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Everything posted by clayton2103

  1. I have recently learned that our case has been sent from NVC to GUZ. When should I: *Request from my employer/s the letter stating my employment? *Have my SO obtain her police report and document of being single? I am concerned of how the dates on the letter/s and the dates on the last two documents that she will need should read in relation to the timelines of most for the interview. I know I need them to be recent, but don't want to get caught without or scrambling at the last minute also. Should I begin gathering these required documents now or gamble a little and wait some? Thanks for the help. Clayton
  2. My SO is from Nanning and in the near future will living here with me in Nashville. Our home will be in a downtown condominium, 21 stories above the beautiful, mostly sleepy city below. Nanning population: 2.8 million Nashville population: 610,000 I have spoken to her of the difference of the amount of people, vehicles and lack of hustle and bustle as she is most familiar with between our two cities. I tell her of my worry of her missing all the excitement of a big city....Her response, "Darling, I not care. Only care with you forever." And, I know she means it!
  3. Yikes! Just my luck. All greeting cards and written letters to my SO have her name and address hand written in Chinese characters by myself. I just look at her return address in Chinese characters from her writings to me and with one stroke at a time I imitate what she has. All have made it to her swiftly via USPS with no trouble and she is quite impressed that I can write Chinese. Ha! It takes me between 30 and 45 minutes to write her address and name. When sending packages, I do both a hand written Chinese character address and a computer printout address of it just to be sure. Hope this won't come back and bite me later. Clayton
  4. Yes and only in 6 months , too. I can only hope! Clayton
  5. Yet with the facts you have stated, you elected to stay there also! Sorry for your misfortune, but being the good reports on Mr. Yang's has outweighed the bad reports, I am looking forward to seeking shelter and assistance from him in the near future at an affordable price. Besides, I am always up for a bit of an adventure and daring. Isn't that what traveling is all about? I'm happy that even with your difficulties while in Guangzhou, you achieved your visa. Congrats! Clayton
  6. As an animal lover and owner (1 cat), one of my first questions to any possible future relationship is if they like animals. This is an important prerequisite of mine. Heck, if they love animals, they may just love me. My SO stated that yes, she loved animals especially dogs. I introduced my SO to my cat of nearly 18 years via photos and writing of her when we first began writing one another. She knows the cat sleeps in my bed and has the run of the house. She accepts her fully and even remarks and laughs of our future happy bed at night with all 40 toes gathered in one bed. She hopes my cat will love her and wishes to become her "mommy." She is already asking for a dog to become an addition to our family once she arrives. BUT...I have learned that the jealousy factor is high when she hears me speak to my cat or when I cater to it when we are on the phone. She feels that she becomes second to the cat if attention is given to the cat at the wrong time. She does not hold back her thoughts when she feels I put the cat before her. I have learned quickly to control my "love" for my pet when on the phone and will also in our future. I don't like mops! Perhaps it is not the "dirty" factor and perhaps it is the "jealousy" factor that leads to the comments concerning the kissing of the cat. Good Luck. I feel I have crossed this bridge successfully, at this point! Clayton
  7. Dave, I cannot answer this question, I assure you. But, for each question you ask pertaining to the P3 paperwork it is one less that I will have to ask. Thanks. Keep the questions coming. I know there are several of us on the same timeline now and I seem to be lacking the knowledge needed to complete some of these forms and the information they seek, so I will hope to find many questions here asked by all of us. Clayton
  8. As when I filled out all the paperwork for the initial filing of our K1, many of my questions were answered here and I made it through that process without an RFE. Thanks to all. I have downloaded the forms that GUZ will be sending to my SO from the link on this site in both English and Chinese and now I begin the paperwork for my SO for the P3. And, as before I have some questions. 1. Can she send in the English forms that I prepare in advance for her, (minus signature and date which she will complete herself), or is it required that she complete the Chinese forms in her own Chinese characters? 2. I have noticed some of the forms I downloaded are outdated. Are there updated P3 forms that someone can supply me with a link to? 3. I see where form DS-230 has Part I and II. Site reads that for K1 filers that only Part I needs completed...correct? I thank you for the help. I am sure some of these questions have been answered here in the past and apologize for the repeats. Thanks, Clayton
