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Everything posted by keelec

  1. Well, yes, I had planned on spending quiet evenings with my Finacee (well, I had expected to be married months ago)....... But, Sometimes the best laid plans fall through as I wait and wait. Thank you all for the kind comments.
  2. Hypoclear, Yes, perhaps one of the problems is that for many Americans this is a "faceless" issue. A group of foreigners just finding an excuse to be able to come to the USA. They don't think about the Americans who are dedicated to their fiancees and spouses. They don't think about the loving families that are being seperated. And they don't think about the freedom that we have to enter nearly any country in the world.... Only to block our own citizen's spouses from coming into the USA. ----- Clifford -----
  3. OK, So all of the stuff on the form is just standard Notary Language? It sounds almost like US it is for a US Governement Official. ??????????????????????
  4. Come-on, Everybody knows the proper place for the dirty clothes is the bathroom floor!!!!! ------------------------------------- Ok, so now for a few of the things that I want to show Irina, or introduce her to. 1) 6 Flags (the big thing here in St. Louis.... I haven't been there yet). 2) That little tram that is supposed to take one to the top of the arch in St. Louis. 3) My parents, their house & Horseback Riding 4) Swimming Lessons 5) Inflatable Kayaking, Camping, Backpacking. 6) The DMV / Drivers License / Hunting for a "new-ish" car. 7) Neighbors, Friends, and coworkers 8) Skiing (yes, I think she will embarass me there). 9) Dinner Theater 10) [ -------- CENSORED ----------- ]
  5. Is there any difference between getting it notarized at a bank versus a local BCIS branch office?
  6. Orrin, Thanks for the long, interesting story. I am glad that not only does our country recognize differences of opinion, but the moderators of this board do to (as long as opinions are discussed without personal insults).. The world would be so boring if everyone was taking Soma (Huxley, Brave new World), and everyone lived in a daze, thinking exactly the same way. I know that you have had a tremendous nightmare with the visa application process, and yours probably was much worse than the "average", even including the original black hole group and applicants receiving the famous "White Slips" I am still hoping that I am nearing the end of this nightmare. I have now been waiting for my P3/P4 packet for over 3 months with seemingly no progress (bringing my total wait to 11 months now, and the earliest possible arrival date for my Fiancée to be in February or March (14 months or so). Personally, I have very little to gain with protesting the processing delays in February as it will be late in my application. Perhaps someone will get pissed off at me if they think of me as an "organizer" and cause the application to be inappropriately denied. However, my point is that this process is inappropriate. And, until we let others know including the American Public, it will continue to be handled improperly. We have a small voice. 20,000 immigrants enter the USA on K1-K4 visas each year including only a handful from China and Russia. Perhaps there are 100 "active" users on this BB system. Why would anybody listen to us……. The laws were written because of the "Mexican Problem". We have millions of illegal aliens from the south to deal with…… If given a chance, they would overrun our country and take away all of our JOBS!!!!!!! Unfortunately, the "Candle" will never make national news. I doubt that anybody at CNN actually knows that we exist. The way to change the process is to let the American People know that there is a problem. To make it a big enough issue that the US Congressmen will stop just sending polite inquiries to the different offices, and start to write legislation that is designed to streamline the process. If we can hit CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC with reports about what we have been going through, even for one day, it could make an impact on the process. -------------- You bring up that you are a Vietnam Veteran. In many senses, it was the "Forgotten War", or at least the "Forgotten Warriors". In the past, WW1 and WW2 veterans returned as American Heroes. They had job opportunities waiting for them. Monuments were erected to their sacrifice. Yet, the Vietnam Soldiers returned to the USA with no jobs. Many of them were severely maimed. Many had serious issues from their time in Jungle Warfare where anybody could be the enemy and a rustling tree or a rumble of a plane overhead could be bringing death. They returned in a time that the USA was ready to put that bad experience behind them and move on. With 30 years of perseverance, the Vietnam Veterans of America finally have a monument in Washington DC to symbolize their sacrifice forever. The names of every soldier that died in the war is permanently etched on granite in our capital to be seen forever. Had your fellow soldiers just tried to forget that nightmare, there would never have been a monument built in Washington DC, and the country would not be recognizing your sacrifice. Of course, I do not believe the world should bow to every soldier wearing a purple heart. At some point, they also need to move on with their lives and take responsibility for their actions. ------------- If we do not speak up, we will be forgotten like the forgotten warriors of the past. ----- Clifford -----
