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Everything posted by clayton2103

  1. rc B) rc rc Your wait is over....for the interview date!!! Congrats. I know the feeling. Your interview is one day prior to ours. Where will you be staying? I will be at ACH on the 12th. You? Hoping to meet you there and I am wishing you and your SO the bestest and mostest of luck on your day of the 14th! Clayton
  2. Thanks everyone. Easy enough. I prefer the K1 780 yuan price vs. the CR and IR amount! Micheal, I am not sure myself. Will watch for a response also, but I am not aware of but only one receipt to present at the interview. We save all receipts so if given one or more, we will have them all in case it is required or asked for. Clayton
  3. How much do we pay for the visa to get the visa receipt prior to the interview? Thanks, Clayton
  4. Best of luck to you both. We are all pulling for you here on CFL. Please keep the "PINK" results coming. We're hoping to follow in the same steps of Steve, Dave, LGR, Kris, Mike and of course yourself and your SO so very soon. Clayton
  5. WAY TO GO DAVE!!! Thanks for giving me hope with your success! I laugh myself as I pour hour upon hour into our "kitchen sink." I surely wish you and Christine the very best and a wonderful future together. I am so envious. Clayton
  6. Thanks so much to all. You make it all seem so simple. I will notarize the I-134 as required. I was sure I would find a list of many that needed notarized. I'm glad Michael didn't supply me with his list! See you soon. Thanks Roger for your many votes of confidence and wishing you Dave all the best! Clayton
  7. I have most documents prepared for our upcoming interview, but now I need to get what needs to be notarized, notarized. I have read a number of posts in the past that speak of what does and doesn't need notarized and now that it is time for our papers to be completed I am at a loss. Can anyone provide a list of which documents will surely need to be notarized and other documents that may not need notarized but many do get notarized anyway? Thanks, Clayton
  8. Michael, CONGRATS!!! I know the feeling! We've shared the same timeline now for some time and as hoped we are neck and neck once again. When we learned of our interview date, I fast thought of you and was hoping you had learned of your date also. We'll be in GUZ a few days ahead of you both, but I'm hoping we can get together for a meal when you and your SO arrive. My SO tells me she'd enjoy this. Sorry you will miss ACH, but as others have stated, forget about it and concentrate on the near future interview. I will arrive in time for another visit at ACH. Keep in touch as you learn your travel plans. We will arrive in GUZ on the 12th of November and if all goes well be departing with the "PINK" on Saturday, November 17th. Wishing you and your SO the best! Clayton
  9. Lawrence, Hope the above helps! Yes, I'm always the one that leaves that lasting impression on everyones mind. Nice to meet you too and the best of luck to you both! Clayton
  10. Ron, I'm right there with you. SO sent our P3 paperwork to GUZ overnight on the 30th of August. I have been told by DOS that all is completed and only waiting interview date. The visa specialist I spoke with today told me that interview dates are usually assigned during the first week of each month. I'm off from home in two hours in route to my SO and then a short trip to GUZ for ACH on Monday. I will see what I can learn. Hang in there. Clayton
  11. Steve, YEA!!! Much CONGRATS Steve. Thanks for leading the way. There are a lot of good people in line right behind you. I never had one doubt of your "PINK" results. I'm glad to hear of your opinion of attending ACH. I hope you know that I lost sleep this early morning just to get up to find your results! You owe me one. Now get packing and bring her home. Clayton
  12. Wow...And thanks to all. I now have many, many good questions that you all have suggested. I will print out this post, take it with me and narrow them down to a selected few. I noted a couple of questions here that need answers for other CFL'ers that will help others in the future that I will certainly try to get answered also. Thanks so much once again. Clayton
  13. Michael, If I am correct, I have heard and viewed somewhere that at some point in the final visa process our SO's are provided with a form that they will sign showing intent to marry after entry to the U.S. prior to 90 days of date of entry and they do not need a hand written or typed "Letter of Intent." I may be corrected here shortly, but I do recall this and viewing the form recently. Clayton
  14. We'll be traveling from Nanning to Guangzhou on Monday the 24th to attend ACH. My intention in attending ACH is to help support the fact that we do have a bonifide relationship, showing my concern and support of my SO and to be entered into the computer as so, yet I have no "real" questions prepared to ask. Can anyone help me with a general question or two that I may be overlooking or has yet to dawn on me? Thanks, Clayton
  15. Thanks David for providing your above reply with the links for translation of names to telegraphic codes. Thinking I was doing my SO a favor and saving her a trip to the post office I used the lower link and entered her name and received her last and first names translated to CTC. When she woke I told her what a good SO I was and that I had obtained the CTC as she slept. To my surprise she asked me if I found two sets of four numbers that were exactly the same as the site translated for me. She knew the number codes by heart already. Oh well, at least we know the link and site works and translates properly. Clayton
