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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Have a safe trip and a great time. Seems like CFL will be solely responsible for the recovery of the airline industry.
  2. I work for an accounting firm but not on the accounting side of the business. I think that my firm, one of the "Big 4", will require at least an undergraduate degree (post graduate degrees on the tax side of the business) plus eventual US state CPA certification. We have hired a numer of people from China, and I think most had Chinese undergraduate degrees and US post graduate degrees. I did post a link to my firm's Asian employment website a while back (in the cultural or immigration challenges forum, I think). Maybe you can glean some additional information about foreign degrees. I would advise the same as the others - go ahead and finish the degree.
  3. Jerry, congratulations to you both. I know that our government tries our patience, so it is so nice when this process comes to an end. Also, please pass on our special thanks to Zhenglin who seemed to give Jingwen a lot of support while they were waiting those last few hours. Best of luck to you both.
  4. Let me add my "official" congratulations to you both. I could tell from the smile on Francine's face that she was happier than anyone in Guangzhou that day. Best of luck to you two.
  5. My heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you for your kind words and steadfast support during this very long process. Would have gone bezerk but for you guys. We're now in Zhanjiang, and Jingwen just bought some (more) suitcases to bring her clothes back to Atlanta. We'll leave here on the 9th, spend the night in Hong Kong and head back to the States on the 10th. We had a nice visit with Francine and some other ladies while we were in Guangzhou. Francine-gg, you're a lucky man. Jerry's fiancee is a wonderful lady, but me thinks Jerry has been pulling some strings. Zhengling was in and out of the interview in no time and was one of the first to be called the next afternoon to get her visa. I'll take a minute to read the other posts, but I'm sure Jerry and Francine have reported in with their good news. Again, thank you for all your kind words and best of luck to those with upcoming interviews. Frank and Jingwen
  6. Onee half hour after the scheduled interview, Jingwen and the kids walk out with the visa slip in hand. We arrived at the gate at a little after 7:00, with JerryL's fiancee. Both entered about 7:45. Good thing - it is a bit cold and wet. Jerry's fiancee came out after about thirty mintues and said to wait (Jerry can fill you in on the details of his fiancee). About 9:00, Jingwen and the kids walk out, smiles on their faces and a big OK sign. VISA APPROVED. The actual interview lasted aboput 10 minutes. the VO asked how we met, how many times I had been to China and how long I had stayed on each visit. He asked Jingwen if she spoke English, and she said that she does not understand English. He asked her if I spoke Chinese, and she said a little. He looked at several pictures and, boom, visa approved. We had about 10 pounds of documents with us, and he didn't look at a single thing, not even the I-134. Go figure. We did have a small scare at the hospital yesterday when we went to pick up the results of the medical exam and give them all the documents for them to assemble into a sealed brown envelope. They actually do a good job of putting together everything in order. I hope this makes it faster for others when they go through the process. The lady at the hospital said the KK (the daughter) needed a certificate of singleness. I kept telling her that this was not required. Seems like you can't convince the hospital of anything. Anyway, she only noted on the form sheet that Jingwen had not signed a few of the documents (those requiring signature in front of a consular official), and she did sign these during the interview. No question was raised by the VO about any of the documents. Seems like everything was in order from the get go. Anyway, it's done!!!!!!!! We'll pick up the visa tomorrow and head to Zhanjiang to say goodbye to the family then off to America via SFO POE.
  7. Well, we arrived in Guangzhou on Friday to prepare for Jingwen's upcoming interview on Tuesday. Jingwen is a bit apprehensive, but I can't think of anything else that needs to be done other than wait. We paid the visa fees and had the photos taken. Tomorrow, we drop everything off at the hospital. Jingwen will try to get in touch with some of the other fiancees. Maybe we can all grab a bite to eat before the interviews start. Good luck to all. I'll let everyone know the outcome, whether good or bad, after the interview on Tuesday. P.S. Guangzhou is sweater weather this week for those of you that are wondering. Typical gray day - smog vs. clouds is anybody's guess.
