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Everything posted by Myles

  1. Aloha from Hawaii, An interesting thought. Sue DOS and add names of high officials as defendants. Attacking the pockets of individuals will get more attention than the deep pockets of the Federal Government. If you can sue and win against McDonald's for loss of affection caused by a cup of hot coffee we can win. We need to find that lawyer and the venue that case was in. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  2. Aloha from Hawaii, My best wixhes for a good life together. All of us need some good news. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  3. Aloha from Hawaii, My wife told me that five P4's were recieved by women on 001.com yesterday. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  4. Aloha from Hawaii. Great news! I am over a year in my wait and I will probably change from a CR-1 to an IR-1 at this rate of speed. Thanks for giving me hope. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  5. Aloha from Hawaii, Study Liberal Democrat politics before dismissing the thought. The people who run the political system are not of the minority under class. Feinstien, Boxer and Pelosi come to mind. The liberal power base depends upon a large number of "disadvantaged" voters. Evidence is the last Presidential election. The inner city voters went to Gore and the rural voters went to Bush. Liberals want to tax the other guy and spend the savings on you. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  6. Very interesting link, Thanks for the info about the INS shredding. The Minority owners of the contrator and the links to other businesses adds to my conspiracy theory. There is a Minority group that wants to keep the fast growing and hard working asians out of the country. A large, self reliant asian minority will be a threat to the Liberal welfare politics of the Democratic Party. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  7. Aloha from Hawaii, The rambling on the North Korea site is unbelievable. Unfortunately, if you are a North Korean you must believe it. Not many choices for them. This makes North Korea next on the hit list for World Security. It is a very good reason for Owen and family to get out of Dodge City in a timely manner. It would be a good idea for the rest of us as well. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  8. Aloha from Hawaii. #4 All of you exist only in a computer at Langley. Myles
  9. Aloha Bill, Love is a two way street. My wife takes good care of me when I am in China. She will watch what I eat for my health and encourages walks for moderate exercise. I help with the laundry and other house work. We demonstrate our love by helping with chores and respecting her opinions. That seems to set us apart from Chinese men. My wife enjoyed sending me outside to hang or pick up laundry. She wanted the neighbors to see a husband who will help the wife. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  10. Aloha to Ting Ting, Another useful site is 001.com. La Diva at that place is very helpful and it is in Chinese. You might have to go to 001.com.cn if the first one will not connect. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  11. Aloha from Hawaii, A name that sounds like Yan can reduce confusion caused by a name change. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  12. Aloha from Hawaii, Yesterday, I met two young women from Brazil. They are the second generation from Okinawa. They carried with them the family traditon of name changes. The mother keeps her family name. The daughters get a hyphenated name. The sons get the father's name. The daughters when they marry drop the mother's part of the hyphenated name. It seems complicated but it does help to track the mother's side of the famliy tree. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  13. Aloha from Hawaii SBS, A few months more and our status will change from CR-1 to IR-1 ( married for more than two years ). I hope not. It helps to know that you are not alone with this problem and to know that your GG is doing what he can. My wife is in Beijing and 001.com helps to keep her from going crazy. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  14. Aloha from Hawaii, I can't wait. I have to see her again soon. I will be in Beijing next month. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  15. Aloha from Hawaii, I am waiting for a CR-1 for my wife. The case is in Guangzhou and we are waiting for P4. The case cleared NVC on Dec 18. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  16. Aloha Wolf Man, I share your pain. In three weeks I will go back to China for a recharge for my soul. Where do you work in LV? My boss has a small shop in LV. It is the Military HQ which is on Sahara. She will be in LV for the AMSD convention at the Convention Center in the first week of March. My wife was a winner in Monte Carlo and Macao. I hope she does as well in LV Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  17. Aloha Skibum, After Iraq who shold be next on the hit list. The North Koreans or the Californicators? Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  18. Aloha from Hawaii, Unfortunately, there is a real threat out there. However, duct tape and plastic is not the answer. The best defense against a chemical attack is to get out of the contaminated area. The best defense against a biological attack is to be in good heath. A healthy person with the vaccinations has a good chance of survival. To defend against radiation you get out of the area as quickly as possible with extra things to wear after decontamination. Also expect a breakdown of law and order. A sidearm is a good idea to add to a survival kit. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  19. Aloha from Hawaii, Long range ballistic missles are not as big a threat as it once was. The US Air Force was to develop a missle defense system. It was a complete failure. However, the other services, who did not trust the Air Force, have been successful. The Navy has modified the Standard 3 missle to intercept a missle on the upward as well as downward flight. The Army is in production with the Patriot 3, missle killer. Also you might have seen a story about a missle defense system that can be used on an airliner. It is a high energy laser that was developed by the Army and is ready to go into production. We need time to put this new stuff in place. Hence the slow movement on the Korea issue. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  20. Aloha from Hawaii, This may be a shock to the Frenchies but French wine is really California wine. There was a blight that killed off the French grape vines and they were replaced with vines from California. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  21. Aloha from Hawaii, Stay with us Eric. You have been an inspiration for all of us. I hope you will get her visa soon. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  22. Aloha to Owen and Mick, Thanks for your effort. We must all keep the heat on them and watch them to make them keep the promises made. The function of diplomacy is to prolong a crisis not resolve it. We need to expose this scandal and force the upper levels of management to resolve this problem. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  23. Aloha from Hawaii, An unidentified virus means that they do not know exactly what to do about it. I will be in China next month so more information will be helpful. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  24. Aloha from Hawaii. Live long and prosper Myles aka Annakuen'GG
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