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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Mark. You got a Chinese version of the Illinois manual online? If so, do you have the link? B)
  2. I guess you really hate Californians then for Kalifornicating Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. I do. Well, then ban me now! Can you leave your avatar behind? B)
  3. Please recheck the Jasmine and Basmati types, I think you're not looking at the right 'types'. He's right about the Jasmine. Our local SuperH has it at the same price we paid a month ago. Didn't seem to be any shortage and no signs mentioning limits.
  4. Do you have a reference for that Dave? Jim, what the heck you doing in your avatar?? Last time I purchased rice was last month in Houston. Paid $16 something for a 25 pound bag of Jasmine. Anyone know what the current price is now for similar? We paid $11 for 25lb Jasmine at SuperH Asian market this week here in Il.
  5. The "piece of s**t" story was from May, 2007, so it's not a new bill Well that explains why all the hits on it were so old. Thanks Randy. Maybe The Republic can sleep a little safer now. Ah, you guys are too rational. Too bad you're in the minority and that too many people latch on to these slanted rants... But Dennis, it's so much easier to let others do your thinking for you.
  6. The "piece of s**t" story was from May, 2007, so it's not a new bill Well that explains why all the hits on it were so old. Thanks Randy. Maybe The Republic can sleep a little safer now.
  7. Yes, I agree. Gibson and Stephanopoulos are morons.
  8. First, where is Dobbs getting his facts? The Heritage Foundation? Not exactly an unbiased source. So we don't know if they really exist. Second, he's calling them proposals. Which means they're far from law yet. Let's see what the final bill actually says. Far be it from Lou Dobbs to engage in fear-mongering and hyperbole when it comes to immigration issues.
  9. What is so funny? I don't think it is funny. It's funny because it's a joke. Fair and balanced that is. Fox is a mouthpiece for the right wing in this country. Anybody who can't admit their right leanings isn't being intellectually honest. What is wrong with being a "right wing in this country"? FOX News Rules!! I made no statement about the wrongness or rightness of being "right wing." To do so would be a political statement. So I'll just reiterate that I believe Rob was laughing his ass off at the "fair and balanced" part of your post referring to Faux News,which was the joke I referred to. And make no mistake, that IS a joke.
  10. What is so funny? I don't think it is funny. It's funny because it's a joke. Fair and balanced that is. Fox is a mouthpiece for the right wing in this country. Anybody who can't admit their right leanings isn't being intellectually honest.
  11. You're right Lilac, the American Indians were here first. And we succeeded in obliterating them to the point that pretty much all they have left is their casinos and their alcoholism. Their "culture" and way of life exists almost exclusively on the reservations that we've begrudginingly left them to. If it weren't for old Western movies and the occasional tourist they'd be long forgotten. They didn't exactly "merge" into society in the sense that they live among us with their culture and heritage intact. Sure, a few live out West off the reservations and wear pony tails and some Indian jewelry. Otherwise if you see a Native American on the street you may not know him from any number of other ethnic groups. I would say they were more engulfed than merged. "Tibetan people dont want to remain primitive and backward, they hope to catch up with the other people in China and live a modern and rich life." I wonder, do they really want this at the expense of losing their cultural identity ? Or to the degree that is happening now? Maybe they do. I don't know, I don't live there. But somehow I doubt they consider being out-populated by Han and paved and built over to be "catching up" or leading to "a modern and rich life." That's JMHO. What we've done in this country to the Native Americans is not something most of us are proud of. And I'm pretty sure the Indians aren't too happy with it either. I think we've created a pretty good mold for how NOT to treat a native people. I guess many just wish the Chinese gov't could learn a few things from our mistakes when dealing with Tibet. I realize that some of our Chinese members, and some of our USCs, think that people like me have no business commenting on Tibet or other things internal to China. Lilac, I totally understand this sentiment and I don't post my thoughts in an attempt to insinuate myself into China's business or offend you or any other member, Chinese or not. I'm just trying to add a different perspective to what I realize is a very sensitive and passionate discussion. You're right, the wheel of history rolls on one way or the other. But my hope would be that all of us would be more considerate for those it rolls over.