  7. Frank, I thought about having some kind of a pre-wedding ceremony in Russia with Irina's faimily. That sounds like such a wonderful idea to do with your Fiancee. I have no idea what the Consulate would think. But, their number 1 task is to determine whether you have a "valid" relationship, and intend to marry within 3 months. I would think that the ceremonial wedding would help demonstrate that commitment. Furthermore, it can't be that uncommon to do such a ceremony, especially since the US routinely denies tourist visas to family members. What is the big differnece between a K1 and a K3 visa? It seems as if both are submitted on the same form (I-129F Fiancee), and progress through the system very similarly. What if I had committed to marry my Finacee, say, 6 months after the official engagement?????? What about those couples that find themselves in a situation with a NINE MONTH DEADLINE for marriage????????? Sorry, I don't have any actual facts about using the photos, but I would say they definately support your commitment to each other. ----- Clifford -----
  8. I am just curious how the spouses of K3 Visa Applicants are treated by other countries. Does it make any difference what stage the K3 visa is in (approved, or pending)? In particular, would it be possible for a K3 visa applicant to get a visa to enter Europe, or Canada while the K3 application is still pending because of her status of being the spouse of a US Citizen? ----- I think a bit about my trip to Egypt with Irina (our first date). We were told that since she was Russian, we either needed to schedule a tour group, or be able to show prepaid hotel reservations for the entire trip as well as several hundred dollars cash for expenses. When we arrived (together) at customs, the only concern that they had was that we purchase the proper fee stamp prior to going through customs. Otherwise they just stamped our passports and let us through without asking any questions. ----- Clifford -----
  9. Sorry, I missed that question when it slipped in. :) Is this a K3 (spouse) or a K4 (children) visa that is being discussed. I believe that all of the visas, K1-K4 are valid for entry into the USA for 6 months after they are issued. Thus, you will have some flexability after the visa is issued, and before your wife arrives in the USA. The BCIS Service Center makes a HUGE difference. For some reason, both Nebraska and Texas are SSSSSLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWWWW. California is close to being caught up, and Vermont does quite well. Anyway, with the help of GOD Himself, 6 months would be about the absolute minimum for the whole process which would give you up to a total of a year from the application date for her to arrive. For those of us without divine intervention, the process can easily take well over a year (I have now passed 11 months and am still hoping for it to finish by 14 months, but I have no guarantees that it won't take 24 months or more). Now, how much help should one ask from a Congressman. I believe that one should wait until encountering a step that appears to take more than a "reasonable" amount of time before asking for help. However, should your case be routed through the Texas or Nebraska BCIS offices, perhaps it wouldn't hurt to start inquiring the day after the BCIS Receipt (NOA1) as the offices normally do not do any processing on the case other than cashing the check for an additional 4 months or so. I have heard rumors that some of the Posts / Consulates react poorly to what they may consider to be inappropriate congerssional pressure so use any help you get wisely. Also, you should know who has control of your application at all times. There is not a lot of sense complaining to GZ about your application if BCIS, NVC, or DHL still has it. Of course, on that last note, some consulates apparently do pre-approval processing of the visas so that they can be prepared when the packet actually arrives from the USA. Moscow and GZ apparently do not do that and will refuse to do anything until they have actually recieved and begun processing the application. ----- Clifford -----
  10. Monte, Glad to hear about your wonderful trip and marriage. I assume now that INS/USCIS/BCIS/FBI/NVC/GZ have all been practicing on all of our applications and fine tuning the process for issuing visas. With all that practice, they should have the process down to a finely tuned art, and they should be able to crank out a new visa in a few weeks!!!!!!!!! Well,...... Anyway, best of luck for speedy processing. ----- Clifford ----
  11. magic word "Rock salt" the only thing I hate more then snow is having to shovel it. Take it easy on the SALT!!!!!!! Here in St. Louis, when they predict snow, one can wake up the next morning, and sure enough all of the roads are covered with a white, powdery substance...... Just no snow!!!! Of course, most of the cars here have have more rust holes in the bodies than real metal!!!! :o The real problems start occurring when the springs fall off of the frames. I guess I am used to the Northwest, where even though it rains a bit, a 20 year car has as solid of fenders as the day it was new.
