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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. I understand what you're saying David. I thought the article brought up some interesting points,whether we agree with them or not. I didn't post it to further any bashing of China. Actually I didn't think it came across as as much of a China-bashing piece as you did. After all, most of the quotes and facts cited in the article, including one you used, are from Chinese citizens,researchers,officials and academia. And the article's author cited some of our own short-comings to show correlations between our past and China's possbile future. I just thought it was interesting and fairly even-handed.
  2. Interesting article on the possible ramifications of the one-child policy and resulting gender imbalance. Very interesting. http://tnr.com/politics/story.html?id=06d6...1a7b0e5&p=1
  3. CONGRATS! again. Good luck with getting that visa and getting back here.
  4. He makes some great points. I get the feeling from some of the things they've done lately that the Chinese gov't won't be able to get out of it's own way enough to put on the kind of Olympics it needs to avoid some huge PR problems. I hope they turn that around. If they were smart, they'd be using some Westerners as consultants to keep them tuned in to how some of these things will play in the eyes of the rest of the world.
  5. CONGRATULATIONS!! 3 out of 3! A clean sweep for Candletonians!! A record only the Cubs could match.
  6. You would be right. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/statitude...ics_homemedals/
  7. Good for them. I hope they do well. Me too. The immense amount of pride that the Chinese people would get out of it would be well worth it.
  8. Nice pic Ken. Brings back memories of Shanghai and walking around my mother-in-law's neighborhood,seeing the contrast between the old apartment buildings with laundry hanging from the windows and the skyscrapers rising in the background. Thanks for the nostalgia trip.
  9. Welcome to Candle. Have you considered a Direct Consular Filing?
  10. Well Robert I think olde China is contained within new China...I'm always interested in the contrast between the two when I am there...But it does make a startling difference to get out to small towns and see the countryside to see more of the old... I agree Rog. I love the contrast between old and new. I look forward to future trips and getting out into the countryside to see more of the old before it disappears.
  11. Didn't mean to scare you Richard. I don't think by any means it's an automatic red flag. I'm sure any suspicion raised depends on the other factors involved as well. You could be less prepared than Homer and get by with a pink or more prepared and get a blue. Just depends on the particular VO and possibly whichever supervisor happens to review the case on that particular day. I know that probably doesn't make you feel any better. All you can do is prepare as best you can, give as much info as required while being careful,as Jim suggested, to not give anything that could open up another can of worms. Based on your situation it may be prudent to go ahead and type up the kind of evolution of relationship letter with emphasis on how you spent your time in China that Homer is having to do. So you have it ready in case. Just a suggestion. Best of luck on the 23th.
  12. Sorry about the blue. I'll echo what everyone else said about extra time etc. But... HOLY S**T BATMAN!!! You got to have an informal discussion with a VO who asked if there was anything GUZ could do to make it easier?!!! I could be wrong but I think that's unprecedented at Candle. Has anyone else heard about this happening to anyone before? We need to add something to David's kitchen sink. A whole other folder with the list for GUZ should anyone else have the good fortune to "bump into" a VO who solicits suggestions on what to do to make the whole thing easier! Jay, as your meeting was totally unexpected, you're off the hood for not peppering him with questions. But the next person had better damn well be ready.
  13. Thanks for the heads-up. I was already cursing myself for missing it! They're usually repeated as well. Probably depends on your local PBS station.
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