  12. CONGRATULATIONS! Great job on the preps!
  13. Which country are you the dictator of again? Obviously he took Randy's suggestion and headed over to Home Despot. Personally I'm waiting for their Fuhror's Day Sale so I can use my 10% off coupon and get 12 months same as cash with my club card.
  14. Doesn't need to by anything elaborate or detailed. Some people say they have a sick relative who may not be around for long for example. We said she had business related to her property that she needed to see to in person. Keep in mind that it's very unlikely the gov't would be interested in investigating the veracity of whatever reason you use. Edit: If you want to see ours, PM me and I'll get for you. I'm at work now so I don't have ready access.
  15. Which country are you the dictator of again? Would you like to come to my country? Let's see. Uganda? North Korea? Venezuela? Those being the most likely candidates the answer would be no thanks. How about the State of Illinois? Meaning you live here? I live here? Or are you asking if we shoot TV commentators or take TV networks off the air who's opinions we disagree with? The answer would be no. No, I don't live there or probably never will. I do believe you live there but I could be wrong. (Or are you asking if we shoot TV commentators or take TV networks off the air who's opinions we disagree with? The answer would be no.) That is your opinion. Oooookay.
  16. That would be the "rational" explanation.
  17. Which country are you the dictator of again? Would you like to come to my country? Let's see. Uganda? North Korea? Venezuela? Those being the most likely candidates the answer would be no thanks. How about the State of Illinois? Meaning you live here? I live here? Or are you asking if we shoot TV commentators or take TV networks off the air who's opinions we disagree with? The answer would be no.
  18. I agree. The American companies who import that stuff have just as much if not more responsibility as the manufacturers they get it from. My point was not so much to defend what he said, but to point out that he was specific as to what he was calling junk. He specifically mentioned the products containing lead and the poisoned dog food. He didn't say ALL stuff from China is junk. The exaggerated reactions by some made it seem like he did. That was my point.
  19. Which country are you the dictator of again? Would you like to come to my country? Let's see. Uganda? North Korea? Venezuela? Those being the most likely candidates the answer would be no thanks.
  20. You've officially been brainwashed. Brainwashed?? Do you actually believe all that libral propaganda that CNN and BBC say? Their biased views on China make me sick. My 12 year son could do better reporting than those two so called News Organizations. If you think Republican mouthpiece Fox and Chinese government mouthpiece CCTV9 are unbiased, then you've had SOMETHING done to your brain. Maybe washed IS the wrong word.
  21. I remember reading that article when it was first posted Carl. It does give an interesting perspective on the issue. The Tibet debate is made up of two different issues IMHO. One is the whole FREE TIBET thing. The other is the issue of how the central gov't deals with the native Tibetans and their culture and heritage. Many Chinese, at least the ones I've seen react so passionately during the torch thing,tend to lump anything about Tibet together so that in their eyes if your on the wrong side of one you must be on the other as well. It seems to become a classic "You're either with us or agin us" for all issues. And that's just not the case. Someone who,for instance,criticizes the flood of Han into Tibet as what they see as an attempt to water down or marginalize the native Tibetan culture and legacy may not believe that Tibet should be independant from China. The Jack Cafferrty brouhaha seems to be another example of this. He called the products from China that contained lead or worse "junk" and referred to the GOVERNMENT officials as "the same old goons and thugs" from the last 50 years. Poorly worded, insensitive and possibly a little buffoonish, yes. But he was portrayed as racist and a China-hater with people calling for anything from his firing to his death. That kind of reactionary vitriol would not seem so mis-placed coming from say, Kim Jong-il. But the Chinese people are above that and much more mature. The world is made up of varying shades of grey. China and it's various issues is no different and I think that's a good thing.
  22. Certainly are some SNAZZY CHASSIS among this year's models... Nice bumpers too.
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