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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll add this to my daily reading list.
  2. CONGRATS! That should help warm up this cold Chicago winter.
  3. The only thing I can think is that they're just not absolutely sure based on the info you provided that you've actually been living together as a family in China. Maybe you took it too much for granted that since you listed your Beijing address and listed the overseas income that GUZ would put two and two together on their own? I'm just throwing out ideas here, not criticizing. You or I or most normal people would be able to look at your info and say, "Oh, he's lived in Beijing for 5 years and there's a child, so therefore they must be a loving family." Unfortunately GUZ doesn't work that way. They need things spelled out for them. As far as the question about your parents? Maybe the VO is thinking, "This guy's lived here 5 years, they have a baby, and his parents haven't been to see them?" Again, just thinking out loud. It wouldn't raise any red flags for me or most people, but it may have for the VO. Maybe you could include a short statement that financial or health limitations were the reason your parents were unable to visit you in China. Again, just thinking out loud. Someone else here may not think that's a good idea since they didn't request it. So depending on what others think about the statement about your parents, I suggest you first give them a detailed list of list of all the trips you made to China before you started living there, if you made any. And then all the trips back and forth to the states that you made. I would also say somewhere on the list "Living in China from XXX mo./yr. to XXX mo./yr. just to remind them. Then give them the evolution of relationship letter mentioning your travels to China before you two met, how you met, how your relationship evolved, when you married/started living together,when the baby was born etc etc. I think once you make it clear that you're an actual family, it'll satisfy whatever doubts they have. I don't know why it wouldn't. Also, did you include plenty of family pictures with your intial filing or at the interview? You may want to do that with your evolution letter again. Someone here may disagree with that as well. Just throwing it out there trying to cover all bases. I"m sure you'll get more feedback from those with better insight than me. Best of luck again.
  4. You're not thinking of this one are you? http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...c=23405&hl= That's for permission to travel with a minor from the US. Maybe someone who's been through it can provide the wording from their letter. Good luck. Thanks for looking Dave, but........... I need the letter feng's ex needs to sign so daughter can come with Mom (K-2)! Yeah. I thought maybe the OP was thinking of this one as it's similar to what he's looking for. I don't remember a sample letter of permission from an ex in China. Maybe one exists though.
  5. You're not thinking of this one are you? http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...c=23405&hl= That's for permission to travel with a minor from the US. Maybe someone who's been through it can provide the wording from their letter. Good luck.
  6. Yes, you're liberal use of the word liberal does lend itself to a liberal interpretation of your meaning.
  7. Liberal democratic model? WTF does that mean? Are you blaming the fact that here in the west anyone can own their own car and drive it whenever they want on liberals? I'm pretty sure we're not entirely responsible for that particular freedom but if you want to give us credit for it, who are we to argue.
  8. No, they will only accept a green card for this purpose. Different names on passport and AP were not an issue for us as well. The ticket was in her passport name and AP in her married name. Thanks Lee. I think I'm gettin it through this thick skull now. I was confused about what Carl said about them wanting to see her AP and passport, thinking he meant they needed to match. I was getting my "theys" confused. It sounds like you're both saying that the AP doc and passport don't have to match in regards to what our gov't needs. I'm thinkin too much today.
  9. Yes they will. My wife traveled to China before we had the amendment made on her passport. She had to buy the ticket in her maiden name since that is what's on her passport. All they wanted to see when she came back was her green card. In your case the AP and her passport with stamp. They are mainly concerned with the documents that allow her to stay here and travel outside the country. A question in another thread got me thinking about this. Even though we applied for AP in her Chinese name to match her passport, they sent the NOA1s back for all three (AOS,AP,EAD) with her given/family/married name. If the AP actually comes back that way, then we'll definately need to get the annotation in her passport won't we since the AP doc and passport won't match? Which takes me back to the question: Will the CHINESE CONSULATE accept the AP doc with her married name in lieu of the GC if she hasn't gotten it by the time she wants to travel?