  8. Thanks, everyone, for your comments and suggestions.
  9. Mark, I have read your story and have enjoyed it very much, but I must tell you that this quoted sentence keeps coming back to me. What a wonderful opening scene for a movie or an opening line for a story. Need a publisher or a producer?
  10. Can anyone recommend a hotel in Hong Kong that is near one of the airport express stations? Jingwen, the kids, and I decided to spend the night in Hong Kong to give us plenty of time to get to the airport the next day. I have stayed in Kowloon before at the YMCA (don't laugh - a good and reasonably priced hotel), but wanted to see what other hotels are out there. I think this has been discussed before, but Jingwen tells me that she will be able to exit the mainland and enter Hong Kong with her passport/US visa and an airline ticket showing a departure out of Hong Kong within 7 days of arrival. Does anyone know if this is inaccurate?
  11. It's done!!!!! It's over!!!! Congratulations on your success. Best wishe to you both.
  12. Happy Birthday!!!!! Kim's or Jake's? Aw, never mind, happy birthday to you both. You'll be together soon
  13. I guess this is why he wears a necktie - to keep the foreskin pulled back
  14. Just remember the correct response when he asks "Can I count on your support?": "You can count on my support when I can count on yours."
  15. You know, I just can't figure out the airline prices. I thought that I would make round trip reservations for me (ATL-HKG-ATL) and round trip reservations for Jingwen and the kids (HKG-ATL-HKG), with her Hong Kong to Atlanta leg coinciding with my return. My price (on United) was $652, plus taxes, but her price was $2,048. This really baffled me, but apparently, even in the US, flights between two cities will differ depending on your origin city - even if flying on the same dates. I ended up buying one way tickets for her and the kids at a much lower price, still lower than what she would have paid had she bought the tickets in China. Go figure.
  16. If true, I think this is about as close as we'll ever get to a provisional file. Now, if they would only start processing in advance of the hard copy.
  17. Wonderful news!!!!! The last mile is always the hardest, but remember, it is the last mile
  18. Unbelievable. I'm surprised that you didn't get this answer to #2: 2. Can the visa fee be paid in Beijing, or does it have to be paid in Guangzhou? Neither, it has to be paid in RMB.
  19. Welcome. My only advice at this point is to start planning your next trip to Beijing - save your money and vacation because it will be a while before Veronica arrives. Best of luck to you.
  20. Sounds like a left hand/right hand problem. Like Bobby, I always double check everything with DOS in DC, but it seems to me that if your email acknowledged the files, the info is likely in their system. Also, I have heard that GZ is more responsive when they talk to an American than to a Chinese person. Maybe, Huan got a person who was a bit too curt. Just a side note on the address. GZ, for whatever reason, sent our P3 to the wrong address, and I ended up having to send an email to give them the address in Chinese characters - faxes didn't seem to resolve the problem. The email seemed to work despite the fact that the form indicates that only pinyin is acceptable.
  21. Not to plug a retailer, but Target has a nice small butane powered single burner stove for about $30. It does not produce a lot of heat, maybe 7,000 btu, but, if you pre-heat the pot, it will hold the temperature at the boiling point. It uses a butane cannister that is good for about 3-4 hours at full blast. The burner reminds me of the ones you see at many of the restaurants in China.
  22. The best airfares that I have been able to get will bring Jingwen, her two kids and me from HKG through SFO to Atlanta on United. The United layover at SFO is only two hours, but the representative said that should be plenty of time to clear immigration and customs. I have my doubts. Any thoughts?
  23. Unless things have changed, the fee is still 830 RMB for the K-1, and she will bring the receipt to the interview - not cash. If I recall, the 2300 RMB fee is for immigrant visas, not the K-1. Your fiancee should have gotten a list of banks where she can pay the fee. There are several banks outside of Guangzhou that will accept payment of the visa fee and give you the receipt, but I don't think any of them are in Shanghai. This is the link to the GZ website that lists the locations: http://gz.citicib.com.cn/General/dropboxe.htm
  24. I guess we'll have to watch/read the re-runs until the next episode comes out. I've been enjoying this immensely. Thanks for sharing.
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