  9. As I am preparing all that is required to go along with the I-134 Affidavit of Support, I have to ask: Do I need to include the W-2's with the tax transcripts? How many years of past tax transcripts are needed? The I-134 I have lists the exp. date of 04/30/07. I have read that this form is to be updated soon. Is the updated/most recent form released yet? Who is required to provide the completed I-864 form? I do have the form 4506-T (Request for Transcript of Tax Return) along with the phone number, fax number and address for this request. It states that transcripts can be processed within 10 days, but the W-2's can take up to 45 days to process. I would hate to delay the delivery of the transcripts if the W-2's are not needed. Thanks to all who may provide help with these questions. Clayton
  10. GRR, Hey, that's GRR...eat!!!! Congrats and Good Luck. Clayton
  11. My computer translates the characters as: Luo Favorable Fruit Juice
  12. Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I now have plenty to consider with the list of 100 I now have. I will follow up on the high school books that will give her what I feel she is seeking. Great suggestion. Thanks tywy_99. I have also checked into Asian newspapers in my area, but needless to say, Nashville is a bit scarce in this department. Wish it wasn't. But, I will save some of the local newspapers to take with me for her to read to familiarize her with the city I soon hope her to join with me in. Clayton
  13. My SO spends time in the book store in Nanning to seek books that will help her with all she wishes to learn of America and our culture, etc. She can read English fairly well, but think that any book to intellectual will be a bit of a struggle for her. I post to ask if anyone can recommend some good reading on any topic that will enlighten her learning of America? Perhaps books that your SO has read that they enjoyed in the past or are reading now. Thanks for any suggestions you might provide. I would love to track them down and send them on to her. Clayton
  14. clayton2103

    Medical Exam

    Ron, I asked this same question just one week ago. SirLancelot was kind enough to provide me with this helpful link. http://guangzhou.usconsulate.gov/uploads/i...w/10._GIV-8.pdf Clayton
  15. Nice thread here. I would like to add a question along with this post. Curious I guess. My SO and I have spoke of this and the future use of her name. Her English name is Grace. We know this but we have never used it and will not in the future. Neither of us care for the name Grace. As my SO's name is now Wen (family) Li (given), pronounced "When Lee," I once asked her if her friends and family ever just called her Li. She laughed at this. She made it clear that her name is Wen Li and all her family and friends address her as Wen Li. Never only Li. This brings me to a question for the future use of the name Wen Li once she arrives in the US. As I will always call and introduce her as Wen Li or Wen Li Taylor (once we become a married couple).... Will we need to use a more proper name as in; Li Wen Taylor on all government documents like the drivers license, marriage license, etc.? Or, will or can we have these documents to read in the future, Wen Li Taylor? Again, she will always be Wen Li (Taylor) to me. She is very happy with this as I am also. Thanks, Clayton
  16. Try this Clayton: http://guangzhou.usconsulate.gov/uploads/i...w/10._GIV-8.pdf Closest ones for Nanning are all in GZ. SirLance, Thanks. You made that quite easy for me. GZ or bust! Clayton
  17. Way ahead of the K-1 process here, but reading recent posts I now concern myself with the whereabouts of an approved medical clinic for my SO's exam when the time arises. I've performed a search, scanned FAQ's and yet to find a list. I know it must be here somewhere. Can someone point me in the right direction, link, etc.? My SO lives in Nanning. Of course, we will choose the closest to her home city. Thanks. Clayton
