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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I hope their dreams are realized to the degree ours have been.
  2. They do in Oregon It varies by state. http://www.dol.gov/esa/programs/whd/state/tipped.htm
  3. Can't wait to see all those groups of little colored hats wandering around Niagra Falls and The Grand Canyon. B) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2008-05...ent_6696212.htm
  4. And here are some pictures,er... contraceptions. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...1330&st=255
  5. It's part of a unique reality in China. It adds context and humanity to an already tragic situation. It doesn't belong in EVERY conversation, and it isn't in every conversation. But to say it just doesn't belong is a bit much IMHO. JMHO, How can we help? is the topic that I would hope should be on everyone's mind. Not, how bad could it have been or could it have been better if there were more children....leave that BS to the journalists....they get paid to look stupid....I KNOW that CFL members are above all of that! Why do they,or we for that matter, look stupid for discussing how the one-child policy affects this story? The article merely mentions the policy in the context of how it's an added tragedy for those affected by it. Those are facts. It mentions that the policy is questionable within China and without. Again, just facts. The article isn't being judgemental nor is anyone here IMHO. There are other threads for "How can we help?" The OP posted this article as a different "spin" on the story. Others then gave their views. What's stupid about that? What I've seen in the media this week has been,for my money, an unprecedented opening up of China by the central government to allow foreign and domestic media to cover one of the biggest stories in China since Tianenmen. And with very little censorship so far. The effect,intended or not, has been an outpouring of sympathy and support from the world community. Donations are pouring in from individuals and countries all over the world. Countries are lined up wanting and waiting to send in whatever help China needs. Just look at the contrast with Myanmar. The human suffering there is just as bad or worse than China. But because the junta isn't allowing the world in or people to put human faces on the disaster, it's people are suffering alone. That's not happening in China, thank goodness.
  6. It's part of a unique reality in China. It adds context and humanity to an already tragic situation. It doesn't belong in EVERY conversation, and it isn't in every conversation. But to say it just doesn't belong is a bit much IMHO.
  7. The reporter is just laying out facts, just as many other reporters have done regarding the impact of the one-child policy during the coverage of the quake. I'd venture to guess that a lot of people here in the US are unaware of the one-child policy or haven't given any thought to what it's ramifications are now. Pointing it out in the context of showing why many family's grief is compounded doesn't seem like bashing to me.
  8. We gave to Mercy Corps. For me, the pride and piece of mind it provided my wife far outweighs any concern about how much of it actually gets to any one individual.
  9. Let me add my two cents as we're going through this now. I WISH we had thought of this before my wife came here. IMHO learning to drive in a familiar place and in a familiar language is much preferred to waiting until getting here. My wife hasn't driven for about 15 years and is pretty nervous about re-learning now. After just one "lesson" from me in an empty parking lot, it's become pretty clear that using a driving school is going to be a necessity. I wish she had at least practiced the basics in China before getting here and basically starting from scratch. Even if it means's that your wife just learns the basics there and fine tunes with the different laws and signs etc here, I think it's a good idea.
  10. Great news! Do you know any way to expedite the approval of EAD? Thanks! Run, do not walk to the post office when filing. That's about all you can do.
  11. Ya know, politics aside, the man was fast to offer condolences and aid, personally on the phone with Hu Jintao. Bush offers Chinese leader earthquake aid May 12, 2008 WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush has spoken by phone with Chinese President Hu Jintao on the powerful earthquake that hit central China. White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the president expressed his condolences on the thousands of deaths in the quake and offered to assist where possible. She said the U.S. is offering an initial $500,000 in earthquake relief in anticipation of an appeal by the International Red Cross. "I extend my condolences to those injured and to the families of the victims of today's earthquake in China's Sichuan province," U.S. President George W. Bush said in a statement. "I am particularly saddened by the number of students and children affected by this tragedy. The thoughts and prayers of the American people are with the Chinese people, especially those directly affected. The United States stands ready to help in any way possible", Bush said. You won't hear me say this too often but I think Bush has played it just right so far. He talked on the phone with Hu fairly quickly after the quake and made the initial offer of money and whatever aid was needed. There's really not a lot our government can do right now beyond that. It's not like China's gonna allow us to send military helicopters or troops in to help with the rescue efforts. And they're certainly not gonna being asking for us to send our disaster logistics experts. Even if we wanted to donate a bunch of money right now it wouldn't really have an actual impact on events on the ground. The Chinese gov't isn't lacking for the cash to provide the needed supplies and the transportation to get those supplies and troops where they need to be. They can only do that as fast as the conditions allow,which right now isn't very fast because of the rain and the impassable roads etc. Time is not on the side of the people who are trapped under the rubble in all those villages. The biggest problem for the gov't now IMHO is to prevent another catastrophe happening to the people who managed to survive. Getting them food,clean drinking water and shelter etc.
  12. I just hope that the Red Cross in China has a much better track record than the Red Cross in the USA. I'd hate to donate money and see it stolen, squandered or misplaced. I agree Bill. But so far I haven't seen any other places to donate that will go directly to China. Maybe some will pop up somewhere and can be linked here.
  13. Here's another link: http://www.china-crossroads.com/index.php/...ke-how-to-help/
  14. Sorry to hear about the blue but,as you said, it was pretty inevitable once the party membership came up. Hopefully it'll be a routine check and you'll have pink in a few months. Good luck.
  15. So did we. I don't believe it's a requirement. Just have a copy of the marriage certificate ready in case.
  16. The name on the ticket should match the name on her passport.
  17. Congrats Ron and Ivy. You sure earned this one.
  18. As I read it, only those LIVING OVERSEAS are required to submit photos and fingerprint cards. Otherwise you're submitting a COPY of the Green Card and evidence of relationship. Maybe I'm reading it wrong?
  19. Much thanks to David and Zixuan for their caring assistance with us. They went above and beyond the call for some folks they barely knew. They were great hosts in Baoding, scouting out and booking our hotel plus showing us around their city when we were there. Zixuan is a fine lady. Mellow and intelligent, and very complex. I think David and I meshed very well. We laughed a lot and coincided in our observations. WH and XX liked them both and we will see them more in the future. It was a nice week of visiting to finish our outing in China. http://weihuawallace.com/images/EngagementDayPrint2.jpg It's hard to read but it looks like the pic says "Engaged April 12,2008"? Congrats on that. You two make a handsome couple. B)
  20. Charlie is a fictional Chinese guy played by a white guy. Full of stereotypes. Earl Derr Biggers actually created the character based in part on an actual Hawaiian policeman. Full of stereotypes for sure. And it didn't stop with Asians. Remember his sidekick Birmingham Brown? Funny as hell, but probably wouldn't pass the PC smell test today. I did use to love watching those old Chan movies along with Basil Rathbone's Sherlock Holmes on Sunday afternoons when I was a kid. Don't forget Shirley Temple. And Mickey Rooney as Andy Hardy.
  21. Welcome to Candle. Good luck with your journey.
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