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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I'm up to 340. I'll let you know if I find all 44,000. Typical Illini..... That's typical Redbird to you.
  2. Saw this on CCTV this morning. Sounds like things are pretty bad with all the snow and ice in some of the provinces. They were shutting down rail lines and highways as well.
  3. If you really think she's playing a game with you, then I think you've pretty much answered your own question no? I'll be honest with my opinion. As I read your post I was thinking that she sounded pretty immature. Then when I saw her age it made sense. I'm sure there are plenty of very mature 24 year olds in China. She doesn't sound like one of them. Sorry.
  4. Mark, right now 50F would be down right balmy compared to the weather we have up here in Chicago and Detroit areas. My hands have been killing me for the past couple days with this change in weather from cold to real cold. And just think, my misses is sittin in 17F degree weather and won't use the dadgum heater I bought her. I can hear her say too much. No gooda............ She always says "expensive." I always tell her that i will give her money for this and I want her to be comfortable but she is stuck in her ways. I guess I can't compete with her 39 years of experience. Funny, but Oh so true!!!!!!!!!! When it comes to the $$, I have given in and just ler her handle them, not ever winning that battle. I have given up my side of the bed, food, what battles did I win?? Dave, where is that great list again?? Workin on it. For some reason it keeps getting longer.
  5. CONGRATS!! Did you get Colin Powell's signature?
  6. I'm up to 340. I'll let you know if I find all 44,000.
  7. Sorry I'm late. CONGRATS!! p.s. That's a tall Tut.
  8. Dave, I'd like to say more about this post but it's just too damn late and I need to get to bed. I will say one thing though. If this is really true: You have my sympathies. Dave You're right, it is confusing.
  9. Yes we should promote this type of behavior. Why don't we let our children subscribe to Hustler or some cable TV sex channel that shows beastiality? Let us show our future that the unglorius Sodomites are wonderful people and same sex marriage is a blessing. That would be Jolly good fun wouldn't? Pornography is for the social malcontented introverts that love to promote their thumb and 4 fingers and beleive in fantasy lovers. You say you do not watch Porn in China? What do you do you wait until you get home and watch it so your forearms look like Popeye's? Thank you Jerry Falwell. Dear Illinois Dave, I read a a number or your posts the last few days and I have found many of them very intelligent and enlightning. You are a very sharp man. My question to you is why do you wish to start uproar with your fellow CFL members with you remarks of negativity? You can not win nor can they in this pissing contest. The best thing to do is for all of us is not to play the game. So why didn't you post this the first time instead of tossing out a post insinuating that my reticence to some members seeming joy at Chinese gov't censorship of the internet was a promotion of children being given Hustler and beastiality on cable tv? Not to mention the not-so-veiled label "social malconted introvert." I'm being negative? As for your "clever" reference to Popeye and the activity you allude to regarding his forearms? 98 percent of men participate in this activity and the other 2 percent lie about it. B) There was no pissing match until you chimed in. I merely pointed out what I saw was the irony in US citizens,especially ones on THIS forum, having no problem with the Chinese government denying to it's citizens the same rights that many citizens here believe shouldn't even be in question. Now you or I may not happen to like what the content is that's being censored/blocked/denied, but should we really be in a position to decide what's acceptable for the citizens of China or any other country when we don't stand for that here? I don't wish to start any uproar with my fellow CFL members Tony. But I do hope to encourage them to look at things from a different perspective occasionally, and I hope they afford me the same opportunity. It's called a free and open discussion. And I don't consider it a game. Best wishes. Dave
  10. Yes we should promote this type of behavior. Why don't we let our children subscribe to Hustler or some cable TV sex channel that shows beastiality? Let us show our future that the unglorius Sodomites are wonderful people and same sex marriage is a blessing. That would be Jolly good fun wouldn't? Pornography is for the social malcontented introverts that love to promote their thumb and 4 fingers and beleive in fantasy lovers. You say you do not watch Porn in China? What do you do you wait until you get home and watch it so your forearms look like Popeye's? Thank you Jerry Falwell.
  11. Been there, done that. B) The funny thing Dave, my two trips to Shenzhen in January and June of 2007 it did not seem as bad?? Yeah, when we stayed in Shenzhen during the interview process we had no trouble. Beijing was kinda hit or miss though. Strange for sure, if you look at some of my P-3 posts, feng already knows the path to GZU!! 2 hour train ride four times already?? Yeah, we did three bus rides back and forth between SZN and GUZ for medical/interview/pickup. Don't mind if I never see that highway again.
  12. Been there, done that. The funny thing Dave, my two trips to Shenzhen in January and June of 2007 it did not seem as bad?? B) Yeah, when we stayed in Shenzhen during the interview process we had no trouble. Beijing was kinda hit or miss though.
  13. Gosh, it's awfully big of you guys to happily toss away another of the average Chinese citizen's rights like that. I'm sure they appreciate it. I don't care to look at porn when I'm in China and while it may be no skin off your nose that you can't see it either, I'm sure at least some of the 1.3 billion citizens there may prefer to maintain that right. What other kinds of things that YOU don't care for would you like to see the Chinese gov't take away?
  14. Authentication: You need to go to your local notary (within the county you live in), and have your document notarized. $10 - $15. Then you will need to go to your county office and pay them to certify that the notary is indeed a registered notary within your county of residence. $26.00. You will then need to have the Sectary of State put there seal on the document once they verify everything is kosher. $26.00. Then all you need to do is run on over to your local consulate and pay them 40.00 to authenticate the document -- they will put their seal of approval on it. Well at least they make it convenient.
  15. Censoring porn, here or in China, is not just stupid...but it accomplishes nothing constructive.
  16. I just found this on another visarite page: Oops, you missed the last train! According to <<Chinese Passport Law>>, effective January 01, 2007, Chinese Passport extension will not be performed any longer. Instead, applicant must apply for new passport in person at the Chinese Consulate. For details, please contact with Chinese Consulate directly (FYI: Tel: 212 244-9456 ). VisaRite can only help those applicants who are either under age of 12, or over age of 65, or those who are unable to travel to due to medical reasons (like permanently disabled), to renew their passports by mailing application directly to VisaRite. Doesn't look good for doing it by mail.
  17. I found this blurb on their website. http://www.nyconsulate.prchina.org/eng/lsqz/default.htm http://www.nyconsulate.prchina.org/eng/lsqz/t196283.htm 4. The following applications can be done by mail according to the instructions on our website: 1) Chinese passport renewal; 2) Authentication. But please be noticed that no visa can be done by mail services. I couldn't find the actual instructions as to how to renew by mail. Maybe someone else can figure it out. Here's the phone#: 212-244 9456 Maybe try calling them? OR: Visarite will do it for a fee. Here's the link for the Chinese passport renewal. http://www.visarite.com/ChinesePassportRenewal.htm Still looking for instructions on how to do it yourself.
  18. Sorry to hear about the inconvenience. Hopefully it'll be short-lived.
  19. I'm gonna see the glass as half full and think it's gotta be positive.
  20. Mark's right, the transcripts meet the requirement. But if you can take/send the W2s or copies, I'd do it. Why take a chance?
  21. Have you been to the designated post office to try and get it?
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