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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. One option that some suggested,and we chose, is to use her Chinese name as is appears on her passport for the AP docs so they match when she travels. Just a suggestion.
  2. I just typed up the info; date,location,people in picture etc onto some 1X3 labels and stuck them on the back of the pics. Or you could just write in on there as well.
  3. Wow! We have our interview on 03/12. Almost the same! Congrats Mike and Lily!
  4. I just put our pics in plastic album filler pages that each hold 6 pics. 7 sheets, 42 pics in all. Punched holes in the top with a two-hole punch and fastened them together with an Acco fastener. That allowed for the VO to flip through them easily and, if needed, take them out to read the info on the back. The VO only flipped through a few pages. So make sure you put your best ones including ones with her family etc., close to the front.
  5. Good job staying firm. It helps to know what the hell you're talking about.
  6. Well, I've lived near Chicago almost my entire life,including five years in the city itself. IMO it doesn't compare at all to the vibrance of Shanghai at least. Yes, maybe part of it is the fact that there are so many people everywhere. But Shanghai just has a kind of pulse that you feel everywhere you go, 24/7. The same can't be said of Chi-town, IMHO. Does that mean that Chicago is boring? Not hardly. But if your looking for pure non-stop excitement, I'd pick Shanghai over it anytime.
  7. CONGRATS!! We're hoping for the same thing.
  8. Roger, could you please clarify the above quote? What kind of certificate can you get from the county/state given that you're already married? Good question.
  9. Nice post Nick. I'm extremely jealous of the whole "living in Shanghai for a year/travelling to all corners of China" thing. Damn you for living MY dream. I would just add that I think part of what may contribute to the perception by some that the US is boring once you've been to China is the whole familiar vs unfamiliar aspect. From my perspective anyway, everything in China was new,fascinating and unfamilar. Compared to that, life here could be perceived by some to be quite boring.
  10. That was nice of them. I'll make a few copies just in case.
  11. Got both the EAD card and AP docs on the same day. We got two copies of the I-512L. I forget, what's the extra copy for?
  12. Congrats on the interview date. Everyone should remember the first rule when dealing with the gov't during this wonderful process: 1. Suspend all rational thought.
  13. As I sit in front of my computer with my mouth open in disbelief, I just get angrier and angrier. That is a load of BS! All I can think to do is apologize somehow. I'm stunned. This person has no business working in ANY job that deals with the public, let alone one that requires the kind of sensitivity this one does. Amazing. I'm so sorry for both of you. Hopefully you'll get someone else next time.
  14. CONGRATS on the date!! We also got ours in two days, but it's best to wait until you have it in hand to buy tickets. Good luck. B)
  15. That's great news Yimi! Congrats to both of you. B)
  16. Yeah, good luck. Hope your collection of EAD approvals doesn't have to get too much bigger.
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