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Everything posted by clayton2103

  1. Mark, Easy answer. I learned from our travels together that my wife is subject to severe motion sickness and with the flights to GUZ, travel within the city, flights back to her city and then to America and our home, I did not care to induce her body with any vaccinations in that time frame that may have made her travels even more difficult in case she had a reaction to any of them. My thoiughts were for her at the time and not my wallet when I made this choice. Clayton
  2. Randy, Dan and Don...Thanks! OK, with all your information here is what I have found out and scheduled. I contacted the city health dept. and a local travel clinic that can supply us with all the vaccinations required. I listened to the charges for each vaccination that was required. I was shocked to say the least. Surely far cheaper in China, yet I didn't want to subject my SO to all of them just prior to our long travel to home here in America. I viewed the link to the local CS and saw that this Dr. offers the shots and the completion of the form as a package deal. The charge for all is $355. I was told that the shots will be administered and two days later I can pick up the completed I-693A. Appointment scheduled for Tuesday, pick up form on Thursday. Of course, some of the shots will be given months apart. Now you all can tell me how much I am soon to overpay for this. Thanks once again, Clayton
  3. Dan, Once again, Thanks! If I am understanding your response correctly, I am going to use the same name I used on the I-485, Wen Li Taylor and follow through with all other paperwork that asks of her newly married name as my responses read to an earlier post by myself. I can now complete this form and move on to the next. Clayton
  4. Can someone help me understand what is needed in the way of vaccinations and how to go about getting them now that she is here and I am assuming as I read more, that all vaccinations will need to be completed with documentation in order to complete my paperwork for AOS? As she had her physical in Guangzhou and did not get her vaccinations prior to leaving China, if I am reading correctly, we need to complete these vaccinations and use form I-693A. I cannot locate this form. Form I-693 I can locate, but not I-693A. Thanks, Clayton
  5. As I am learning as I go with this process I have begun working with one form at a time. I began with the I-485 and here is the link to the questions I asked and the answers given to me: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=29096 I hope this link will help you with some of what you ask. It will answer your question of why she seeks to be known as WEN LI TAYLOR. As for the I-765, it is an optional form to file if you wish. We will use this form, but I must await the answers to this post on the questions involving the name change. We have had a SS card in her maiden name, Li Wen. Once married we got her SS in her now married name. At the time we applied for the new SS card I asked of the name change we hope to acheive during the AOS process. I was told that once the AOS is granted, we can have the name changed on her SS card to match. They did allow her new card to read Li Wen Taylor. State ID is in the name of Li Wen Taylor also, which is only good for one year. Once the AOS process is complete I hope to get it changed to the name she wishes. I cannot answer all you ask and I will hope all I have just written is not corrected by others with MUCH more knowledge than I. Hope I have helped in some way. Clayton
  6. Mark, Yes, the $1010 bundle is what we are now preparing. Let's hope we find some good answers to these good questions soon. Although I have had several questions to date on the AOS paperwork, this is a cakewalk compared to all we had to prepare to bring us together forever more. We wish you and Feng the best today and in the very near future! Clayton
  7. Thanks to Dave, he asked several questions that I had for the G-325A in an earlier post and I won't have to ask you all for help with those questions! But, here are the questions I do have: 1) On the I-485 for the family name we used her newly married family name TAYLOR and chose her first name as WEN LI as both Dan and jim have stated in my last post that this will be fine. Her name as we wish on the I-485 is WEN LI TAYLOR (no middle name)....So, my question is: How do we list her name on the G-325A? 2) I did check the box - Status as Permanent Resident...Correct? 3) In the bold outlined box on the bottom...Where it asks for the (Alien Registration Number)...Is this the same "File Number A" that I used in the top right hand corner of this form? If not, does she have one? Thanks to all who can help me complete this form. Clayton
  8. jim, Thanks. Happiness aplenty with this news in our home now. Wen Li (no middle name) Taylor it is! Clayton
  9. Dan, Thanks so much. I must laugh...you couldn't have made it any easier for us. The inserted pics worked well! Very easy! As for question 1), and your response....The name we wish to be put on the green card would read....Wen Li Taylor. Her family name is Wen. Given name Li, yet throughout her life she has been called by family, friends and myself and her now new friends as Wen Li. Now that we are married she seeks to be known and addressed as Wen Li Taylor Can we use this name for the green card? Or will we need to use Li Taylor and seek a name change later? Thanks again Dan for your prompt and precise help. Clayton
