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Everything posted by keelec

  1. Has anybody tried to bring parents over for visits under Section 213 of the Immigration and Nationality Act? I think that is referring back to the public charge part of section 212. In theory, the big concern about parents coming is that they will try to retire in the USA and become a "public charge". 60+ couples would not create a significant population shift because they wouldn't be having more children.
  2. Don't be too harsh on your father-in-law. I am sure he wanted to come visit you and his daughter more than anything in the world. Not being able to come must be so devistating already. I assume you helped him with the application. And, it is likely that he can read English only slightly better than I can read Chinese Did he even have a copy of the application in Chinese so he really knew the kinds of questions that they would have on the form? And, of course, if the Visa Officer already knew the answer, why would he ask your father in law how many children he had? I am sure he wanted to come visit you so badly that he made a minor error in judgement. Unfortunately, from what I've seen observed on this board, the Visa Officers can be pretty unforgiving. And, perhaps they should be. If a man is willing to lie about his "Strong Ties" to China, what else is he willing to lie about? Even with the strict rules, I wonder what the proportion is of older couples that cheat the system and overstay their visas? 1 in a thousand? I guess if a million applied, that would be a lot of people.
  3. I think we have some people who have shipped significant amounts of stuff. Normally stuff purchased for personal use is not taxed. Someone else had half a household shipped. I have purchased items over the internet for personal use and never had to pay customs (including a new engine for my Fiat which cost 2 or 3 times as much to ship than to purchase ) If you do pay customs, it is about 5% or so for most items, thus about the same as a sales tax. I don't know if liquor or Cigs are different..... Somebody said you can by the Cigs very cheaply in China :P ----- Clifford -----
  4. I can't imagine that anybody would be cruel enough to log into the Candle, attempt to identify couples, then specifically try to sabotage their relationships. And, to what end? To make the GZ Consulate look like it is staffed by a bunch of clowns? Furthermore, if one took the time to read some of Carl’s or Patrick’s posts, one would discover that they are both deeply caring individuals who are very passionate about their loves. It certainly would not give any reason to reject a visa application. Based on Carl and Patrick’s experience, I will try to be with my fiancée through the interview. I would hate to have her go through any of that terror alone. Yet, I can’t imagine that the USA would deliberately try to send a bunch of Americans scurrying for Russia and China unless they wanted the couples to interview together (and for that , all they would need to do would be to ask). As far as Irina and myself, although I hadn’t realized it at the time, we had already fallen into my personal black hole at the time I joined the Candle. Over a half a year later, I am wiser, but no closer to getting the visa. This wait would have been much harder to bear had it not been for my group of online friends, and I thank you for your support. ----- Clifford -----
  5. WOW, Just under 7 months and you have the visa in hand!!!! Congratulations!!!! Remind me to try that the next time. ---- Clifford -----
  6. Sorry to hear about the problems. If you want the mother-in-law to come, have her reapply. If she gets a visa, then you can start making a history of her "complying" with the regulations of visiting the USA, then returning to China. It may cost you the same because your wife might want to fly home, visit the family, then accompany her mother to the USA. ----- Clifford ------
  7. Part of the problem is that the "Public" has absolutely no idea what the process is like. Nor does anybody know how rude their own employees are. Until this behavior is brought to public light, they will enjoy free reign to do whatever they please. What the public sees is that the USA let a dozen Arab terrorists into the USA who killed thousands of Americans. And, then a few months later a half a dozen Americans were poisened by spore laden mail (which I heard came from US Bio Weapons research). Then the President comes on the air to list how he is protecting the country.... Nobody is seeing the folly behind the new policies. Carl & Patrick, A couple of us are trying to hit National publicity starting with Oprah. I hope you join in the fight. ----- Clifford ----- P.S. What I would like to see more than anything is to see the "Candle" disappear in the future (sorry PJ), but I would hope we would reach a time where such a BBS would no longer be necessary as the "system: would start working for us. Maybe it would be tranformed to a joke and humor website.
