here is an interesting note from the same website: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/J...ORD/engplus.htm
  17. Good Idea.... I even thought of that. But, the rule is NEVER LIE TO IMMIGRATION OFFICIALS....... You can bluff and everything else, but NEVER LIE. If it was discovered that a forged tape was sent, she might never be granted a visa .... or could even be deported later.... Not worth the risk. ----- Clifford ------
  18. Maybe they are just looking for some lunchtime humor, Watching us squirm a bit.... Then getting to see a man that can pronounce a dozen words in Chinese try to speak the language for 5 minutes Isn't Chinese tonal.... Subtle differences in pronunciation can make HUGE differences in what is being said???? Well, best of luck, and I will try to add some more creative comments later. ----- Clifford -----
  19. Carl, Start planning a trip back to China now. But, also work on the problem. Perhaps you can find a solution before the trip. I would assume that you need the following: - 1- Show that you have a valid relationship and true feelings (this is obvious to all of us here). - 2 - Show that you can communicate both verbally and written (netcam with voice should demonstrate this). - 3 - Show that you have a future plan for language skill improvement (University Classes / ESL programs). - 4 - Show that you are working on continuing to build your relationship and have future plans together. You know, one thing that I think means a lot is that you cared enough about the gifts that you brought Bing and her family that they weren't bought in an airport gift shop.... They were HAND MADE. ----- Clifford -----
  20. Oh, Carl, If you do try to study a bit of Chinese..... Make sure you learn some of the more "Colorful" terminology. You do want to be able to express your feelings to the interviewers at the consulate don't you :angry: Hey, if it was English, you could make a whole 5 minute tape with no words longer than 4 letters long :angry: :angry:
  21. Carl, Between us, you have at least 50 letters a day that could be sent to GZ on yours and Bing's Behalf. We have Linda Donahue's address. I haven't met Bing (I guess I should have greeted her the night I met you, but I had a plane to catch and she was late logging in). Based on the day you and I met, and your 1000+ posts on the candle, I know what is in your heart, and I think that counts for more than anything else in the world. What we would need is your name, her name, and a GZ Case Number, and then the letters will start rolling...... Daily. Of course, we don't want to piss someone off too much..... Perhaps we should wait for Don's input on this one. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: ----- Clifford -----
  22. :o :o :o :o Carl, I assume you and Bing have been calling each other on the telephone regularly, and not just conversing by computer. TRACK DOWN ALL OF YOUR PHONE RECORDS FOR THE LAST 11 MONTHS IF POSSIBLE. If you can get them in verifiable electronic format (scanned???), all the better. E-Mail them to the consulate. And / or, if Bing has a copy of them with her, ask her to return to the consulate today with the phone records to show that you have been talking on a regular basis. There is absolutely no way they could deny that you are able to converse with each other if you have been talking with each other for 7 hours a week for the last year. They would be pretty dull conversations if neither of you could understand each other Anyway, just an idea. ------ Clifford ------ :o :o :o :o
  23. Carl, I am just speachless..... Make sure you let Bing know that she is not a failure, nor did she fail you in any way. This is just another hurdle that the two of you have to work through together. I thought you and Bing talk on the phone EVERY DAY, although I know you also augment it with Messenger. Don't you both have video cameras on your computers? Any way you could make a tape (or MPG, I assume) of side-by-side images of the two of you in a nightly conversation? Figure out what you and Bing are capable of providing, then send an e-mail to GZ asking if they will accept it. Maybe you will have to make another trip over there. I am very sorry to hear the news..... It is heartbreaking that our country would do things like this. ----- Clifford -----
  24. I think the DS-230 is set to expire very shortly. I would imagine at that time there will be several new forms to use. I would imagine some of this would be coming in on a general USA wide scale which will affect all embassies. Thus, there should be an updated OF-169. (which, of course, as we just found out, they don't follow anyway). Now, the question is which forms to send to Irina. But, of course, without an interview date, I have no idea which version of the forms she will be getting. ----- Clifford ------
  25. Ummmm...... Take it easy on the valium..... Then you can break out the bubbly as soon as you hear!!!!! Just imagine the racket in the place if they allowed every Chinese woman to bring her cell phone in.... Men calling them every 5 minutes for updates :P
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