  10. I must apologize. Sorry for all the questions below. I made it through the visa process and now that my SO and I are now married we begin the next steps. We have received her SS card in her married name and I have begun filling in form I-485. Here are my questions that I need assistance with to complete only this one form: 1) Part 1 - Family Name - Do I use her now married name or her name as listed on her visa and passport? 2) Part 1 - A# (if any) - Does she have and A#? If so, where do I find it? 3) Part 1 - I-94# - I used the computer generated number on the top of her I-94. Is this the correct number to use? 4) Part 1 - Current USCIS Status - Her status would be...? 5) Part 3 . A - Nonimmigrant Visa Number - This would be found where? I feel I have completed the remainder of this form correctly. Thanks for any assistance anyone can help us with. Thanks, Clayton
  11. Roger, Ahhhh....relief! I know the feeling. One hurdle at a time. We are both happy for your news. I remember the day I learned also. I hope your next wait is a short one. Keep that speck of light in your sight! Clayton & Wen Li
  12. I agree somewhat with Zack on this one. I purchased Rosetta Stone Mandarin some time back. I was initially happy with the program. I was surprised with how quickly I was able to learn numerous words and some small sentences. The program comes with no English study books or English language on the discs. You are forced to learn by recognition. Overall I liked it...until I came across Pimsleur's. Pimsleur is a far better investment although not as fun to learn with, but you will swiftly learn words, sentences and phrases. I was speaking several sentences easily with the first disc. I was lucky enough to meet someone in my Mandarin class that let me make copies of all she had at no cost. I recommend Pimsleur over Rosetta Stone. Check into it. Clayton
  13. Being the normal interview length lasts anywhere from 2 - 5 minutes on average, I don't feel any VO would be taking the time to read much content of the emails, if any at all. Perhaps only if they felt that your relationship was not bonafide would they "maybe" begin to read some content of your emails. If they do scan the emails during the interview, I would assume it would be to check the dates/times of the sent or received emails. Don't worry yourself too much over a couple of sentences. Clayton
  14. As Dan stated, not required. I do find it odd though that the notary public you asked would not notarize it. Did you take your original passport with you for her to verify that the copy you made was actually of the passport you now possess? I did have mine notarized as many have done. She notarized only the page that had my photo on it, but I have read where many here have had each and every page notarized. I see no reason for her to deny you what you asked of her. If you feel better with the notarized copy, seek another notary to notarize it. As I was in GUZ with my SO for the interview my passport was presented to the VO along with hers. He did not even look at it. Handed it back to her and never looked at the colored, notarized copy, although I never would have left home without it. Clayton
  15. Roger, Thanks so much for your response and PM. Although I am happy to see you back in the saddle here on CFL, I know you would prefer to be busy with your loved one....as I have been!!! It would have been a pleasure to meet you once again half way around the world. Thanks for being there the day we made CFL history for 7 CLF'ers at ACH on the same day. Your words that day and when I returned to CFL after that trip were a huge confidence builder for myself as are your words to many others here. Your support here for all of us will bring you all that you seek so very soon. What goes around, comes around. I wish you and your wife the very, very best and once again thank you for your kind words. I will be following your posts. Clayton
  16. Ron & Li Ping, We are wishing you the best. You have done very well with choosing Mr. Yang's apartments for your stay. He was very encouraging and helpful. He met us at the front door of the consulate building, escorted us our apartment and also the hospital the next day. This will help relieve you of some of your stress. I am glad Ping is composed as I thought my SO was also until the morning of the interview when she told me she did not sleep one bit that night worrying of the questions she may be asked. This was amazing to me as she can sleep standing up at the drop of a hat. Hold your head high as you depart. You will do well. Try not to worry too much. Consider yourself lucky to find CFL and all who have helped you here. Without this site and the educated members here we would never have been able to do what we have done...achieved the coveted "PINK." Have safe travels. Good Luck! We await your "PINK" post. Clayton & Wen Li
