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Everything posted by RobertH

  1. Can I bring 20 rechargeable 4300MaH Lithion batteries back with me in my checked or carry on bags? They are for flashlights i bought here. Info i find online is old or get different answers.
  2. Man I'm trying but you know how many time my wife says "Hey what are you looking at!" Man there is this place they sell headphones that has the 4 hottest women I have seen all working in booths next to each other. Man they are all dolled up looking like they are coming from some super rich night club. Hui is starting to ask why I'm buying do many pairs of headphones. ... lol
  3. Ok so no takers so far huh........ Ok I did not want to have to offer this to get you guys to buy but here we go................................. I'll buy em a size big so you can wear em to Tsap.................. And you to Warpedboard (same order of 10 pair as last time?)
  4. Nazi? Oh so thats where they went!
  5. I'm talking about your wife of course! What did you think I was gonna share all the pics i been taking here in Shenzhen! Oh my you should have seen this one girl she had........ Oh wait Im getting off topic. For the 5 years Hui has been in the USA one of her complaints has been finding nice underwear and bra's that fit her body type well. Even the small size in the USA still did not feel right she would complain, So this time she is buying 50 pairs of underwear and 5 bra's for herself so she can stock up for the next 2-3 years till our next trip. That got me thinking and we talked about her bringing back extras to sell. Well now the plan is to buy 1000 pairs of underwear and 100+ bra's. Hui is planing to start posting add's on the Chinese women in America QQ forums to see what she can sell. Now who would not like to see (and to loosely quote the great philostpher type Tsap) That Tiny Hiney lookin mighty finey! The plan is to sell them for $5.00 a pair plus shipping with discount for orders of 10 or more. Let your wives know she will have the most common Chinese sizes they are of good quality and look nice. let me know Robert
  6. Well got threw a day of shopping with only having to use a squatter once. Speaking of Squatters..... man are they hard on my fat asses knees. I gained some weight after my back injury and i tell ya it's hard to use the squatters when you are 5 for 9 and 260 pounds (down from 282 so I'm making progress) hard to ease down and take aim! And the worst part is doing all this and trying to keep your pants from touching the floor..... Throw em away if they do...
  7. Ok this stuff she got me is suppose to be stronger then Ice-nine when it comes to damn-in up water. (see how many people figure out that reference) (with out Google) Seems Im not the only one feeling bad this morning both Hui and her friend have issues so i guess it was not my street food but the place Hui picked out.So now she is mad at the restaurant saying "Those north of China people restaurants are not clean!" Im like whatever Im gonne eat nuttin but bbq the rest of the trip. Uh oh who gots the poop tickets! time for another rideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  8. Just started my 2nd bout with full on diarrhea. im used to getting it once a few days after i arrive because i LOVE to eat the street BBQ every night if i can find it. Then after the 1st session I'm usually good this time how ever Im at it again. Hmmmm maybe it's once for north China and once for south China bugs.... Oh well the 1st time kicked my ass mostly because i had a bad head ache that no aspirin or alieve would put a dent in. And yes I was slammin fluids like crazy 10-12 Gatorades a day for the 2-3 days it was bugging me. Then we found some Chinese Paracetamol with caffeine pills that took care of the head ache. We got 10 days left here in China and at this moment its not a good time for me to go down.We just got to Shenzhen to meet with some factories that will be sending us goods, I guess it's back on the Gatorade for me. Hui has some new medicine that is suppose to help with the squirts..... Lets see how that works for me. Robert
  9. Never heard of those Randy but now I want one.what I was talking about is the American movie dvd I used to find complete with the outside case most of them were from movies still in the theater.
  10. Man I can not find a single bootleg DVD around here! we are in Nanchang right now and i went to the place i used to buy dvd's from and nadda zip nuttin to be seen lots of Chinese movies but no american movies of any sort. think Hollywood finally got them to quit selling?
  11. Me thinks keep looking, there are lots of other fish in the south china sea. Never good to start down the slippery slope of a controlled relationship.
  12. Gi nseng! this stuff is a hundred and eighty dollars A pound and you don't wanna know how many pounds we had to buy to make sure we have enough to give gifts to everybody. I was thinking though the landscapers Is here today I wonder how much money I could make if I take the yard debris slice it up into little pieces take it to China to sell why I bet there's at least $100,000 in that one lawn mower bag. I gotta hurry guys I need to catch him before he tosses all the extra retirement money in the dumpster.
  13. I was telling ?my wife that this time when we go to Shenzhen I would like to go see Hong Kong. I have been through Hong Kong three times but never actually been to Hong Kong. My wife said this might be hard to do because she is traveling on a Chinese Passport and her US green card would not allow her entry into Hong Kong. This makes sense to me as she is still a Chinese national. Is there anyway around her having to get a special visa to go from Shenzhen to Hong Kong. She said that if she needed to apply for the special visa it would take up to 30 days to get it. any ideas?
  14. Think I can trade the wife in for a younger model while I am there?
  15. Ok back for a second.....Wife is trying to put the Kibosh on the self time in Shanghai.... I guess she don't want me having to much fun....
  16. Heading off to China on the 15th of July and will be back on 12th of August. Kinda a long trip for my taste but it's OK. Going to Shanghai, Nanchang, some mountains near Nanchang, Shenzhen, and who know where else. I may even get 2-3 days in Shanghai by my self while the wife goes to visit with Aunties and Uncles in Wushi where there is nothing for me to do at all. I figure I can find things to do take some tours and the like. Back soon wife is yellin at me for something. Robert
  17. Uhhh That orange, cran-apple colored pulpy thing in your hand is not a Cocktail Tsap..... You better go see the Doctor! BTW way I'm happy for you Hank because unless it's taken 8 years to get her 10 year green card it looks like she came here for you not for the card. Robert
  18. One thought.... think that was gods way of FLUSHING the toilet?
  19. God so true..... Chevy's are disposable if it would have been Fords....... I think we would have a national emergency on our hands!
  20. So can I still buy Iphones and resell them when we get to China? Or not worth it now?
  21. No problems bringing cats. My wife brought hers 4 years ago. Just need a translated health cert from a Chinese vet, was no quarantine time at all, they don't quarantine cats if it was a dog yes 30 days i think. Had to pay the Airlines to ship the cat I think that was about $300.00USD if I recall. Not to hard to do wife was released from customs in 20 minutes cat and all.
  22. Mom looks like she set the bar for the girls. I seen drums that were not stretched as tight as her face.
  23. Well Hui had her drivers license revoked yesterday because she failed the eye test. I was a little annoyed with her at the time because she was being suborn and not covering one eye like the woman at the DMV told her to. The woman wanted to pass Hui so bad so she was giving her hints on how to pass but Hui did not want to do it the way she was being told and after 3 trys I am once again a Taxi. Now we got a appointment to see the eye doctor today and then off to get glasses tomorrow but that leaves me with 2 weeks of driving her around. Now Im not mad at her by any means just annoyed because once again she knows how to do it right and wont listen to anyone... Now her idea is she needs to return to China to see a "good" eye doctor who can fix her eyes because after all what do ours American doctors know...
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