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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. 3 cents huh? Don when I moved back to TX in 1980 after a 4 yr absense I was buying gas at a local Shamrock station. I decided I ought to use a credit card and build some more credit history, since I wanted to buy a house. I mailed in the application and THEY wanted me to get Illinoise credit record sent to TX. Huh? Wy the #$%^&*( I never ever used their gas again. I mean they don't know how to get a credit report nationally? Now they sold out. I forgave them maybe a couple of years ago with the gas prices we had. Hey Trigg, funny. You da wit.
  2. Yep you got one there Bob. I find Spanish speaking the worse. Asian or Indian seem to do OK. esun I was hoping you would send it in. I just wished you worked for the owners of that chain bought from Pepsi. Oh those little bags of ketchup are STUPID for someone in a car. Think about it. Corporate meetings and reports are always in the way and a pain. They have no concern for the customers. Stockholders are never trained in customer service. Customers serve the stockholders. People like you try to make a diference. Thanks for trying. Very good thread.
  3. If I put a mirror on the ceiling, I think wife would look at it and giggle, the never use it. Geez the Web Cam seldom gets used as is. Not necissary. Hmm I need to discuss the waste, so use it.
  4. http://i14.tinypic.com/2a64ejb.jpg http://i13.tinypic.com/2pr62dv.jpg
  5. Yep Jim they exist. Started in Corpus Christie actually. Driving to the coast there is one or more at every exit. Up in Dallas area they are 24 hour. Down there they have so many only a few stay open. I like them because you can get a wheat bun and have it built anyway you want. But yes I am fat.
  6. Truth is I usually keep the TVs in the bedrooms so people can visit and talk. I had a step daughter that used to insult everyone so she could hear what the TV said. So out it went. I will probably have a TV only in the living room with wife. She says it is too expensive run it anyway. cost cost cost. Jim I will have to get this red knot thingie. She has no superstiotions though. I think Eunice has it right. I was thinking of putting mirrors in the head of the bed though. Not sure why, I just saw one and liked it.
  7. Best French Fries: McDonalds because fo taste, but they have too many short small ones. Best ketchup: Whataburger. And what a GREAT CONTAINER & way to use ketchup in a car. Does anyone in management ever do urgonomic studies of eating food while driving? PS when I said boycott of resturaunts that pulled DP. I know several families and teens who broke their habit of frequenting those resturaunts. Please take note. This is a violation of Texas culture. It is not a debatable issue. MsD sure put some numbers to it to justify the expense of adding it. And if you do not make as much money on DP as say Pibb? CHARGE MORE FOR THE DP. We will pay it. Keep smiling.
  8. Hi Eric, Lets keep smiling. This subject strikes a nerve. OK this is a HUGE topic for me as I have lived on the road for so many years and am a fast food freak. So I must respond. 1) The owners or what ever need to insist on the rain covers that are affective. For me, I will sometimes go where there is cover if not in the mood for the water. 2) Diet Dr Pepper not testing well? Some exec needs to be fired, and somebody in Yum's needs an education in Texas history and tastes. Then he needs to make a training video for Texas stores. I need to be polite at this point and not show my anger at what they did to Taco Bell. I was raised in TX. I consider myself a conosour of Dr Pepper, even though I cannot spell. I get fountain Diet Dr Pepper all the time from Whataburger and now guess who has it in every resturaunt? McDonalds!!!! They woke up. I used to get regular Dr Pepper in any state that had a Taco Bell when Pepsi owned it. Now some Southern Coca Cola warped nimrod in Yum's is clueless about Texas. If I were you, I would get 2Lt bottles and sell them out the wondow. I know of a Schlotskies that keeps DP and DDP in the refrigerater and sells it by the bottle because corporate won't put it in the fountain. Let us customers decide if we like the taste. In fact the best taste is half and half Dp and DDP. Sorry if I seem a little raw about this. There is no excuse for not having DP or DDP in your store in TX. We talk about being careful with the CHinese culture in CFL. Your management needs to think about the cultural violation they are making to their locals. Pib? Hahahaha. I can tell you for certain that Yum and or every franchise that dropped DP & DDP from their resturants are being boycotted here in TX. I know exactly which Taco Bells Have it. But because of their slap in the face to me, I seldom go to any TB, KFC, or PH. The only exception is Sonic which has DDP & DP, and I only go infrequently. We did get a brand new one in Cresson last month. Bad thing about Dave is he does not have Dr Pepper at all Wendy's. Maybe when alive. I avoid those Wendy's that have no DP. I spoke to a group of managers about this. They don't seem to get it. Good ol Whataburger. Native son, so they simply understand. Man it used to be no matter where I went coast to coast 7-11 and Taco Bell never let me down. Now it is 7-11 and McDs. By the way I spoke to the DFW Board of Directors once about the pouring rights at the airport. Seems they hired a man from Denver who had no clue about TX. VPs from DP were there. They had nothing more to say after I spoke to the board. I got a DP watch and some toys in the mail after that. Your store really is pissing some people off whether you know it or not. 3) Trash cans. Didn't mean to have them at the window. I meant somewhere along the drive so you can use it from the car window. A few Sonics have them on the way out. Whataburger and now McDs have them at every store. Whataburger overall is about the best customer service in TX by the way.