  8. Patrick, That behavior by the consulate is totally unacceptable, and certainly makes me embarrassed to be part of this country. I just hope that they get their heads pulled out of their a____ by tomorrow and actually give your wife and son their visas. A number of us were ready to start a letter writing campaign in favor of Carl and Bing. Rest assured that you have many friends on the candle who are equally ready to help you out as much as possible. However, perhaps we should wait until tomorrow to see if she actually gets the visa in her hand..... Then, send a ton of letters. A sincere apology from someone VERY high (like the ambassador) would be barely acceptable. As well a commitment that GZ will change their forms to reflect their policy (or change their policy to reflect their forms), and start treating the wives and fiancées of American citizens with respect. ----- Clifford ------
  9. Mark, Congratulations about passing the next step.... Time will fly and Bea will be here before you know it. But, have a little patience. It normally takes between a couple of weeks and up to 40 days or so before GZ actually receives the applications. Then the P3 normally is relatively quick to come out after that. You won't get an interview date until after Bea returns the P3 packet and gets her P4 packet. Best of luck, Clifford
  10. Ok, I guess there have been rumblings about this for quite some time, so they are actually going up now. Actually, since I applied for the K1 visa, so many things have changed with visa processing that I am not surprised about visa rate changes to reflect the processing changes. For example, we have had to finance the name changes of INS to BCIS and USCIS and DHS. And, of course, the NVC is new. Any idea what the basis of the fees are? $165 for Advanced Parole (IE, the visa has been approved, this is to be able to travel and return to the USA). And, the application would be absolutely unnecessary if the INS would just get their other paperwork done in a reasonable amount of time. $525 to adopt an infant - have to make sure one isn't adopting a terror(ist) --------------- I have a new fee suggestion: --------------- $500 for a K1 / K3 application. Refund $5 for every day that passes before a visa has been granted. $500 for AOS. Since all of the processing has already been completed with the K1/K3 app, refund $10 / day before the paperwork is completed. Oh, and yes, allow the refunds to excede the original amount sent in. ----- Clifford ------
  11. Ah.... So it is like Cod-Liver-Oil, whatever that is.... I heard that it is supposed to be nasty though Ok, so if it is only a few drops a day, then $1 / ounce might not be too bad. However, my rule is... Only take medication if you actually need medication. Of course this is natural, but Pennicillan is also "natural", but that would do nasty things to a person if one took it on a daily basis. ---- Clifford -----
  12. Ummm, What exactly is in Noni Juice? Make sure it doesn't include stuff like Rhino Horns which would be illegal to sell in the USA (and probably does little for a person, and is much harder on the Rhinos). ----- Clifford -----
  13. OOoooo, Missouri. That's not one of the three Clifford wrote. Is that good or bad? -------------------- Marty, Longwood, FL WeiPing, Chong Qing Married...................October 17, 2003 Pettition mailed....December 16, 2003 NOA1.......................January 16, 2004 NOA2............................April 16, 2004 Marty, Judging that you just updated your timeline with the NOA2 in April, I would think things are sounding quite peachy for you. That was only 3 months.... Not quite as good as VSC for K1 visas, but definately better than the others Looking at timelines, it is normally about 5 months or so after the NOA2 to get the visa..... There are lots of variables that can gain or cost a month, but you are looking good for late summer (August / September). I assume that you filed both the I-129F and the I-130. ------------ Congratulations on NOA2 :D
  14. Ok.... It says "Writing"..... Couldn't this be interpreted loosly.... Typing pinyan??? What about just typing it in English and having the computer translate it???? Join the 21st Century!!!! Oh, and speaking..... It doesn't deny the use of electronic devices to assist in the language. Type the phrase in.... Have the computer translate it (text and verbally).... Repeat it.... Type another phrase in.... Have the computer translate it, say it, then repeate it....
