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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Yes, that is the way it is at the Consulate in Guangzhou. You first get your PP checked at the 4th floor portal. You take the escalator to the 5th floor and go through the security/metal detector checks and then go into the large waiting room. You then form up in a line at one of the windows, where a clerk will check your PP again, and issue you a call number and the standard form which you fill out with all of your petitioner/ beneficiary data, and GUZ case number, as well as the subject matter of your question. You then take a seat with the mixed group of both those who are there for evidence for overcome action and those who are there for ACH. As you noted, they recently moved the starting time one hour, now at 3:00 p.m. It always started at 2:00 in the past. Similar to the configuration of the DMV offices in Calif, you then take a seat and wait until your number is called on the PA system, directing you to one of the dozen or more bank style security windows. Each window has a lighted number above it. Then you meet one-on-one with an agent/VO, who will address your question. Yes, it is individual and not a group therapy session. As my wife lives in Guangzhou, and her office is just minutes from the Consulate, I have been able to attend the ACH three times now, in the past twelve months; each time with a question over Lao Po and/or our daughter. Just returned home this evening. thx.. but i might of went to the wrong area. right after the the secutity check on the 5th floor.. i was set to the big room. i ask wher was the ACh, and the security guard told me to go to the left room the one pass the security check. the room is small with a few rows of chairs in the back. there was no forms to be fill out. al there is was a windows to hand in your passport and just wait to be called ( by name ). unless u r speaking of the big room, where i saw lots of people. but i did not see a form anywhere. but anyway is done. i will give my passport to my Fiancee when she heads to her interview on Wednesday. while i was up on the 5th and my finacee was waiting for me at the cafe. she over heard 2 couples pass with pink slip. but they also menton that one of their friend got a blue due to a few trick question that was answer incorrectly. Good luck with her interview.
  2. You played The Doors "Light My Fire" no doubt? That would have been cool. But...........we were hired my a "country" radio station so country music was the flavor of the moment. Seems kinda odd, huh? Odd? Georgia?
  3. And you played The Doors "Light My Fire" no doubt?
  4. At the time we met/decided to file, the conventional wisdom was that K-1 was a little quicker. I'm not sure if that's still the case now. We wanted to be together as soon as possible but didn't necessarily want the pressure of meeting/getting married in the span of 10 days on my first trip. So I filed as soon as I got back. I'm sure you'll get plenty of pros and cons for each visa type. Good luck. I gotta ditto this. Our goal was being together as quickly as possible. Back in 2005, K1 was the quickest. I figured once she was here, we could deal with the AOS, that wasnt so much a concern when I filed for the K1. Another reason is we didnt know each other that deeply yet. You really dont know someone until you've been with them face to face on a daily basis. I mean, what made us angry, how we dealt with stress, how we handled our money, how we will deal with difficult situations, are we were truly compatible, do we just make each other mad, etc etc etc. By filing K1, the wait time gave us more opportunity to get to know each other, and give us both an 'out' if something went wrong. The K1 also gave us 90 days in the US to be living together to further see if we are compatible. Of course, that is really not enough time, but on the other hand, getting married so fast, such as a first or second trip to China can be a big mistake for many. Yes. Ken and others make a very good point that can't be stressed enough. After we filed, we talked on the phone every day and emailed almost as often. Plus, I was able to make another trip to China to spend time together. Even though we knew we wanted to be together before I even went the first time, this extra time in the interim between filing and interview really helped us get to know each other much better and solidified our relationship. While this level of contact can't equal actually living under the same roof, it does give each of you a good idea of what makes the other tick.
  5. April 9th. San Francisco, the only stop in the US. http://www.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/03/2...eref=rss_latest
  6. C'mon Darnell. Give her a break will ya? Yeah, reading the FAQs and doing some searches is good advice. But sometimes it's nice to hear from people with their personal experiences and opinions.
  7. Man Michigan is strict! Sorry to hear that. But I'd bet your not too far away from getting GC, maybe without an interview? Hope so. Good luck and have fun at Disney.
  8. At the time we met/decided to file, the conventional wisdom was that K-1 was a little quicker. I'm not sure if that's still the case now. We wanted to be together as soon as possible but didn't necessarily want the pressure of meeting/getting married in the span of 10 days on my first trip. So I filed as soon as I got back. I'm sure you'll get plenty of pros and cons for each visa type. Good luck.
