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Everything posted by clayton2103

  1. I have read and reread the advantages and disadvantages of both the K-1 and the K-3 Visa process through many sites including the FAQ's here on CFL. I am not sure which is the proper route to take for Wen Li and I. I see very little difference between either of them. Both seem to require the same paperwork and the timeline comparable. I do note that I can marry Wen Li in Nanning with a K-3 where on a K-1 it would be here in the states where the marriage would have to take place. Can anyone offer their views on this topic on which would be my best choice? Or, perhaps explain to me in more detail the differences that I have failed to detect in the two types of visas. I feel confident that this question has been posted numerous times in the past. I apologize for asking this again, please understand that I am a newbie here. Thanks for any guidance any of you may provide.
  2. Thanks so much to all for the responses and links to the forms I seek to view and print. Time to check the ink in the printer and let the fun begin. I appreciate all the help.
  3. Even though I have yet to make my first visit to China to meet Wen Li and yet to make a proposal of marriage to her I am curious to view all the forms that will be required for a K-1 visa to bring my future love home to me when the time arrives. Am I able to obtain all the forms required for this process at this stage of our relationship? If so, where or how do I take the proper steps to get these forms so I can begin to review them in advance? Thanks in advance for any help you may provide.
  4. Thanks to all for the quick responses and putting my mind at ease concerning this matter. All the while this thought of my past has been on my mind and when reading the many posts here on the site, I became concerned of my past. I do not intend to hide this fact of my life from any of the forms nor from Wen Li. I have yet to speak of this with her due to the language barrier that we are now slowly overcoming. Once I am sure the communication level between us both is stronger and there is more understanding, this issue will be addressed. I read a couple of the responses just after my post last evening and I found sleep to come easy. Thanks once again for the information that I had hoped to find.
  5. As I read through all the information listed on this site a big question has arisen and I post here in hopes someone can provide me with correct info for a petitioner who has a past felony conviction. I am sorry for airy my dirty laundry on this site, but my future with Wen Li hinges on this question. Prior to '86, no criminal history. In '86 I was in the wrong place, wrong time with the wrong people and was convicted of a felony crime of delivery of a controlled substance. Post serving a short time imprisoned, I have not received so much as a parking ticket. Now my question is quite evident at this point. How will this effect our goal of becoming future husband and wife? Thank you in advance for any knowledge on this subject that perhaps will arise as our paperwork begins in the near future.
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