  18. Paula, Thank you for your honesty here in this post. Please believe me that many of us here worry of our SO's happiness here in America. I understand of all you write. I also love China, yet I am an American. I know the beauty of China. I would have no difficulty to find happiness in China with my SO. I read of your love for your husband. I like to think that love overcomes all. With only 29 days here in America, it is easy to understand of all you feel now. These are feelings that all men and women experience when away from their familiar surroundings and family. I am sure it is difficult now. This transition is not easy. I will hope your love for your husband and his love for you will conquer all your fears, insecurity and loneliness. Your patience must have been strong to survive the visa process to arrive here in the US. I will hope your patience will be strong over the next several months as you become more familiar with your new experiences, home and life here in America. The words you speak to your husband are words that all of us here might expect, but never wish to hear. Please be strong and give it time. We all understand your written words. I wish you and your husband the best. I wish for you both the happy future that we all dream of here on CFL. Please keep us posted on your future feelings of life here in America and let us know if you find the happiness and security that we also hope to provide our SO's with. Clayton
  19. Thanks Randy and Lee... I've been following the posts on VJ that have a bit of similarity to the same issue as mine with much interest. Always prefer the positive responses, but yes Randy it can come down to just one persons discretion in this matter at any point in the process and I do understand. This is what tends to worry me. I do keep this in mind. I do have a cover letter prior to the additional required paperwork in the petition explaining just what you mention Lee. I thank you for the tip of my SO adding her words of understanding of my past and how she also realizes that the past is just that, the past, for her to take with her to the interview. I'm always hoping for the best, but expect the worst. Just my nature. Lee, lol...I would worry even if my past was blemish free! Just par for such a task that lay ahead. Thanks to all for your support. Clayton
  20. Thanks everyone for your responses. And yes, I do agree it does stink that events long past may now be brought into the open in such a way, but I do understand of this requirement to reveal it and the reasoning behind them asking of it. I do not mind. Just knowing of my additional paperwork that will be included worries and saddens me a bit when I read of the difficulties many here on CFL face during this process even without them. I will certainly expect an RFE prior to my paperwork continuing through the beginning of this process and a longer than average amount of time before my SO is granted our visa, but it is the price I now pay, as they say, when you play. I would have never guessed 20 years ago that this would come to haunt me today. I can only hope, as you all have mentioned, that it may not lead to an outright denial. I'll try to keep my chin up and will be happy to keep my timeline updated as this process carries out. Stay tuned. Thanks again, Clayton
  21. On the form I-129F, Petition for Alien Fiance, I will sadly need to insert an "x" in the final box of Part C, Question 3 which concerns alcohol/drug offenses which were committed by myself some 20+ years ago. This has added unwanted supplemental paperwork to this petition and my question to you is; When, or if in the visa process would I receive a notice of rejection of my petition? USCIS? Before NOA 1 or NOA 2? Or, further down the line? Anyone know or have any ideas or thoughts on this? My SO is fully aware of my blemished past and this is not nor will become an issue with her. My concern is which agency, as there are many, might find reason to reject my petition? I travel to Nanning soon. I depart Nashville on December 28th and plan to file for the K-1 visa upon return. Thanks for any information, thoughts or comments on this issue I am soon to face. Clayton
  22. My So got her Passport a year ago. She can only get a Chinese passport at this time Correct ?? Correct!
  23. Oh you all seem to know so much about Hainan. This makes me happy. My SO lives in Nanning and we are planning a trip to Hainan this coming May to enjoy the beach and warm waters. This is when and where I plan to propose to her. I will be seeking a small out of the way hotel and perhaps very romantic in nature. Can anyone here point me in the right direction if you know what I may be looking for? Thanks for the help. Clayton
  24. Tony, Thanks...and I now know how to spell ginseng correctly! Whew. The one link has some affordable choices. I may feel comfortable putting a few in my suitcase for this upcoming trip. Thanks again. Clayton
  25. Quick thought/question....Is ginsing root able to be transported via parcel or air travel to China? Knowing if I tried to travel with any type of vegetation of any sort into the US, it would be disposed of if found among my belongings on reentry. Perhaps a bag of ginsing root would not be allowed, but only a prepackaged jar/bottle of the ginsing root sold by a distributor of the herb would be allowed to enter another country. Thanks for the information to any who may respond. I will now hope to shop for a boat load of this stuff for a gift to her mama providing the answers I read here allow me to do so. Clayton
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