  12. Good grief, a Renault. I hope Eric doesn't see this. Of course, he is a Citroen man according to my recollection. Oh, Does he drive a Citreon 2CV? Those are cool cars!!!!! Since my Renault has been smushed, and made into new Hondas, I have left the French cars alone Now, I am actually more of a Fiat Man than anything else. http://computerdude.50megs.com/Cliff_Fiat_small.jpg ---- Clifford -----
  13. As far as transportation in China, Are Taxis in China like those in Egypt. Once you get one, it is awfully hard to get rid of it. And, to rent a taxi for day costs about the same as renting a car for a day
  14. Has something changed with Domestic car rental rates. I used to always book economy (subcompact) cars in Portland for about $20 / day total ($100 for a week or so), including holidays. I am trying to book one for Christmas, and can hardly find anything for less than $40 / day ($200 for 4 1/2 days). What has happened? ----- Clifford ----- I miss my Renault Encore with 210K miles!!!!
  15. That would be an interesting question. Which countries allow gay and lesbian marriages? South Africa apparently at least recognizes gay and lesbian relationships, if not marriage. Hmmm, somehow, I think Denmark or Sweden may also be "progressive thinking". What would actually be more interesting would be to see what happens to a Man from Texas would sponsor a Male Spouse under a K3, married in a foreign country like South Africa!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, hasn't the subject been approached already on the Drew Carey Show?
  16. Sorry, I haven't called the GZ Consulate yet, but I thought I might give you a few suggestions: --------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, this is the Guangzhou Consulate. Your satisfaction is extremely important to us, and we are working very hard to serve you. If you are calling about a visa application, rest assured that your application is being expedited in the fastest manner possible. While we may not know where your application is, or whether it has even arrived at our service Center 3 months ago, rest assured that it has not been lost, and we will get to it as fast as we possibly can. Please be aware that the Guangzhou consulate will be closed on Tuesday for the Guangzhou versus Beijing Golf tournament. Please Press 1 to hear more information about the Guangzhou Consulate vs Beijing Embassy Golf Tournament scheduled for next Tuesday. Please Press 2 to hear the results of last week’s Guangzhou / Chengdu golf tournament. Please Press 3 if you wish to listen to a reading of the US Constitution including all amendments. Please Press 4 if you wish to listen to a reading of the Federalist Papers followed by a discourse on their interpretation. Please Press 5 you are concerned about unequal treatment and wish to hear a discussion why the statement that “All Men are Created Equally” and the rights of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” WERE NOT part of, nor guaranteed by the US Constitution. Please Press 6 to hear why FRENCH Fries are considered part of an All-American Meal. Please Press 7 if you are an American Citizen and wish to apply for the recently opened grounds keeper position at the US Consulate in Guangzhou Please Press 8 if you need directions to the Beijing Embassy. Please Press 9 if wish to register a complaint -------> This, of course would lead to Hysterical Laughing If you wish to talk to a live representative, please call back during our regular business hours between Noon and 12:00 AM. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  17. A few years ago I had a Chinese (or maybe Japanese) friend that had an electronic pocket dictionary. He was quite a whiz with it. Before my first trip to Russia, I got a pocket Electronic Russian Dictionary. I was too cheap to purchase a pocket Translator. I used it a few times, but I was never really impressed with it. My paper Collins Pocket Dictionary worked best. I ended up giving away the electronic dictionary during the first trip, and used a regular dictionary for the second trip. What I couldn't sound out, I could always show someone in the dictionary. Of course, I am not quite sure how Chinese dictionaries are arranged. Perhaps the electronic dictionaries help with inputting a language that isn't very phonetic in the writing. ----- Clifford -----
  18. Sometimes I think of fingerprinting as being repressive. Yet, perhaps it is past time for us to start having better tracking of the individuals that cross our borders. ID, Drivers Licenses, and everything else is too easy to fake. Fingerprints are a little harder to fake. Hmm, I wonder how hard it is to fake a US Passport, and get past all of the electronic scans? The next step, obviously, would be to fingerprint both US Citizens and foreigners and make the passport photo database available to the border INS checks to help assure everyone is presenting the proper ID at the border. How quickly will we approach a society where every citizen will be fingerprinted & DNA Sampled?
