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sleepless in Houston&CQ

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Everything posted by sleepless in Houston&CQ

  1. Steve, someone needs to do that very thing. I don't have personal experience with it as I've stayed in hotels. During the one exception my wife's brother-in-law did (he's a cop). I don't know the details but chalk it up as an adventure when you go do it and tell us about it. Steve...Bob I had to fill this form out durning my last stay in the summer. The police drop a few of these forms at our apartment a month or so before I got there. I have stayed there a few other times and never had to fill this form out but, I see where it was a new law in March of this year. Simple and easy. Only ask for my name and address in the states, phone #, passport #, date enterd and date expected to leave, and seems like the flight #. The name address of the people I was staying with. Its not much different than the from you fill out on the plane to turn into customs Guess they wanted to make sure they know the where abouts of all the foreigners. Bobby....
  2. Welcome Steve and Aiwen There is a lot of great people here and a world of info here and many folks will do all they can do to help you alone the path to see the wizzard in GZ. but don't ask me any questions as I'm from Texas and I don't know nothing. We wish you luck and welcome once again pull up a chair and get comfortable its a long long long ride did I tell you it was a long ride? Bobby....
  3. OK Now I'm really confused! No means No, but, sometimes it means YES? Yes means No but, sometimes it means YES? Ummmm sometimes means YES and NO. Paula when your husband finishes studying this please post the results I guess I'm one stupid husband Bobby....
  4. LOL, you went to work like this? We don't have any little kidos in our neighbor hood. Bobby....
  5. Mama Bear You can do this with your eyes closed Wishing you the best out come. Dan needs someone to keep him in line Don't forget to pack your mop after you get your VISA!! Bobby/Emma....
  6. Does this mean I should take the mirrors off the ceiling? Damn now I will have to repaint the ceiling. waste $$$$ The more I learn about Confucius the more confused I become Bobby....
  7. Congratulations!! Have fun, how many people can say they spent Christmas in China?! Brrrrrrr ... I can. Be prepared to buy lots of long underwear and goose down filled apparel. It's really cold. In Chongqing it's bone chilling cold and damp. Too much for a SoCal guy! Congrats Stephen!!! I agree with Jim it's cold as heck in Chongqing, "REALLY COLD" but the water bed was always nice and warm! Spend 2004 CNY in Shanghai and 2005 CNY in Chongqing Chongqing is by far a lot colder, Us Texicans are not used to that cold and damp weather Bobby....
  8. ~~ I can't see how anyone can stay locked inside the house for one month.. Geezzs... I think that those walls would start closing in on her. "JMO" I spent 7 days in a hospital bed and almost lost the few marbles I had. One month no bath/shower... MarkD im with you on this one..... I'm confused also. Can this be healthy? Bobby....
  9. Rule number one had already been instituted in my house. Rule number two works well only if you don¡¯t have kids running around wanting water and food after hours. Now my wife wants to hang red lanterns in our new house for good luck. Of course being born and raised in this country you know what it means if you see red lights from the street. Andrew I can see why rule #2 would not apply in your home but try buying a lock for the bedroom door and robes for when you have to get up. "or sleeping pills to make sure the kidos sleep thru the night" LOL. J/K Hanging red lights in your home in Katy may not be the best ideal! Some of the old timmers my think WoW "The New Chicken Ranch" Bobby....
  10. Don Can't say that I have ever heard this before.... Bobby....
  11. You can call me anything under the sun but, don't call me late for dinner! "Sticks n Stones etc" Bobby....
  12. I was onced asked by an ex-Chinese girlfriend if we needed to change the air in the tires? Andrew Andrew that sounds like something a blonde would ask? Bobby....
  13. Andrew You got something in your Feng Shui Book on how to turn off this damn Rain? Geezzs enough is enough Goin to have to rename "The Woodlands to The Wetlands" Bobby....
  14. Yuppers, we always have female dainties hanging about the bathroom. I have never seen the logic in washing them by hand and then hanging them in there. First, It takes water much hotter than the 105-110 temp that people can put their hands in to really kill all the germs-so they never really get them sterilized. More importantly, these delicate silky things are hanging around me when I uh, when I uh, uh, expel yesterdays meals. Now that has GOT TO BE unhealthy. I did, however, learn the hard way that TELLING wifey that she is wrong was not a good idea---ouchyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Yet another lesson in cultural diversity learned the hard way!! Is there really a logic reason for them to wash those cute little undies by hand? And hang outside in the dirty air or bathroom, etc "Damn did I just agree with Trigg?" Geezs whats the world coming to? Bobby....
