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Mike and Yan

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Everything posted by Mike and Yan

  1. toss yer fiance a little slap and a maxi pad as a reminder, no cross dressing!!!
  2. oooooohh that Chinese wife of mine.... She is so happy to finally know her interview date. I told her 5 days ago the DOS had given us a date. But did she believe it??? NOPE. Now I find out that she is suddenly very busy preparing for the intervew. Apparently she . . .... RECEIVED the 'first 4 parcel' today. (µÚ4¸ö°ü¹ü) She just doesn't understand how important it is to get all spun up as early as possible.
  3. twoinchina, I can not believe no one said anything... Are you Russian? Perhaps should be at the Russian Embassy??? interesting timeline
  4. excellent write up..... good read BTW CONGRATULATIONS
  5. let the begin!!! yeup.... same time zone.... gotta be good!!
  6. this is so much more fun than those rotten Blue and WH (I refuse to even use the word... congratulations CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS
  7. Congratulations... I hope the think PINK trend...does not a fade
  8. I made the August group.... 8/13 5 months and 1 week Application to interview
  9. Congrats. I know what you're going through, I felt like a little kid saying "oh my gawd . . .oh my gawd" shaking .....my cool at the consulate. Here is the bad news ...... clean yer crib. DON'T be a weenie! Imagine the look on her face if she lays eyes on the sty you've been sleeping in!! And don't forget the POE There is a really good thread of a check list to do before POE...but that is all I can remember. Other than the cleaning part, which I repeat... start now, more than once and then repeat..
  10. step 4: a little please.... I made a search: smoldering desire, exotic treasure ... and I find ..... well..... I can not speak regarding Chinese women, BUT I can honorably mention my Chinese wife... She is gifted More than I can ask for, she is blessed with beauty and All I can do is and when we which, as all men know is and not the same as and I resort to and 8,000 miles away....sometimes I snapout and I really just need her
  11. Cedarreefer... When you getting married????? Inquiring minds need to know!!!
  12. Mei, There is one hell of a lot of information here. I'm super glad to see that you have made it this far. Good luck waiting out these last few weeks. But I see you have reached the ZEN of calm! I had to go into an assisted help program....... regardless....CONGRATULATIONS
  13. DOES ANYBODY HAVE A #$ AUGUST DATE??? OR WHAT...? I'm guessing : , AND ! ! ! or other emoticoms!!!
  14. Shadowman, Give DOS a buzz. They say that my hard copy is in their system. You must also be. Also, I remember reading somewhere (here or VJ) that GUZ scedules only twice a month, at the begining and at the end. So far I have seen only a few August interview dates, all for K1. Mike
  15. Well, I can see there are some bashful people here.. BUT.... I am ready for the next step... Step 3 HEY I'm MIKE and . .... Yes my wife is a goddess. I tell her that often. Probably too often. (I also tell her I should not tell her so often, but I fail) yessss ... crap..... I'm addicted to her. Regardless...she is my goddess AND I submit to her. She insists she is not a goddess. I never tell her she is wrong. BUT,,,,Did she just prove I am right? ?? Only a goddess can insist from a deep belief, that she is not.
  16. I hope you have your interview in July. You are worthy! Regretably then, you have posted in the wrong thread!!!! HaHa HaHa!! Fact is I hope that all the August hopefuls are squeezed into July. more chance for me to get 8/18 (looks like a lucky date...right? )
  17. Step 2. Came to believe that a little Chinese woman greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. tsap seui OK . ....I'm with you... Step 2: I KNOW MY WIFE RESTORES ME TO SANTY => so far these steps are pretty easy (I think this may be working) step 3 please...
  18. It goes without saying that those of us on this side of the earth are living tenuously connected to our spouse on that side. We live vicariously through your travel. ! ! ! I think I speak for many: We anticipate frequent updates, regardless how trivial or frivolous!! Best wishes!
  19. Of all the nerve!! They are very proud on the website to indicate a very short turn around for the visa. I hope you get your visa soon.
  20. There are only three CR1 people with an NVC out of May 18. me.......Shadowman......Flowers All others in May, that I can find have had their cases opened at GUZ and are in a 'pending' status. SO.... we can expect interview dates soon from: mei3935 Dan-Juan and two others at the Big Brother site VJ (I can't find them here) Is anyone else expecting to get their interview date soon from DOS/GUZ?
  21. tsap seui Hi I'm Mike and I'm following the 12 step program!!! Ummmm I admit I'm powerless over my Chinese wife ... Step 2?
  22. Tony n Terrific, I have your view. My wife lives in Nanning. For now. I figure in 3 years she is a USC. She gets my SS benifits, cool. I would love to live in Nanning or similar. Open a shop...doing god knows what with her. Personally, my cash and a little extra is more than enough. Sell US house buy one there. I have read that Nanning is not the most savvy banking place. But I am not clear on selling a house in China (presuming you own it)..they do not seem to have a real estate market as USA does. I figure to get there first. Visa, job and business first. Work out details like house later. Even better is a sideline of teaching English. TEFL or whatever it is!! Behai - have you been there?
  23. Is someone calling DOS every day like me? NO good news? I'm gonna start and Need a little more Maybe start a I'm waiting and just a meaningless is better than !! DOS is getting me NO WHERE and there is little to read here. I'm thinking of reading the NOA1 problems just to pass the time! Are there really only a few of us waiting quietly?? Is anyone "expecting a date"....? Can someone tell me a story or a funny Chinese proverb? How is it going? My wife is totally sane, the quintessential sensible lady. No point in dragging her into this!!! I'm gonna go
  24. Flowers!!! You must have been in MY package!!! I¡¯ve been wondering who made it so heavy!!! Maybe one other guy too! Do you also belong to VJ??? (I¡¯m Mike and Yan there also) I guess from your timeline and since only a few documents left NVC in May that you left NVC 05/19/09. DHL gave me the Signed By Date (Mr. Stamp received it). If you are not that date, then use EXP 18 MAY 2009B adjusted for your date on the DHL reference area. if you can, put the exact date of NVC out in your timeline. Mike
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