  17. Can anyone recommend a good quality rice cooker for home usage? My SO seeks a small one as it is only the two of us, yet I would like one that is of good quality and reasonably priced. I did an internet search and found several steamers/rice cookers, but when she views the pics she is unsure of them since they do not resemble the rice cookers she is use to using. Clayton
  18. Dave, Good for you and Jing!! I can only imagine the extra stress this has caused you both. Now relax for five minutes and then continue to worry of your near future interview! I wish you both the best of luck. I will hope all goes well at your interview. I have no doubt your success of achieving the "PINK" will be an easy one. Clayton
  19. Thanks David. I stumbled across my error moments before your reply. I have had this loaded on my computer for some time now, but now that my SO is here and she wishes to write to her family via emails when I use this when writing pinyin it only inserts the Chinese characters that it sees fit. For example, when we write the pinyin word for road "lu" the character it chooses is not correct. I have used a free internet program in the past that when I write a word in pinyin a window opens and I can scroll through the choices of characters until I find the correct character. I choose it and it is inserted into my emails, etc. My SO used this free website also to write to me, but does not recall what the name or web address is that she used nor do I. The internet cafe employees set her up with the site some time back. After following your instructions in the post I was hoping that I would find the same window of choices of characters, but it remains the same as before. Perhaps someone knows of this website I speak of. Thanks again. Clayton
  20. David, Thanks so much for the detailed instructions on adding this to XP, but when I reach #13 when I open languages I only find English and no other. What have I missed? Thanks for any help you or anyone else can provide. Clayton
  21. Thanks so much Dan. You've made it quite easy for me. I needed that. I see now my studies continue. I'll follow your links. Clayton
  22. We arrive yesterday, Thanksgiving Day and as I have devoted all my time and efforts to the K1 visa process I have not begun my studies on the steps that we will need to take in the AOS process. What's next? Links? Proper steps? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks so much in advance. Clayton
  23. YEA!!! CONGRATS MICHAEL AND FANG!!! This is no surprise or news to Wen Li and I. We have already shared our happiness for your success on the phone yesterday. I knew you would have no difficulty with your quest for the "PINK." Your worries were understandable as if anyone did not worry of something during this long process, I would worry of their love for each other. I know we are both to proceed with with new paperwork challenges in the near future, but the big stuff is behind us and our wives will be by our side to help and support us as we do our AOS papers. It was a pleasure to meet with you both on several occasions in Guangzhou and I know we are to meet once we all return to our homes. I know Wen Li and Fang enjoyed each other during our visits and and phone calls and to learn that we all share so much....Fang and Wen Li share the same surname, age, sisters age, camera and we also have much in common as our age and our now wonderful, loving wives. Now perhaps you would like to explain to the masses here on CFL why Fang was more stressed on trying to find a fork, spoon and knife for you to use on your visit to China than the paperwork. And yes, we would all like to learn of your eating habits in China....Mickey D's, Papa John's, Starbucks...WOW to travel so far to sample such exotic fare. Have you not heard of...When in Rome do as the Romans do! Sorry to throw you under the bus...but I laugh. Once again, CONGRATS Looking forward to hearing from you and Fang soon! You have our number, please feel free to call anytiime. I know Wen Li will be calling soon after Fangs arrival. Keep us all posted and have the most happy holidays! It was a true pleasure to meet with you both and Fang's mama. Clayton & Wen Li
  24. Thanks so much from everyone here. We couldn't be happier and we will hope all who are behind us in this quest for the "PINK" will do as we have and as for tsap and Chilton, our hopes for your dreams are soon to be answered. We will follow your posts with anticipation of wonderful news. Last night over a simple dinner Wen Li relived the entire interview and I sat and listened with delight. The worries were gone, we were both relaxed, laughed and smiled...all was well. She did recall it was a total of 4 questions. The final questioned asked was: 4. When did you first meet face to face? Her VO was a tall, white and handsome man. Very friendly and smiled throughout the interview....all five minutes of it anyway. We did view many a blue slip, but the majority were "PINK." Hope some of what we posted is helpful to all. Clayton & Wen Li
  25. Michael, Sorry for getting around to your post so late, but keep in mind that Wen Li and I have been blazing the trail for you, Fang and all the others that are soon to follow. I'm quite sure you are in mid air at this time, but are soon to land here in GUZ. We both wish you the very, very best and I have no doubt that you will follow in our footsteps. Clayton & Wen Li
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