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Everything posted by georgeandli

  1. Conclusions were leaping all over IMHO. Just to recap, Dennis wanted advice what to tell Al. Al wanted to know what to expect when he goes to China. Al has been working through a translator. There hasn't been any first hand communication here yet. Is that about what it boils down to, Dennis? The fact that it's family has nothing to do with it. There is no visa fraud. If and when a visa is applied for, Al and whoever better make sure not to start the clock on the relationship till after they meet. This will be the blindest of blind dates. As a sidebar I must be a bigger lecher than Al cause there's a wider age difference tween Li and I. Matchmaking has been a profession in China for centuries.
  2. California has an english version you can download and print out. Get lots of paper, its big
  3. The clock on the 90 days starts on arrival in the US. Wait about two weeks after arrival to apply for SSN.
  4. You know tsap, I think that's what honks me off about the deal. Okay, play the "game" bone fide whatever. But at least follow through and give us the reason so we can rebut/appeal. When the ball is dropped by them at that stage, that's where the lack of oversight comes in. Since it worked out for me, I shouldn't care. BUT I DO. That is what the rules/regulations say. IMHO
  5. So when the paper shuffling finally gets done are ya gonna rebut/appeal?
  6. Maybe try a I-864 on your own first. I've no idea how to REF[?] it but David and Randy will dig up applicable stuff. Total BS IMHO.
  7. Al wasn't really talking to anyone but "auntie", right? I WOULD however tell ALL concerned not to expect anything until principals meet. It's like the Dating Game with the same person answering the questions for all three. Maybe try to get AL and Jie to e-mail each other. Get auntie out of the mix asap.
  8. GZBILL, I agree with what you say. However, won't sending grads back for more school just push the problem back? Is the mind set that much different? You know more education=better job and more $.
  9. What NewDay2006 [my personal hero for staying the course] said. Plus it gives you the added bonus of getting the story out and keeping you busy. When my congressmans guy told me congress had no control over DOS I said wait a minute, Those folks sign off on their budget. On some level they have to be responsive. At the time he was Speaker of the House.
  10. Here you go; First get a copy of the VOs report at the interview. The specifics will be checked off in boxes on this form. For each checked box they will list court cases to support the findings. There was a synopsis by the VO on ours. Before you have this info, IMHO, you are spinning your wheels trying to argue legalities, especially here where people are on your side. Second when you get notified by the USCIS that they have the returned petition from GUZ follow the directions in the packet they send you to the LETTER. This is my advice. Bear in mind I filed K-1 and that's what happened OUR case and yours my not be the same.
  11. Six figures with no clear idea of what they will "do" after college. Better or the same kind of house the folks had. Parents around the world want their kids to have it better then they did. Giving them the opportunity doesn't make it happen. I'm optimistic, but realism says we all must be cautious now.
  12. I kinda thought you'd get it,griz I hope the poster got my drift also. No faster way to get shut down than personal attacks. Then all relevant and helpful info is lost.
  13. Let me suggest before this gets shut down we all pause a minute. On one level, stay pissed. Don't rag on replies to a reply to a post sure to start issues. Focus is the key here. GUZ wouldn't waste manpower to Trojan horse this site. Come clean, griz You need the specifics for the white no matter what, IMHO. I don't think there's anyone here that will try to give any info to sabotage with bad advice.
  14. The petition goes back to the office where it was originally filed. The breakdown seems to happen when it does get back, the petitioner can't get the info from USCIS with the specifics from GUZ.
  15. I don't know about the cost [$] of an appeal. After Li and I got NOIDed we had the opportunity to rebut. The petition was returned stateside and the only cost was postage.
  16. With the K-1 you must MARRY within the 90 days of entry. Nowhere does it say you must file for AOS that fast. Just remember the clock starts ticking for filing for the ten year green AFTER you get the two year.
  17. Apples and oranges. "Basic" human rights can occur under many different systems. However people get there isn't issue, it's that they GET there.
  18. LeeFisher3, You left out one part in your breakdown. The petitioner starts the whole thing out by filing with USCIS. My understanding is after they approve it goes through DOS. DOS does their thing vetting the beneficiary. This is where you skipped/missed what IMHO is the biggest obstacle with a NOID. USCIS can't tell you about DOS. When the individual can't get the specifics, rebut what? I, for one, fail to see how notifying the petitioner the specifics in his/her case could compromise national security or the ability to detect visa scammers. I don't know enough about the law or constitution quote anything. I do know getting evidence about charges made against you or your actions is in there somewhere. JMHO
  19. Cheap or expensive is relative. Look at it this way, if you were dating stateside would you be spending 2 grand over 6 months or so? I went two times. In 04 to meet Li in the flesh. Came back and filed K-1. Three blues and a white later went back in 06. According to GUZ you only need to go once. IMHO, go as often and as many times as you can. Go on credit cards if you must. Think big picture here.
  20. You mean the most common elements listed among CFL posters who got more information then not bona fide? IMHO the sampling at CFL is to small as compared to the ammount of petitions raining down on GUZ to get valid results.
  21. Don't know about time at NVC. Seems like through the process was about 90 days per stop. I would guess most dated/notarized [eligible to marry] good for a year. Update financials and get everything current, don't give them anything to slow it down.
  22. DOS is looking for sensitive jobs. Spy stuff. I don't condone illegal stuff, but things are what they are. Egg and milk money doesn't worry anyone.
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