  9. OK I travel a lot. Here are some things to throw out there for you managers of anything with a drive thru. Try to have an idea of what everyone wants when you go to a drive through. Some of us are in a hurry. If you really have to read a menu, go inside. If you have a diesel, please turn it off for your own order as well as those behind you. OK now for you resturaunt owners, HHAA HAHAAAAAAAAA: Get a roof over the ordering area. We have to roll down our window in the rain to order. It gets very wet sometimes. Fix the speaker or adjust the volume up or down so we can hear or understand you. If you have the items on a screen as we order it sure makes it nice. I don't need an advertisement, just accuracy. Hamburgers: Do you only put mayonaze or mustard on one slice of bread when you make a sandwitch at home? I didn't think so. Guess what? Neither do the rest of us. Put the frigen condement on both sides of the bun and enough so we can taste it please. I don't like your dry sandwitches. I suppose asking for the buns be buttered & toasted the way they used to be is asking too much now days too. Oh Whataburger has wheat buns, imagine that. If your working at an Arby's and a customer asks you to please put the Arby sauce on for you in the drive thru, please do it. We are in a car and about to drive off. How do you drive and tear open a little bag and press it on the bun in the car? Oh Arby's!!!!! Jack in the Box: Best dang food for eating in the car there is. Taco's are the best, because little to no spilage. Oh and again if we ask for extra sauce in those tacos please accomodate us. Burger King: Same as Jack in the Box on the taco, but you closed so many resturaunts in your bankruptcy. Get a bigger roof where we pick up the order and pay. In the rain most are too small for Texas side ways rain. Always have a trash can available in the driveway for our trash. Please keep it emptied. Especially you Sonic Drive in. We really need that can so we don't have to get out of the car. AND THE BIGGEST COMPLAINT: Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper. We need it. If you have a resturaunt in TX your an idiot without both. Mexicans in every Mexican food resturaunt just really don't understand this. GEEEZ. No culture or loyaly to Texas from you guys for sure! Mr Pibb gives us a headache. We want the real thing. And you east Coast people: Not telling me that you have Pib instead of pepper just is down right inconsiderate. But I consider the source and throw the thing out. If I think of something else I will return. No ofense intended.
  10. Huh? almost every home has TV's in every bed room Yes and look at our divorce rate. Better to overdo other things...............like reading and sewing cloths, you know good things. ahaahahahahahahaha. Think of all the reading you can do. And do and do.
  11. OK Dennis is back. Us Texans can welcome him. Hey you can cuss us out and then we know your our friend. Thanks for coming back man. B) Even if you are a little jealous. One point I tried to start up in another thread is that there is a bit of an independent spirit about most of us in CFL or we probably would not have a Chinese lady or be associated with China in the first place. But, as most Texans know, we are a bit different than those raised in other states - generally speaking, IMHO. And as I was trying to say earlier that after moving to another state some women seem to get a bit measmerized, whereas in Texas nothing. So Dennis, those big women you keep mentioning don't seem to care for me so much.
  12. Neither did mine. Oh I take that back, she had a Texas driving handbook from a man she formed a small consulting company with who was in Houston area, but worked with her company. She didn't get here on a business visa so... But she did not know anything about Dallas or Ft Worth and I had to send pics and maps to compare the 2 for her. They don't need to know where it is. You are all the Texas she needs to know and like. Now why? B) Now will she be able to stand it once here?
