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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. And I don't disagree with pretty much all of your post. The parts that I may differ with sure aren't worth arguing over.
  2. Jim, that would be Amy having an interview. Amy's english is so good it would be easy to think she is the US citizen. Good luck Amy, SOON you WILL BE an US citizen. tsap seui HAHA, Thanks tsap seui, and thanks Jim! Please don't think that Doug writes as girly as I do... =P I went to school in the U.S. for 9 years when I was younger, that's why I take care of all my immigration stuff and let Doug be easy. haha~ I think PINK, too. =D Going to Guangzhou tomorrow morning and interview on early Wed. I still haven't gotten over with the 150~200 people line... SCARY!!! =X Don't forget your umbrella. Good luck!
  3. Wow. Didn't realize Henry Ford and Rudolph Diesel were hippies. http://www.greendaily.com/2008/02/09/green...oil-dependence/ World population is a little larger now than in Henry and Rudy's day, Dave. It's a damned poor allocation of resources to use food or feed as fuel when there are better alternatives. Right. But they were the first "dreamers" in the field of biofuels and hardly hippies, which was my point. And like many today, at least they were trying to do SOMETHING about the need for alternatives to non-renewable resources, which was my other point. This need some have to make derisive comments about those trying to do something instead of nothing just seems a little silly and sophmoric IMHO. I don't think that ethanol is "doing something". I think it is intentionally wasting money and time on something that the people that make the big decisions already know isn't going to work, but continue to do so anyway because of the money involved in the whole charade. So it isn't doing something... it is taking us in the wrong direction while delivering false promises. That is even worse than doing nothing in my book. You are being deceived. I didn't say ethanol was the right answer. In fact, I don't happen to think it is either. There are people trying to come up with answers in MANY different ways, not just ethanol. My use of the words "many" and "something" encompasses a lot of things, not just ethanol. But all these people working on or advocating various alternatives usually get lumped into one group and derisively labelled "tree-huggers" or "hippies" or the like by those who,for whatever reason, think that trying to improve the environment is a BAD thing to be sneered at. I don't know maybe they think god will provide for everyone so no need to do anything. Or that there's no problem to begin with so "Screw it, I'll drive my Hummer if I want and neener neener neener to the rest of you and the environment you rode in on." Does that sound like an unfair, oversimplified stereotype of the "anti-green" side? Maybe even silly and sophmoric? If so, maybe I've made my point a little clearer.
  4. By the way, that's crap. That "fact" is put forth by lots of right-wing environment-haters based on a dis-credited report done by an outfit called CNW Marketing Research Inc. referred to as the "Dust to Dust" report. Any credible scientist/analyst who's looked at it recognizes that is lacks in even the most basic requirements for a study like this to be taken seriously, not the least of which is that they refuse to release their methodology for peer review. Of course it got lots of play in a lazy media that didn't bother to do any actual fact checking or reporting. People like George Will, that bastion of objectivity. http://www.pacinst.org/topics/integrity_of...er_vs_prius.pdf http://www.sudburyedc.org/blog/2007/05/12/...lysis-debunked/ http://www.autobloggreen.com/2007/04/17/th...er-controversy/ And: http://www.rmi.org/images/PDFs/Transportat..._DustToDust.pdf Which says in part: "Indeed, if we triple the entire vehicle lifecycle (which includes the mining and manufacture of all materials,plus painting and assembly), the Hummer still has a greater impact per mile."
  5. Wow. Didn't realize Henry Ford and Rudolph Diesel were hippies. http://www.greendaily.com/2008/02/09/green...oil-dependence/ World population is a little larger now than in Henry and Rudy's day, Dave. It's a damned poor allocation of resources to use food or feed as fuel when there are better alternatives. Right. But they were the first "dreamers" in the field of biofuels and hardly hippies, which was my point. And like many today, at least they were trying to do SOMETHING about the need for alternatives to non-renewable resources, which was my other point. This need some have to make derisive comments about those trying to do something instead of nothing just seems a little silly and sophmoric IMHO.
  6. I'd bet all gov't levels involved in the immigration process are aware of Fujian's notorious history, including GUZ. It's a shame all women from there are now painted with the same brush. Imagine if other countries denied visas to most US citizens from say, Texas, based on the past actions of some of it's residents, or maybe just one?
  7. Awesome pics Tony. Thanks. That's the job I want. Photographer in China.
  8. Badminton is a contact sport. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/sports/2008-0...ent_6610082.htm
  9. It's a day trip from Guilin. This is what it was like the day we were there (cloudy) The dams are made out of something with a texture between papier mache and concrete Thanks Randy. What time of year were you there? I think I'd like to go during planting season before the crop comes up and you can still see the water in the terraces.
  10. Cool pics and link. Thanks Rog. BTW, that pic of the rice terraces reminds me of a tv show I saw that included Longsheng (sp?) and the beautiful rice terraces there. Has anyone been there? I'd love to go sometime.
  11. I've never been one to be too "adventurous" when it comes to food and didn't change my ways much in China. Although I was open to eating whatever was put in front of me. My then fiancee knew this about me so didn't push it. So I guess the most adventurous thing I ate was pig's feet. I know, pretty wimpy huh? The nastiest thing was definately one of those black hard-boiled duck eggs. Ugh!
  12. Hi Luke. I don't have any personal experience with this and I'm sure someone who does will chime in soon. But from the way I read the form it seems like you should just list him/her. It does say "LIST ALL YOUR CHILDREN." JMHO Is there any reason not to?
  13. Missed this Pete. Congrats to you and Wai Fai.
  14. Wow. Didn't realize Henry Ford and Rudolph Diesel were hippies. http://www.greendaily.com/2008/02/09/green...oil-dependence/
  15. I think there's a separate "torch" with the actual flame that accompanies the ceremonial one that's carried in the relay. It's kept in a secure place and is never extinguished.
  16. You could just leave some space,add a new headline and put it after your current timeline.
  17. He'd be the first. http://www.slate.com/id/2188754/ "According to Olympic historian David Wallechinsky, no American president has ever attended an opening ceremony beyond American borders." Then he should be a trailblazer AND right at the same time. It certainly behooves us to be friendly with China. We'd be fools not to be. Yes, it would be wonderful for him to finally do something that wasn't foolish or foolhardy.
  18. Lawrence of China. One hump or two??? I'll take whatever I can get.
  19. Sorry, I didn't see it as propaganda or arrogant. I thought it pretty much just laid out the reality of what's going on in the world today. It actually gives China,and India to a lesser extent, credit for becoming the next world powers, at least economically. It's basically saying to the rest of the world that the old world order is changing, get used to it. "Just as the 19th century was the British century, and the 20th century was the American century, the 21st century is the Asian century." Is that closer to propaganda or reality? And it's not presented as a Henny Penny "The sky is falling" scenario that we should be afraid of. "Enterprises and individuals must recognise and adapt to these fundamental economic changes. We believe that those with a fossilised frame of mind risk being marginalised." In a world in which we are no longer masters, it is a warning that we ignore at our peril." Sounds about right to me.
  20. He'd be the first. http://www.slate.com/id/2188754/ "According to Olympic historian David Wallechinsky, no American president has ever attended an opening ceremony beyond American borders."
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