  9. Yes! This struck me from my very first trip,which was primarily Shanghai, a traffic watcher's Valhalla. While the sound of horns was constant, they never seemed to be in reaction to what someone else had done or wasn't doing. In fact whenever someone did something that in the States would've surely drawn at least a honk and/or an extended digit, never a sound was made. Just one of the things about traffic in China that constantly amazed me. Thanks again David for the blog. Each one seems to take me back to China in one way or another.
  10. Thank you Thomas Crown (Affair). Saw the original with Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway the other night. I recall that song was nominated for Best Song. But enough of that... Yes! Texas use to be littered with at first Working windmills usually to ensure that the cows had water (a level could be rigged to turn it off or you just climbed up and geared it off), then non-working windmills, now if I ever see one I get misty-eyed nostalgic about them same as when I smell cow poo-poo. Really! Here in Illinois the new thing is those big white electricity-generating windmill "farms" that are starting to sprout up around the state. I know they're not new, just relatively new for Illinois. I wonder how long before they start putting them up in China. Seems like they'd be useful, especially in some of the more rural areas. Maybe they already have them. Anybody seen any in China? I just read an article today in Outdoor Illinois about how before we go crazy putting wind farms all over the Prairie State studies must be done on the impacts of threatened and endangered bird species to make sure the farms won't foul up the fowl's migratory patterns and stuff. They better hurry cause they're already putting some up down around where my parents live. It'll be an interesting test case because these particular ones are going in around a nuke plant with cooling lakes that geese fly in and out of daily.
  11. Thank you Thomas Crown (Affair). Saw the original with Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway the other night. I recall that song was nominated for Best Song. But enough of that... Yes! Texas use to be littered with at first Working windmills usually to ensure that the cows had water (a level could be rigged to turn it off or you just climbed up and geared it off), then non-working windmills, now if I ever see one I get misty-eyed nostalgic about them same as when I smell cow poo-poo. Really! Here in Illinois the new thing is those big white electricity-generating windmill "farms" that are starting to sprout up around the state. I know they're not new, just relatively new for Illinois. I wonder how long before they start putting them up in China. Seems like they'd be useful, especially in some of the more rural areas. Maybe they already have them. Anybody seen any in China?
  12. You should read some of the past threads on this. This one is pretty tame compared to those...so far.
  13. Like a circle in a spiral Like a wheel within a wheel Never ending or beginning On an ever-spinning reel As the images unwind Like the circles that you find In the windmills of your mind
  14. Big Brother Big Government.... Bu Hao! Clean Lungs Less Cancer... Hooyah!
  15. Yeah, they're Nazis for not wanting to breath selfish,inconsiderate smokers' disgusting pollution. That's a reasonable statement.
  16. Congrats on the NOA2! Can't answer your question as I have no experience with kids, yet.
  17. I see Dan is on the board. So he'll be along shortly to correct me/elaborate on what I've said.
  18. I didn't have to deal with the divorce issue so I'm not as familiar with it. I do know that many have gotten blue-slipped asking for more info on an ex. You should try as hard as you can to get all the info you can on your ex, SSN, current address etc. If you can get her to give you a copy of a current bill with her address on it, that would be great. Some others who've dealt with the ex issue can tell you whether the divorce document is enough or not. I'm pretty sure it'll need to be a certified copy though. I know it sounds stupid but keep in mind that these people have the ONLY and FINAL say on whether your fiancee will be given a visa. Whatever they ask for, you need to give them, preferrably with a smile on your face. I can't stress enough that you should do whatever it takes to get the proof from your ex. If it takes a little ass-kissing, so be it. A little humility now will save you a lot of headache later. I didn't have to go through it, but I've seen enough stories here to know that this issue can be a BIG roadblock. Good luck.
  19. Yea, I have the same question when reading the kitchen sink. Why 2 I-134? My husband only prepared 1 copy, and his parents (our co-sponsor cuz he's in grad school) also only prepared 1 copy. It's too late to get a 2nd copy as my interview's in 2 weeks. Will that matter??? You should be good to go with the one. David suggests two so you have a backup I think.
  20. I think he said two just to have an extra. One should be enough. I don't think you need the I-864. I'm trying to find more infor on that as I don't remember from when we filed. Either someone will correct me or I'll come up with more on it. Edit: Since you're K-1, you should only need the I-134.
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