  13. Naaa, all you white guys have it easy. Now us white Texan's, we seem to offend everyone quite naturally.
  14. This is mostly my experience. Overcharging I took in stride when I shoped at one of those malls my wife said was in the American district. However we really beat them up on proce. My son left the sales lady crying and another one mad and she followed him around from time to time scowling at him, because he bought nothing after trying on some shirts all folded and pinned in a bag and she had to put them back together with no sale. Really I felt treated too well no matter which part of the country I was in. I began to feel sorta like a celebrity. Of course I was with another big European guy and our Chinese co-worker. Never had a refund, I thought, until just now. No matter how I figured the money, I fed 7-10 people a feast for under a dollar once. Nice restruant. At one aircraft company that used our parts we were very much kept out. I know exactly what they were building but they could not say. At another airplane company I was taken inside the plant where suposedly no American had been before. Boy did I get stares. It was an old shop. Later I was sitting in the airplane as it went down the line trying to help an engineer lady. I loved the trust and love shared there. It hurt me so bad that my company did not back me up with all the support I needed at the time. But my boss went over to take the blame. That helped me save face a little. What I worry about is some of the prejudice I have felt already here in America because my wife is CHinese. I guess that is a subject sorta half off topic. She isn't here yet, and I wonder how it will be. She smiles so much that maybe all will be well.
  15. Depends on the motivation. Some are not worth any association. Others have low self esteeem which got them there. Either way a compromise was made and it would be easier for them to go back to it, in hard times, than for someone to start anew. Hmmm, loyalty test, how would we do that? I was thinking of your post tmkeith in a different way and perhaps diferent subject. What would it matter how many men a woman had before you, whether she was paid for it or not? No one has to answer this as I don't know if this whole subject is worth discussing. I get a chuckle under my breath about ladies in the USA who will live with a man, yet hold marriage in HI regard. It seems to be a big deal to them that they "have never been married before" never mind the fact that they lived with several along the way as if married and maybe a few short relationships and or one night stands along the way. And as she prepares for her marriage as if she is the virgin of all virgins. Sorry I find this too much, regardless of gender, race, or nationality. A hooker may have had a few, like lpm100 desired, too over a thousand. Guess what? A non-hooker could be the same way. Yet we don't label or condemn them. Same with men, as far as that goes. For no reason I just wanted to point this out. Maybe because self esteem and upbringing has a lot to do with the motivation behind a persons actions or history. Not that this makes much diference but a guy could go where everyman has gone and she isn't a hooker. Just a thought, in defense of hookers. I guess there could be a jewel in either camp. Depends on the person, but hooking does do something to a woman that is not so good regardless of the sex. I'm rambling, bye.
  16. I think we are special, certainly lucky, as far as those which things worked out. What qualities do you have that attracts Chinese/Americans to you. What special features do you have that made it OK with you to pursue someone from China or America? So many would never think of China here in the states and even if they did may think of all the reasons to not go or even look. Something special is here with most of you in CFL. I think also for the Chinese who looked, or accepted the idea of hooking up with an American. Any thoughts on what seperates you from the crowd regardless of which country you are from or what gender you are?
  17. Allthough much less noticable at first. subtle. I think I need a new thread a bit more inclusive.
  18. Guess I am pushing toward the way we all feel when we go to China, or the reaction from others we receive, is somewhat similar to the way a Texan is treated and feels outside his home state.
  19. You have a very good and fair point Smiling Asia. Life is tough, but you have to hang in there.
  20. In your case it's a weak mind. True True So True. I was smitten. But I did turn down some before, brefore SHE found ME. Hmm I better be kind.
  21. David as usual I post so much crap in a thread it is dificult to talk serious. I tried to just beat the others to the puns. The first link in the below thread got me thinking how I find, as a Texan, some of the same differences over the years when I lived and worked in other states, that this thread compares all of the USA to China. There are quit a few Texan's here, so I began to wonder. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=20889 I lost count how many times I was told I can't do something after I just did it, when I lived in another state. Or I noticed how others, in other states, limited themselves with too many rules that just were not there. It is an attitude of just about anything is possible, in Texas. In CA and IL esspecially I noticed peoples surprise at my actions. They thought it quick and bold, when I was just doing my job and thought nothing of it. This carried over with woman as well, much to my benefit, and I was very awkward with ladies when younger. Just throwing this out there before I post details or more. Doug
  22. But a lot of that gets back to our elected officials. So we have to engage those guys. Force of one. Each one of us.
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