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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Chinese companies having trouble filling open jobs. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-02...ent_6464947.htm
  2. Welcome to Candle. I have a feeling this won't be your last question. Don't hesitate.
  3. no problem... I searched through four of them before I found it Thanks will need this Monday already on it' way to Shenzhen!!!! Well we got pat a big road block as of yesterday!! The ex signed over daughter with no problems, did not ask for anything!! He just hopes she will be safe, cared for and maybe go to university here. I told my feng to tell him all three will happen and thanks!! B) Mark and feng!! Glad to hear it Mark. Let's hope the rest of your road is as smooth.
  4. One last question if I may? Shall I list my wife on I-864 Question 24b and then check Box 24e, or just check Box 24e and write N/A for 24b? Thanks so much for helping me to see daylight with forms! (fyi, my income above $40k, so not listing assets) Michael, I think you can just leave 24b blank and put her name in 24e as you indicated. If you're not comfortable leaving it blank, then NONE would be more appropriate I think. OR You could use form I-864EZ and not have to worry about it.
  5. Sam could you explain better how you go about getting the students transcript transferred, and translated to english. I called the local high school, and the one item I don't know how to get is a "Certified grade transcript" translated to english. My wife in China will check with the school, but if you know the process, I am sure I am others would like to know. Thanks Yes, can you give us the name of the company in Chicago please?
  6. Geez, you HAVE waited a long time. Glad to hear you finally got it.
  7. I think you're still within the non-worrying biometrics window.
  8. That's what's scaring me. The number of those in China will obviously be much greater than here, along with the impact. And I'm afraid the effect will be felt much greater and much farther up the economic class ladder than here.
  9. Hi Clayton. Good to hear from you. Ours was transferred as well as a few others here lately. The consensus seems to be that it's at the very least not a bad thing and some have menitoned that it would mean a better chance of approval without interview. Don't know it there's any evidence for that or not. We've got our fingers crossed.
  10. Potentially 300 million unemployed.....that would be like if nobody in the US had a job...no matter how you look at it, from a US growth, world growth, or purely a internal Chinese problem...this is not good. The impact of such an occurance will be felt everwhere... My wife, who is without a doubt the smartest business person I've ever known, has been telling me that it is becoming very difficult to "make money" in China now. One of her friends, a virtual genius commodities trader, no longer trades because of the volatility of the market. She won't even sell short because of the uncertainty. A good part of the problem is rooted in the faltering U.S. economy. I've been saying for quiet a while now, if the U.S. economy sneezes, the Chinese economy will catch pneumonia. A couple of weeks ago Wall Street had a bad day. The Shanghai dropped 5%. We may all be in for a rough ride. CCP sees inflation as being their big problem but will probably abandon that policy concern if unemployment really gets out of hand. That could be very bad for them but better for us, IF we can keep OUR act together. We'll see what happens here in November. Mike, I'd be interested to know what your wife thinks about this for the long-haul. Does she think things will ever go back to the days when it was easier to "make money" in China. Or has that bubble burst for good?
  11. Sounds like you've got a whole season's worth of episodes there. Can't wait to hear them. Good luck with the interview date.
  12. What, scrolling to hard for ya? I changed it. Thanks.
  13. Yes, her English is pretty good. The Juco she's taking classes at has six levels for ESL, she was placed in the fourth level and is easily the top student in her class. Her English is more than passable here in suburban Chicago.
  14. Have you considered ESL classes? It would really boost her confidence. Christine loves 'em. She could work and go to class part time. That's our plan anyway.
  15. Welcome to Candle Richard. Start here: http://candleforlove.com/FAQ/CFL_EZ_FAQ.htm#Acro_A
  16. We're going through this now as well. Just started though. Not the best time to be looking for a job economy-wise. There are some out there though. Wouldn't Continental and other airlines have a need for Chinese/English speaking flight attendants? Or is it that you're afraid her English isn't good enough to get by? Good luck in your search.
  17. It's really not that big a deal. Just a little extra paperwork. It's more for the protection of the women than anything else. I think that's a good thing. How is anyone violating your freedom of choice?
  18. BTW, welcome to Candle oscar. You're right, this site is very helpful and if you pursue your relationship with this lady, it will be invaluable and well worth the price of admission. I'll second what Roger said about cheap calling cards and verbal communication. Do a search here and you'll find plenty of recommendations by members who've used them.
  19. Is chnlove this "Marraige Broker"? I signed up to meet a woman from China, not a meat market. Let me know. Thanks. Yes, technically Chnlove does fall into this category. They don't however fall into all the other categories some here have painted all Chinese matchmaking companies to be in. They're not ALL scum. They don't ALL charge "extremely large fees" for their services. They don't ALL just troll for unsuspecting men. We used Chnlove and are both happy with our experience. All her dealings with the company were professional and above-board. My wife paid 100 RMB at the time because she could already speak English. Currently I believe the fee to join is 1200 RMB for Chinese ladies but from what I've heard it can be negotiated in some cases. Is this an "extremely large fee"? Maybe for some women in poorer cities or areas. But for women like my wife who had a good paying career, it's not that far off what you could pay for a comparable service like eharmony or match.com here. As for men who visit/join some of these sites being "unsuspecting"? C'mon, you go to these websites and if you're not following the rule of Caveat Emptor then you get what you deserve. Do some have very bad experiences through some of these sites? Sure. But there are many of us who've had equally good experiences. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Chnlove as a place to make the initial contact. From there you just need to use your own good common sense, as with any matchmaking site. Edit: I was typing my response as Roger posted his so... What he said too.
  20. Our CS insisted Christine get the final booster shot here. (Not sure for which one) He was from Taiwan, he spoke Mandarin,she trusted him so she got the booster. The only inconvenience it caused was we had to wait about a week until the time limit ran out from the first set of shots in China.
  21. Don't worry Jay, it'll be plenty climatic.
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