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Robert Fei

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  1. Fei has been here 4 years in June. I applied for her daughter who will be 18 in June. Received the ds3032, just paid the $70, have to send the 3032 to her daughter to sign in China and return to NVC. Will the NVC send the I864 or do I just download it and send in? I have to be in Calf for 2 months and want to take any copies of documents that I will need to send with the I864 with me so I can send it in rather than waiting till I get back home in 2 months. Fei will be visiting her daughter in July and wonder what she should do back in China to make sure her daughter will have everything in order. Thanks Robert
  2. Got a letter and form ds 3032 from portsmouth NH today. States I must pay Affidavit of Support fee $70.00 before they can begin processing my petition. Then it says if applicant intends to adjust status with the USCIS please contact NVC before making payment or taking further action. So I guess I will have to contact NVC? I have to go out to Calif till end of July, and I thought everything was ok till today. Has anyone been through this?? Thanks, Robert
  3. Thanks, Will meet them tomorrow and look at the forms with them. Since she has been here working in the US on a work visa, then met someone and got married do they have to file the I130,I131 ??
  4. Thanks, Will meet them tomorrow and look at the forms with them.
  5. My wife got a call from a friend of hers who has a friend here on a work visa from China. She married a US citizen and doesn't know what forms she will have to send in to immigration. We went the K1 visa route. So what should this couple do now after they got married? I'd offer to help them fill out the papperwork. Robert
  6. I brought Fei here on a fiance visa over 3 years ago. Now I am filling out a I-130 to bring her 17yr old daughter. Question D2 asks, "Have you ever filed a petition for this or any other alien? " So do I put down when I filed for Fei in 2004 or put in N/A? Paperwork never ends! And does anyone know how long for an interview is taking now? Thanks Robert
  7. Form I751 not 765 as posted. Do we need to send in a passport photo? Fei got wrong form # posted.
  8. Is a passport photo needed with the I 765 if living in the US? From the instructions it sounds like just if she is outside the US. We have them to send if needed. Thanks Fei
  9. Ok it's time for the removal oc conditions on residence. Fei took my last name when we were married. So on part one of the form do I put my last name under family name? Then on page 2 other names used, her name before marriage. I believe this is what I do, but dealing with timmigration one never knows. I also wonder how long this process has been taking now, with the influx of filings before the rate increase. And have a Happy New Year, Robert & Fei
  10. My wife would like to bring her daughter to the US when she turns 16 in June of 2007. Right now her ex has custady untill she reaches 16 and can decide who to live with. So what forms would need to be filled out and when should we start the process. Her ex does not want his daughter to go which may cause some problems also. How long is it taking from filing to the interview. Any advice would be helpful. Robert
  11. It has been a year since Fei got her learning permit. Started off in parking lots for about 4 months, then practiced in business park on sundays. Fei went back to China last spring and took 6 weeks of diving training there, but I did not see any improvement. It was difficult to get her to go over 25 in a 45mph road. She says "too fast!" And at night it's too dark! And if it rains, wait till it stops. Have been sending her out with a driving instructor the last 4 weeks once a week. But she does things that are not safe. Like slowing down from 40mph to 25mph when changing a lane. Not going when it is her turn at a stop sign, and cars honk or go around us. Bad left turns. She seems to lack judgement, and needs to pay attention to what she is doing. Can not remember the streets around our area after more than a year. She wants a license so she can practice on her own. I am afraid she will get lost too easily. has anyone else had this problem? In China she always took a bus, taxi or was driven by someone so she never had to pay attention on how she got to her destination.
  12. Got an e-mail tonight AOS I485 approved and card will be ordered and mailed as soon as it is ready! Well my Fei went back to China on April 8th with her AP and was going to stay 2 months unless interview was scheduled. So if they send her green card and she is still in China will she have a problem getting back in the US with the AP? We filed the I485 in august 2005, filed the AP 2/28/06 and got the AP 3/20/06. So how did things speed up so fast? Not complaining, but just think I'm dreaming. So maybe there's hope for the rest of you waiting.
  13. Will Fei have to take her I94 card with her passport and AP documents to re-enter the US? Or is her passport and AP documents all she needs? Robert & Fei
  14. Fei is going to go back to China. Her AP has my last name and her last name as middle name. So do we book a ticket for Fei Ji, so it matches her passport or do we book it with my last name so it matches the AP? I would think immigration would know it was her with Just Fei Ji but we know how the government works sometimes. Robert & Fei
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