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  1. Aloha from Hawaii, We want to hear more from you in the future. We are in a La Ninia weather cycle. This means less Pacific hurricanes and more Atlantic hurricanes. That should create some excitement there. You could also visit Hawaii for some diving here. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  2. Aloha from Hawaii, Keep the faith SBS. It took me a year and a half to get my wife to Honolulu. This means she came to the USA on a CR-1 visa. On this type of visa a change of status is required three months before the end of two years in the USA. If we had delayed another six months she would get an IR-1 visa. That would give her permanent resident status. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  3. Aloha from Hawaii, Thanks for hosting this site. It helped to keep me sane during the long process. The information was of some help but the fellowship was more important. You, Owen, Mick and Eric made it an interesting site to visit. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  4. Aloha from Hawaii, When a new Chinese passport is issued a new number is issued. However, there is a note that makes a reference to the old number. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  5. Aloha from Hawaii, Stay calm, be patient and persistent. My wife and have been apart for 15 months. She will be with me in Honolulu on Wednesday. I know the separation is not easy but you will get through it. Myles aka Annakuen.GG
  6. Aloha Eric & Yuhui You have been missed here. My good news is my wife will arrive in Honolulu on June 4. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  7. Aloha from Hawaii, Soft seat ( first class ) is the way to travel long distances. The cost is much less than air fare and is a good way to see the country side. To pass the time you can play the Chinese version of chess or card games with other travelers. Post your travel plans. People who are familiar with the areas can help you. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  8. Aloha from Hawaii As a former pastor ( as stated on the Bob Jones post ) you have a good perspective to write a second book. A book on adapting to another language and culture. A husband who adapts to life in China and a wife who adapts to life in the USA. That book will become a classic and be on the top ten best seller list. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  9. Aloha from Hawaii, I am looking forward to the movie. I wonder who will play Owen? You will need an actor who looks good with a full beard. Maybe you could get Ma Tin Sheen. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  10. Aloha from Hawaii, The restrictions on money orders are for the purpose of tracking the transfer of money to possible terrorists. The way to make a legal transfer of larger sums of money is by electronic bank transfers. This is how legal business is done. Just have your bank send the money to the Chinese bank account. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  11. Aloha from Hawaii, When I got married I did not have the services of an interpreter. I was asked a question that I did not understand. I said. what does that mean? My response was taken as a yes and I was married at that moment. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  12. Aloha from Hawaii, This is a political correct liberal policy. I has the appearance of doing something but does nothing. We are hit on to avoid the racial profile issue. It creates the appearance of activity when less work is completed. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  13. Aloha from Hawaii. How about a Japanese specialty item. Fugu or ballon fish. I think it's only known predator is the Japanese. For a very good reason. It is toxic and quick acting. Special training is required to clean and prepare this fish. The first and only sign of fugu poisoning is the victim just drops dead. This should be right up Eric's alley. He can do the collection of the slow swimming fish. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  14. Aloha from Hawaii, My condolence to both of you. It would have been the better if you were there also. Not to provide comfort for her but to demonstrate to the extended family that you care for the family. Gatherings such as this is a way to renew family ties. Myles aka Annakuen'GG
  15. Aloha from Hawaii, Sounds like what I went through at the Beijing International Traveler's Health Center. That is where I went for my health certificate. Myles Aka Annakuen'GG
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