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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Fascinating and very enlightening (for me at least) 3-part series on Fujian Province and the history behind why it has such a bad rep within the US Govt. Just click on the numbers to read parts 2 and 3. http://www.slate.com/id/2188450/entry/2188451/
  2. Gets me every time. Congrats again.
  3. CONGRATULATIONS! I'm glad it was as simple as we thought for once.
  4. Congrats! I too, just got our NOA-2. Who knows, maybe our interview time will be at about the same time. Congrats to you both on your p-2's Yeah, CONGRATS to all four of you.
  5. Hopefully we'll be hearing something soon. Fingers crossed.
  6. Are those great faces or what? I think China's found their version of "American Gothic."
  7. OMG! Is that actually a little perspective being injected into this thread?
  8. I agree ILS. She's playing jurisdictional and power games. It's ridiculous that you have to go through all this just so you can re-schedule a bio appt. Like George said, "Common sense? We don't need no stinking common sense." Good luck.
  9. I think the OP said his wife was out of state and he was trying to save some time and find out about a re-scheduled bio appt.
  10. Sorry for the blue. But as everyone's said it does look positive for a pink Friday. Good luck.
  11. True. But the rules Lee cited seem to give her the latitude to deny him the opportunity to represent her at THAT office, at HER discretion no? He's appearing under number 3, which seems to have the qualifiying language: "provided that:" from the top of the list followed by: (iv) His appearance is permitted by the official before whom he wished to appear (namely, a special inquiry officer, district director, officer-in-charge, regional commissioner, the Commissioner, or the Board) Key words obviously being "provided that" and "permitted." This seems to give her wide latitude,albeit unfairly, as to who she'll allow to represent someone.
  12. I was wondering that too Yemmie. From Lee's post: (iv) His appearance is permitted by the official before whom he wished to appear (namely, a special inquiry officer, district director, officer-in-charge, regional commissioner, the Commissioner, or the Board) Unless I'm interpreting it wrong, it does seem to give her (or any local official) the leeway she excercised. If so, it almost makes the G-28 obsolete, or at least a bit of a Catch-22. My interpretation could be wrong though.
  13. I don't have any answers ILS,but I have an opinion. That is bulls**t!! We need a USCIS Speaks sub-forum so we could get to the bottom of the whole "do you have to be an actual attorney" thing.
  14. You sure you didn't mean to say drinking bai jiu and FEELING LIKE dog meat?
  15. That could get painful couldn't it? Sorry, couldn't resist. actually hahah we opened his/our new bank account and left the PP on the counter!! thank god we didnt get too far before we checked and saw it was gone and went back to get it!! lol so I am dreading carrying it around!!! hahaha since im afraid to loose it and then have problems later hahaha
  16. That could get painful couldn't it? Sorry, couldn't resist.
  17. There's a lot of water walking around in the form of 6.6 billion humans. I've got a big chunk of that myself! Me too.
  18. Normal. We had the same thing happen and ours went pretty smoothly.
  19. There's a lot of water walking around in the form of 6.6 billion humans.
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