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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Which country are you the dictator of again?
  2. Now THAT'S the post I wish I would've written. Bravo Jason!
  3. Making China "Americanized", will be a sure path to failure as a superpower. As soon as they have unions more powerful than the companies that produce products, and as soon as they have entitlement programs (like social security) that suck up wages and corporate profits at the expense of productivity, the sooner that China will be on the path to mediocrity. China's big advantage is it's productivity, as well as the education of it's youth. China has no debt, massive trade surplusses and so much cash, it can't find enough places to invest it. Still, China is investing heavily in it's infrastructure. But social engineering to make everyone equal is a sure path to failure. Someday, Chinese products will be the best in the world, then everyone will realize that China is the greatest superpower, not when they have more people getting handouts from the government. Yeah, screw those workers! Who do they think they are demanding to make livable wages under safe working conditions. Corporate profits are all that's important. This world, and especially China, needs more CEOs making 10 million dollars a year and getting multi-million dollar golden parachutes when they've sucked all the money they can out of the company. And to hell with the less-fortunate while we're at it. I've got mine, let 'em find they're own crumbs and cardboard box to live in. F**k 'em all!
  4. Now hold on just a minute, Somebody's got to keep a thumb on them,(like I do my wife ).If you dont they will get out of control. You ever see them all going for the bus door at the same time? I dont think they really care what anybody says about them. They dont care at all. They just remind me of watching The 700 Club or Pat Robertson or some such other creepy TV preachers. I love it when they have the whole government on TV sitting there rowed up in tables,each one with exactly the same bottle of water to his left,but you never see anyone drinking from those bottles. They probably use the same bottles of water at next years meeting. Of course any leaders will issue a statment objecting to one thing or another,just to let their people know "we've got your back",but really do you think they care what anybody says about them? Obviously someone cares: Cafferty's comments may have been a lot of things, but racist ain't one of 'em. That kind of rhetoric only serves to detract from what may be legitimate complaints IMHO.
  5. You asked why her job in China mattered so much. The wording of your post made it seem like you were asking why not just quit now since she'll have to at some point anyway. I was pointing out the reason why they didn't want to go that route.
  6. As he said in his OP, she wants to get her retirement money.
  7. Tends to fog up the rose-colored glasses eh?
  8. And they wonder why they hate Americans?? How sad............... A lot of people may hate us. But I don't think the Chinese are among them. True Dave as usual..............I meant as our usual we are better then the world attitude at times!! True.
  9. And they wonder why they hate Americans?? How sad............... A lot of people may hate us. But I don't think the Chinese are among them.
  10. It's on right now for another 45 mins - then the Guangzhou episode No spoilers please. I'm Tivoing it.
  11. Personal service? That's a new one on me. CONGRATULATIONS!
  12. Curious. What form do these "requests" take? Do they come and find you or what? Fascinating.
  13. Not us. Sounds ominous. Hope everything works out for you guys.
  14. I think these people have their own left wing newspapers that they read and argue with, since they figure everyone reads and believes them. "These people"? I meant the people who argue with the left wing wacko's like us. Sorry - I had to take Jason's quote out of there so he wouldn't think I was specifically referring to him. (Mike) Now I get it.
  15. I think these people have their own left wing newspapers that they read and argue with, since they figure everyone reads and believes them. "These people"?
  16. Congrats. To answer your question. Hire Merry Maids. I did.
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