  19. Hmmm, I have to think about that one a little. I can hardly think of the USA as a "Welcoming Nation" as we treat the wives, fiancees and children of American Citizens as lepers ---- Clifford -----
  20. Another Top 10 List ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) Administrative Processing…. Not quite sure, nobody around here can understand any words with more than one syllable. 9) A Demonstrative Processing….. We thought you needed a better excuse to start a Demonstration. 8) We know the Name Check was finished in the United States. We thought we would check again incase your fiancée has joined any Anti US Government Rallies protesting the Visa Processing Procedures. 7) Administrative Processing …. Oh, was that “Processing”? We meant to say that your application was in Administrative Procrastinating. 6) Didn’t you want your Fiancée to have Cheap Russian Tuition in College anyway? We are looking out for your best interests. Otherwise you would be paying thousands of dollars per year in tuition. 5) Your Fiancée is too young…. You should wait a couple of years before marriage. 4) A Demonstrative Processing…. You mean we were supposed to process that one, we were using it for demonstration purposes. 3) We are still trying to tape the application back together after one of the supervisors managed to shred your application and mix it in with 90,000 other shredded applications…. Thank God we don’t have a cross-cut shredder!!!!! 2) A Demonstrative Processing….. We were using your application as an example of how NOT TO PROCESS the applications!!!! 1) THE CASSETTE TAPE DRIVE IN OUR STATE-OF-THE-ART TRS-80 KEEPS EATING TAPES AND WE HAVE TO KEEP REPEATING ALL OF THE DATA ENTRY!!! :angel: :P
  21. AZ, I just dug out a link to my old geocities account and tried uploading some pictures and hotlinking.... Pretty Lousy Results The pictures are there, they just don't show up on the Candle Maybe I should look for a better ISP for use as a "scratch-pad". ----- CK -----
  22. Congratulations..... Glad to hear that the GZ embassy has finished catching up with the P3 packets..... Now, what about the P4 packets? Of course, I am Stilll Waiting for my P3/P4 from Moscow ----- CK -----
  23. AZ, I encountered this on some of the Smilie & icon websites that I was looking at earlier.... DAVE!!!! Anyway, read the website's policies, and avoid hotlinking to any website that expressly requests that one doesn't do it. Perhaps the best alternative would be to use a website space generally provided for "free" by one's ISP. Copy the images onto the ISP website, then hot link to those. Of course, with hotlinked items, it is usually easy to trace the source (and attribute authorship). By taking out the hotlinks, one sometimes looses the ability to figure out where the image came from. ----- Clifford -----
  24. For some odd reason, I think the INS is just looking for any reason to issue a RFE, even though I am sure it adds more work onto completing the application, and I can't figure out any benefit of being so picky..... Sometimes I think about one of the times I was stopped in Springfield, Oregon...... :P LICENSE PLATE LIGHT BEING OUT :P :P I couldn't even purchase a replacement unit for the light.... I had to actually cut a hole in sealed plastic unit to access the bulb to replace it. ---- CK -----
  25. RFE: Request for Evidence...... Yep, I have mine here All I had to do was write "NONE" on the line and send it back. The reason for using "Not Applicable" in job applications is for the times when the question asks for information that does not apply. For example, there is a check box: Is your fiancee related to you Yes/No. Assuming that one checks NO, This is followed by a line to list the relationship type..... Thus, it is a question that clearly doesn't apply (as stated by filling in the blank with N/A). Thus, one can put in N/A rather than none. The confusion comes in whether the answer is truely that the information does not exist, versus the applicant's interpretation that is is not important for the application. Thus, conceivably, one could have been married and divorced, then answer the question that having been previously married does not apply to the current application. And, in most cases, it probably doesn't apply. Since the use of N/A is universally Accepted in the USA on job applications and etc, issuing a "Request for Evidence" (RFE) for putting N/A on an application seems to me to be going over the top. I wonder how many cases actually generate different action because of applicants using a "loose" interpretation of N/A.... I still think you could simply put a (none) next to any N/A that concerns you, but it may not hurt to have your fiancee fill in a new copy of the application and be sure. ----- Clifford ------
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