  15. Yes, Mark, probably by the requirements of VHS alone, one could date the form to being at least a decade old. The Blue form says "Rev 4 - 91" I wonder if that means 1991. The pink form doesn't have a rev date, but that would make sense that it hasn't been particularly updated for the last decade. In fact, there has been extensive revisions to the immigration act in 1996 to deal with terrorism, and perhaps again very recently. The blue form has a blank for 212 (where the terrorist stuff is buried), but is very general about it. I would think it is time for the Consul General and the Ambassidor to sit down and modernize their forms..... Ummmm maybe not, it could be scary what they come up with. But, electronic communication has changed significantly in the last decade. The Chinese Embassy needs to start recognising that. ----- Clifford -----
  16. Nope, I bet it would be a stretch anywhere outside of GZ to find anything about speaking Chinese (although, perhaps you would find something issued about common languages). Ok, what is all of the "Or any other sections of the law:".... Pretty general. I assume that they can refer it back to the "Family" sections of the law. And, thus, the interviewer states that you don't have adequate evidence to support a "Fiancee" visa, and thus in his/her belief the visa should be denied. Sections 212 are the medical, morality, and terrorist sections of the law. It is quite lengthy and doesn't apply in your case. Yep, ever wonder why the visas are termed "K Visas"? I bet it has to do with that section K in the definitiions. http://www.theodora.com/ina_96_title_2.html
  17. I wonder what the exceptions to the rule are? Acting and modeling? (they often start young) Mowing Lawns, Lemonaide Stands, and Washing Cars???? Can't you explain to the Social Security Administration that you are teaching your stepdaughter how to mow the lawn, and you feel that it is vital to include lessons on social responsibilty with the lawn mowing!!!! :D ----- Clifford ------
  18. Well, here is the Immigration and Nationality Act, Secion 221(g) I can't make heads or tails of what it is saying, but I guess it does give broad power to the consular officials. Referemces to sections 212 are health related and do not apply in this case. http://www.theodora.com/ina_96.html http://www.theodora.com/ina_96_title_2.html
  19. Carl, Thanks for posting the notes.... Pink & Blue.... Good colors to go together I can understand why the INS would have problems with women who do not speak a single word of English and men who do not speak a single word of Chinese. One not only has to demonstrate a "future" relationship, but also a "past" relationship. However one can communicate a tremendous amount with pointing to words in a dictionary. Electronic translators suppliment that so much that one could almost get away with speaking different languages (ever watch Star Trek and their "Universal Translators"? And, that doesn't include "Body Language" when a couple is together.... No, Se Lang, not that type of "BODY LANGUAGE" Perhaps the problem with a "Yahoo" video tape is that it could easily be forged..... Have a third party write for Bing, and only show her face. And, of course, Bing's video could even be pre-recorded. Thus, they have very stringent rules about what is accepted. I truly believe that you and Bing can communicate quite well. But, the VO didn't give Bing a chance to demonstrate your communication. I assume that Bing's language skills are adequate for you to carry on a conversation, especially when you are together in the same room, and the VO could have determined that by looking at your tape, phone records, e-mails, leters, and other evidence of communication as well as just spending some time to talk to her. Anyway, I hope all goes well, Clifford
  20. The easiest way to convert from BMP to JPG is using Microsoft Photo Editor (or just about any other program that can save in both formats). You can create a PDF by going to the website: www.pdf995.com Downloading their program "pdf995.exe" and "ps2pdf995.exe" Install them both on your computer. This will create a new printer called PDF995. Just print to it from any program and you get the PDF created. If printing images, make sure you set the page size and margins right. As another note, often you can print PDF forms to PDF995 to save your filled in work. However, you may need to use older versions of Adobe Acrobat (versions 4 or earlier) if the form is protected. ---- Clifford -----
  21. Better scans (Jpg or PDF) would be helpful as I am having difficulty making out the text (except for the 1 year thing at the bottom). Thanks for posting it, Carl and Mark. I do find it interesting that the USA would have a pre-made form with check boxes to ask for video tapes of the American Citizens speaking Chinese. This, of course, is at the same time when there is a lot of anti language diversity legislation in front of Congress. ----- Clifford ------
  22. I believe that we all have a profound sympathy for the woman who spent a year waiting for this clod of a man, then went to the embassy to have her application rejected because he chose to play games with the application. It must be the most tremendous letdown that any woman can feel. I can't imagine what it was like for her to walk away from the Embassy that day. I hope her fiance has chosen to beef up the forms and fight for her to come, although I would agree with the consensus that she is likely better off without him. Who knows what the truth is.... I've known people who had a very small fortune ($1 million or so).... They can be frugal, and often make it seem like they are always broke, but I have not known a single one who claimed less than $10K in income and no substantial assets. It seems as if some Chinese women have significant assets (paid for). If she has $20K in a house, that is equivalent to $4K in income.... It might be enough to make the difference on her application. But, it is better to let this one get away, ---- Clifford -----
  23. There are enough people in Portland..... Maybe Don or someone else would help deliver them and set them up. Of course, as we know..... Don't plan too much until the visa is in hand.
  24. Yes, I've been told that they cancel the tickets if you miss the first leg of a RT ticket.
  25. Of course, there is always Mexico.... Does Bing know how to swim? :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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