  16. Steve, Before you leave I have some very simple and easy comments to make. I need not wish you the luck. This has already been bestowed upon you when you found Aiwen half way around the world in Nanning. If this is not luck, I do not know what is. I need not wish you the pink, because I have all the confidence to tell you that I feel it is already yours. I so hope to follow soon in your footsteps step for step. I need not wish to bid you a farewell, but I do wish to welcome you and Aiwen to your new and wonderful life that is soon to begin. As I am to travel to Nanning late next week, I will sense that the city is missing one of the best. Bring her home Steve. Clayton
  17. Ron, It would be 9 AM EST he speaks of. DOS is located in DC. Clayton
  18. BIG CONGRATS!!! (I love those little cheerleaders) So happy for you. With you and Dave taking the next step it assures me that GUZ is working strong and well right now. I hope to soon follow in your footsteps. I wish you the best of luck and will be following all your posts closely. Clayton
  19. YEA!!!! & WOW!!!! B) That was a fast interview date given you. I am very happy for you both. It gives me hope also for a short turnaround from P3 return to interview date. Yes, I read ILS's post also and I was on the phone to DOS just to check regardless of how far behind you two I am. No change, but I know it will come soon. I think we may receive our interview date while visiting with Wen Li in the next several weeks. Now get off your hump and get your paperwork done!!! We're all pulling for you Dave. GOOD LUCK! Clayton
  20. On my calendar, the 24th, 2:00pm @ GUZ. Lao Po will have to wait in the Coffee Shop, I guess ?? I forget, is it be there 30 mins. early at 2:00 for a 2:30 start, or is it be there at 1:30 for a 2:00 start ?? All now confirmed for ACH on the 24th: * Clayton * Roger * >L * Kris-Jing Makes for a mini CFL gathering. Looking forward to meeting you all. Clayton
  21. That's kinda how I'm feeling too. I do not want to part with original receipts and boarding pass let alone send in the mail. If anything gets lost, we'd have other issues to deal with. I'll stick with my color copies of receipts and airline passes, give SO passport at interview, (have color copy of all pages in her folder, notarizing only stamped pages, and go with that. I'll hand carry original receipts/passes as backup. Sorry for silly questions everyone. Sometimes I should not write here when I get home from work at night!!! Good call Michael. Also, never a silly question. Keep them coming. Saves me for asking the same. Clayton
  22. Roger and >L...Tickets now in hand. Perhaps I will get a moment to meet with you both. Stay in touch. Clayton
  23. Thanks Chilton. Woke this evening with a horrible thought of it being closed as my SO was in route to buy the tickets as I slept. I made the sleepy eyed emergency post first, then checked the GUZ website and easily found the info on holidays at the same link as you sent to me. Have a good evening. Clayton
  24. Due to the Mooncake Festival on Sept. 25 will GUZ be open for ACH on Sept. 24??? Anyone know this for sure or how to learn of this? Thanks. Clayton
  25. Ron, Here is how to contact DOS.: Call DOS at 1.202.663.1225 Then press 1, then press 5, then press 0. One of two things will happen: 1. An automated message will tell you "all phone lines are busy and to call back later" (or something close to these words), and the phone line will disconnect. 2. An automated message will tell you "please wait until a visa specialist answers your call and your wait time will be xx minutes (usually 15 minutes)" (or something close to these words). If this occurs, hold the phone until a live person (visa specialist) answers. While you are on-hold you will not hear music but you will only hear silence (so stay on the phone !!!!). Every 4 -5 minutes while you are waiting an automated message will inform you to stay on the line (I cannot remember the exact words). When the visa specialist answers, they will ask you the following information: Beneficiary's Case Number: Beneficiary's Name: Beneficiary's Birthdate: After you supply the above information, then ask for a status update on your fiancee's/spouse's case. -------------------------------------- Hope this helps. Clayton I have a silly question? Why call DOS at this point? Aren't we all just on "auto-pilot" now? I'm just guessing that in 4 weeks from when GUZ receives P3, that my sweet Fang will receive her P4 with an interview date 30 to 40 days later? Should I be calling DOS for anything else? Thanks so much Clayton. Looks like quiet a gathering! Hope we can meet in the states someday too!!! My honey will need to hear her beautiful language from time to time!!! Michael, Although some have received their P3's, this number could come in handy if timelines begin to vary from others that have shared the same timelines. Perhaps someone's name check will delay the paperwork a bit and our inquiring minds will want to know why and where our paperwork is at any point during this process. I do not feel though that when someone calls we are given the most accurate of information. I have read several times where calls were made to DOS and been told that papers from NVC have yet to be received and just days later their fiancee's P3 papers have arrived. I will continue to call as we hope once we learn that the P3 papers have been mailed we will send our completed P3 papers asap. I hope to catch up to you all. Would love to meet up with many here also and I am sure we will. It will be great for our future wives to share all that they have in common and likewise. Stay in touch. Clayton
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