  15. Great post Robert, thanks for sharing with us. I can see your very proud. Bobby....
  16. Bobby, I know what you say to me in private as you did in the post, but I must tell you in public I appreciate your friendship.... even if you are a Dallas Cowboy fan. Sir Charles I don't hold it against you for being a NY Giants Fan and others that have those feelings, after all someone has got to be a Giants fan. Even NY is coming off two wins in a row "Philly n Washington" I have a feeling the buck stops in Dallas!! JMO Bobby....
  17. I know there are a lot of good people in Texas and I happen to know a few, but this was a funny comeback David I was really hoping that I could tip this cow into the TC... since I assume that was the goal of the post.. I guess I fell short.. must of slipped in a texan animal turd... Oh now David, I really feel you have things a$$ backwards or maybe confused with TX v TN... As I remember TN they are into farm animals. As for as animal droppings go... with all the rain we have had over the past 2 days, I'm sure they are on the way to the western side of FL viva the Gulf of Mexico. Enjoy the gifts oh BTW yea I agree with Charles, that was a nice come back! Bobby....
  18. call DOS and ask then what is going on Our Government doesn't work fast, and could care less about our lives. oh and welcome to the Candle Bobby/Emma
  19. Congrats WoW Dude I wish you two the best life has to offer!!!! Bobby/Emma
  20. Man I hope I don't get put in the dog house for this! My wife scares the hell out of me with her driving! "
  21. Wow thats a lot of x's..... there Carl Just think of all the cotton that when into making them. Carl depends on were they was made in China I found some underwears after the first washing to be nothing more than rags. But then some turned out to be good. I wear 34-36 in the states and in China some was XL to XXL. When I told my wife that some of them turned out to worthless rags.... Man this almost started a war.. "Her words Oh my.... husband can't even wash cloths correctly, how you do washing alone these past years?" im almost sure she meant.... stupid husband. but didn't say it. I blamed it on the washing machine being to strong "since it was a new one" and maybe I put to much TIDE inside the washer and that ended the begaining of a American/Chinese war. Bobby....
  22. Doug We like you? hummmm your from D/FW right? Oh I guess that is still Tejas right? J/K dude you know how we all feel about you. even we treat you like a red headed step child we still like you.... but no kissing ok? Bobby....
  23. Mr lpm100, Just im case you didn't read my post I will post it again for you! (quote) Im not sure why you told every one you was a black man. I could care less if you are a green man from Mars, and im sure others feel the same. We have some great brothers on here and they are good folks "Sir Charles I would give you the shirt on my back" if you asked and as long as it's not one of my favorite.... I would have to think about that.... LOL Sir Charles "NewDay2006" I would say with out a doubt that he is my brother and there or others that feel the same way about Sir Charles. We have sent each other many "PM's" private messages and have talked about things I would not post in public. And why you posted this "beats me and others im sure" (QUOTE) < I don't have a stomach for black women and have NEVER been interested in them. (I've never even kissed one.) White women are OK (QUOTE) Chill out. Not every woman has been infected with the disease of white Feminazis in the States. There are still some women that are willing to work with a guy > Sounds like woman bashin and race bashin to me! Dude there are a lot of beautiful woman in this world and there race doesn't make them any less beautiful. And yes there are many ugly ones but they are beautiful on the inside, it you take the time to look. Beauty is only skin deep and it's what it inside that should matter. Ofter reading your post, I get the impression you want a beautiful face/body and a gal that will drop her pants at your comand. I wish you good luck in finding this type of gal and hope she doesn't clean you out! I would thing that a hooker could make more money and do as she pleases and have more than you could offer her, unless you are a million aire!? but I don't have any experience with type of ladys thats JMO "just my opinion" (Quote) As far as the manic-depresssion: Just be cool. It's not any different than having sugar diabetes or high blood pressure. It is just something that has to be dealt with. ~~~ Dude manic-depression and mood swings or not anything like sugar diabetes. If you really believe this your way off. Trust me I have lived with a woman that has this. Yes there are meds to help with this problem. I hope you keep taking your meds and this problem gets better for you in your future. I would go out on a limb and say that there is not one person on here that gives a crap what race you are. Everyone of us is involved in a cross cultural relationship/marriage. When reading your post I see it as woman bashing and race bashing. And thats the reason I asked the mods to keep an evil eye on this as I felt it was heading down the down path. I agree with Don you are trying to play the race card and felt that you offended every race. JMO Bobby....
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