  10. Yep. We put given name as first, family name as middle and married name as last on AOS and EAD. But we left her Chinese name as is on the AP app. But when we got the NOAs back, they ALL had her name as we put it on AOS and EAD. I hope that doesn't cause any problems.
  11. I am glad you see we are only trying to help you in the best way possible (and others too). I don't know Dave. I think let him wait a few more months for the secret Illinois pre-arrival list and watch him squirm. Yeah, no need to let him get too far ahead and make us look bad in comparison. I just want to make sure I do not go to that same ssn # office you went to!! Gee, and here we were, going to tell you that they will only accept a money order and not cash, as stated on the form. I just want to avoid the one where Dave wanted to have a name change? Stay away from Joliet.
  12. I am glad you see we are only trying to help you in the best way possible (and others too). I don't know Dave. I think let him wait a few more months for the secret Illinois pre-arrival list and watch him squirm. Yeah, no need to let him get too far ahead and make us look bad in comparison.
  13. Thanks, Make it pink. We are having a daughter, due in May. I am quickly going to be outnumbered. My wife and her (now our) daughter and a new daughter on the way. Three against one, specially with the bathroom. OH BOY. My small apartment with ONE bathroom is not going to cut it. Before my wife gets here I need to find a bigger place. Sorry MARK, That's what I get for not proofreading. Yes, you're in for some serious re-training my friend. And get on the phone to that real estate agent ASAP.
  14. Great News Mike!! And congratulations on being the first new CFL couple of 2008! Don will let you know what prizes you've won.
  15. I agree with Mike. It's great that you're so well organized and have all that stuff ready for her. But definately SAVE IT. If she needs it for overcome, she'll have it. But like Mike says, anything over and above the required info opens her up to extra scrutiny. Not to mention putting added stress on her trying to remember where all that stuff is in the middle of an already stressful event. KISS is the best policy.
  16. CBS, Sorry to hear about the blue. It sounds pretty straight forward as far as what they're asking for. It seems a little strange that they asked about your family going to China to meet her though. Just give them what they ask for, nothing more. Your wife won't have a second interview, she'll just drop off the docs they asked for. Others who've been through the blue slip process will give you more info on what to expect. Make sure you provide documents that show YOU paid for the trips if that was the case and you didn't provide them in the intial filing. If you did, I'd mention it again in the statement about the trips. I don't think you'll have a problem after giving them what they want. Best of luck to all of you.
  17. I may have confused the issue. I think Carl's "they" was the USG and my "they" was the Chinese consulate. He can clarify though.
  18. Yes they will. My wife traveled to China before we had the amendment made on her passport. She had to buy the ticket in her maiden name since that is what's on her passport. All they wanted to see when she came back was her green card. In your case the AP and her passport with stamp. They are mainly concerned with the documents that allow her to stay here and travel outside the country. Thanks Carl. I guess I was worried about a non-existent problem. The "they" I was referring to was the Chinese Consulate if we were to try and get the AKA inserted into her passport. I was considering doing this an added layer of protection. But as you point out, as long as the US gov't accepts her docs for travel, it doesn't really matter what the Chinese gov't accepts for AKA.
  19. That sucks if we really have to wait until she gets the GC before getting an AKA in the passport? What if she wants to travel on AP before getting the GC? Do you think they would accept the AP doc with her married name in lieu of a GC? Or how about a state ID with her married name?
  20. Yes. This makes it official. https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=coa "The law requires nearly all non-U.S. Citizens1 to report a change of address within 10 days of moving by completing a Form AR-11. Abiding by these legal requirements and completing the necessary forms does not update an address on any applications or petitions pending with USCIS. Non-citizens with pending cases must do both. 1. The only persons exempt from this requirement are nonimmigrants currently in A or G status (e.g. foreign government officials and international organization aliens) and certain nonimmigrants who do not possess a visa and whose current stay in the U.S. has not exceeded or will not exceed 29 days."
  21. I won't argue with Ron or the OP that it's crap. But if you want to follow the path of least resistance, just provide the evidence. You've come this far by playing by their rules. Why jeopordize this next step in a long process because you don't like them?
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