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sleepless in Houston&CQ

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Everything posted by sleepless in Houston&CQ

  1. Gosh all this talk bout damn dams.... well makes me damn crazy to think I could build a damn dam or even know the dam impact. but one would think as Bob said The bigger the damn dam the bigger the damn impact
  2. Thanks Roggie for bringing back your Damn, Dam project back to life! Every once a blue moon you do post something worth while As a few of us have condos and or apartments in this area
  3. But, Corbin.... didn't Frankie V say/sing some 40 years ago that "silence is golden?" Silence Is Golden lyrics by Frankie Valli. ... Silence is golden, golden, but my eyes still see Talking is cheap, people follow like sheep ... I would have to say that having the silence treatment is far worst than a beating with a mop.... JMO
  4. Dougie my man No sir in 2.6 years I have not crossed the bridge YET!!
  5. Damn Roggie you got so many homes/comdo/apartments over in the mother land....... my question is which one did my time share pay for? and surely I get more than a cot aka hid a bed stuck in a closet??
  6. What he said................. Congrats Bobby and Emma
  7. Hey Bobbert I don't work for the US mint and get free samples ya' know... Roggie your best friend "we will keep him nameless" Trigg told me that you Did Work for the Mint and always got a few new bills after each run.."20,50,100." just to test, kinda like to make sure they was ok and would be easy to pass off to others....... Well thats the rumor
  8. Roggie This price is crazy!! but I'm sure the price will come down and become more in line with what folks can afford. After all not everyone works for the gummit like you do.
  9. Gosh Roggie I'm touch that your worried..... but Its not a biggie,...... Ok, Ok it was a tiny wager. Tiny being the key word Andrew the check is in the mail!!
  10. Roggie...... once in a while you say the damnest things and they make cents Mr. Bobby... don't get too confused... he's talkin about HIS fruit growing in HIS Fruit of the Looms... oh crap!! This splains a tiny bit bout why its called The Middle Kingdom geezz you can learn so much here at CFL
  11. Roggie...... once in a while you say the damnest things and they make cents
  12. DanR I thought I was the only one.... that ever made this mistake BTW when your wrong your very wrong, no if and butts bout it but when your correct, your only half wrong Seems this training thingie will last a lifetime
  13. Well Darnell welcome home hope by now you have some Tejas soil under your feets O what a beautiful day we'er havin in TEXAS aka "Gods Country" a tiny bit on the windy side..... but lots of sun shine, clear blue sky and bout 14c or 56f
  14. Tsap thanks for not throwin rocks at the winders on my outhouse. I would really hate for cold air to sneak inside our special built outhouse.... "The wifie would complain" if-in you understand my meanin?
  15. LOL, ok Tsap, but that plane was big enough to hold my wifes heart cuz I was sitin right next to her.... as for as pre-nup, thats a big can of worms your tryin to open, but then again I don't have millions of $$$.... but I do have a pot to pi$$ in and 2 winders to throw it out. also I don't live in one of them funny states be good Tsap Bobby....
  16. K1 aka Mark Now be being from Texas and I know I ain't so smart in math but just how in the hell are you going to get a semi truck across that big pond??? We just paid for a container had it put on one of those Big A$$ sail boats. Ok maybe it wasn't a sail boat but we got door to door service. but of course we do thingies a bit different in Gods country
  17. Yeap Mike for the time being we don't have to pay property tax in China. But I see it coming down the road in the future for us that have bigger condo's, apartments, etc. If China does impose this tax thingie so be it, but for the time being I'm going to take advantage of the free tax ride.
  18. Texican Lee I wish that Emma and I could do something to make those folks in GZ move a tiny bit faster..... but we both know thats not gonna to happen. Emma wants her sister here, but I'm sure its not as bad as you want your better half and daughter here, home in the Lone Star State. Ain't no place better than Gods country with your family by your side! JMO..... I'm sure other will disagree... so be it!!! I feel for you, but all you can do is hurry up and wait. Your day is coming...but when is the million $$$ question take care and hang in there Bobby/Emma
  19. Roggie guess I missed that tiny bit of info I will have to agree with you bout some of this "secret stuff" around some very not so strange places.... Even in a few other citys "not that I'll name" I seen some thingies well that didn't appear as they seem ~~~
  20. Thanks Randy, we can always count on you to find those deep dark days of past.... kinda like fash backs
  21. As to why to marry in China, there are any number of reasons. For us it was cheaper,"Her family and college classmates paid for it" also this was done for her family and friends and made her feel safe that I was seriously committing to her. Also once my wife got here she had a 2 year green card, SS# and a State ID card, bank account, credit cards, etc with in 2-3 weeks. and now is working on going back to college for her MBA We have been married 2 years last Nov 25 and she has been in the States for just over 1 year.... of course she has gone back to the Mother land 3 times in the past year to take care of some minor business problems and once to help walk our son thur the interview in GZ. durning the summer break. We didn't want him missing any school And also to pack and have all her stuff shipped over here viva freight liner, and to rent out her apartment with a 2 year contract and 1 year paid up front. Ski some of us have a happy life...... but... "once you get the hang of saying YES DEAR" Divorce is NOT in our future. And I NEVER get angry eggs for breakfast. Sorry Don, but....... Roggie made me say that!!!!
  22. Our CR1 took 349 days. From start to finish with the Visa in hand I think it would have be 2-3 weeks faster though NVC if I didn't have to resend some from, "forget the number" check, recheck and recheck and recheck and recheck did I say recheck?..... cross your T's and dot your I's NA and None means the world to those gumnie folks JMO Bobby....
  23. Roggie one would think you have been drinkin to much of that mushieroom tea!!
  24. Emma and I had a REAL Chinese wedding in China and it was cool. We went and picked up the RED BOOK in ChongQing and then took a flight to Shanghai. For the wedding which was held the following day. The cost depends on how deep your pockets are? I'm not sure the total cost as Auntie and Uncle paid for some stuff. Emma's old college class mates paid some stuff and with those RED Envelopes, I'm almost sure covered the rest of the bill
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