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Everything posted by SheLikesME?

  1. Mine has a brother who was filling her head full of car ideas. What do I do if she wants a Merc (Mercedes) or a B-Mer? Corvette? I could settle for that. But bad gas milage she probably will say.
  2. How does one come up with the date of when a rock was carved? 40K old horse sculpture? OK Cerberus Dave, Ha HA HA. OK. Now what did I do to make this story happen. Hey I enjoyed it. You know I.....................................uh..............................stood ................... well actually I called up and started chewing on the wife about a few points that had been in my crawl. She wept, and oh geeze what to do now. Before the conversation is over with, her logic seems to me to start to be the winner. I begin thinking, I started this fight - not you. I thought I was winning when the crying started. WRONG!! 2story house? Dave, no matter what I say about having a log house in a mini-forest with a stram in the back yard, hmmm.................well I am old and have no ambition. She wants a nice house (2 story has slipped out so many time, but not lately). This keeping up with the Joneses is beginning to show it's face. Ahh Haa, true colors are showing. Never mind the fact that people were lined up to buy this house and they already had a contract. I put on a 2nd and eventually got the house. People cried when they found out it was sold. To the Chinese a log house is old, VERY OLD! Never mind it is the newest house I ever owned. Anyway Dave your story reminds me of my situation. I decided to change tactics. I don't call or apear on the computer. So guess what? SHE calls ME. Wow. So she is taling very nice then BAM, more opinions about sleeping in late. WHAT TIME DID YOU GET HOME LAST NIGHT? Dear you don't want to know. Now the sermon starts but ever nicer than usual about how she wants to live, and wants me to live. Telling her that her here in my arms would make me sleep regular hours doesn't even make a dent in this topic. Yep Dave we are all doomed. I don't think I will have a problem with TV adds. Haha, or will I? Doomed. B)
  3. Put it in your place and let folks get used to it, and you will here a lot more orders. PS: Hey what ever happened to your gas station?
  4. I'm a fool. I spent my holloweenie finishing the moving of my ex, again. Well I still need a signature or 2 in the future. shhhhh! She got a bunch of us over there. Then she never showed up. Then on the unloading end no one was home. Hmm, partying way over in Dallas. So me and her daughter and a friend finish it anyway. I saw a lot of trick or treaters. Mostly hispanic. I thought about our little 6 yr old and wondered if I can interest her in doing this next year or whenever? I hope so. But I will have to do what we always disliked. Go to another neighborhood. I live in the country. I wonder if my wife will want to dress up and get that bag of candy too. She looks young enough. Hmm, she is so COST conscience I truly would not put it past her. Honestly. Gotta love her. Dennis glad you got to do what I was wanting to do tonight. Thanks, as always.
  5. esun I started this digression. But I had an ax to grind to management. Sorry I changed the subject so badly. So let me get to your point::::::::: As I tell so many workers behind the counter that it is not their fault. Especially the Diet DP or DP thing. I ask to speak to the manager or ask them to pass the word on or they give me a phone number. The workers? Your right. Most of them work diligently. I know some who take their job so seriously too. I like those guys. Some are not real smart either, but they give it their all. You cannot ask for more than that from them and I am glad they have a job and not on welfare or disability. I tend to talk upbeat to them in the drive through. If a girl I may even flirt. It depends on my mood and her. Black gals can dish out the flirting as good as me. They are the best and the most fun. Others I try to make their day a little happier. I felt growing up that all workers should be treated equaly. My father also told me to always treat the person behind the counter very well. And he almost always did this. He made them feel important. I wrote an email to one of our members today expressing my wish that the farmer and the scientist were paid the same. Both are important. Also to all those out there, the better you treat them the better they will treat you. They are not the stockholders or the CEOs who make life miserable for the workers and the customers. IN the end it is just all of us getting along. Seldom do they deserve to be chewed out. Write a letter to corporate.
  6. Yes no regard for who is behind you. I have it even worse in Ft Worth because people her are so unconserned with who is behind them or how long they are taking in every day driving it is unerving. Heck they will line up 11 cars in a row at a red light in one lane and the other lane has maybe 2 cars. Light will change to yellow and they don't get on through for the guy on their bumper. Those mothers and people, uhhhh. I remember when Jack in the Box started the drive through as a FAST way to eat lunch. It was fast. I remember being with me Dad and we only had so much time. Taxi drivers used to use a drive through as well. Not any more. Marketing went ofter women and kids. Best thing maybe we can all do is throw our televisions OUT. So ain't it great that we have a more logical wife now? Take care and don't spoil the children.
  7. Hey Paul, what are you up to lately? Ron Everything is COOL
  8. I sent as much over as I could. Now if that hotel does not go belly up.
  9. Actually, I do. OH!!!!! B) So YOU are the guy that caused all the problems. Huh. I will make a note of that one buddy. Just kidding.
  10. Well you are so outragous I was joking that maybe you deserve 2 Chinese ladies at the same time. But I see they are keeping you too busy. It is GOOD your wife is going with you. I would like the same when she gets here. Hmm, maybe she will like not working. But then why the degree? Oh boy. I'm sunk. OK so she can buy herself a new car or something. B)
  11. "There are superstitions associated with chopsticks too. If you find an uneven pair at your table setting, it means you are going to miss a boat, plane or train. Dropping chopsticks will inevitably bring bad luck. Crossed chopsticks are, however, permissible in a dim sum restaurant. The waiter will cross them to show that your bill has been settled, or you can do the same to show the waiter that you have finished and are ready to pay the bill. Never stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl, since that usually appears on the funeral and is deemed extremely impolite to the host and seniors present. Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks, since that will be deemed insult to the host or the chef." So when it is time to pay the bill, you lok it over, whether you can read it or not, then you TAP your rice bowl till the waiter comes over. Then Slam your sticks into the bowl of rice as if to indicate what you think of him, the bill, and the food. Just to see what happens next. Anyone ever want to get into one of those CHinese street arguments where you see one guy trying to pull the other guy out of his car and all that yelling is going on? Am I getting saner, yet?
  12. Go Crazy! It's the only thing that helps. Just don't hurt anybody. I'm not too proud of it, but I went nuts in the Twisted Candle and Polls. Just an idea. I would call back in a few days. I have no idea how one traces the package. Some here probably do though.
  13. Buy her some seeds and a hoe. How I wish I could bring a Chinese farmer to the US to work for me.
  14. Same goes for you Eunice and your Sam. You have done a lot of trying I see in your posts. Your special. How many ladies do what you are doing? Don't answer that. But the ladies here, the good ones are the same.
  15. Your special enough to go way out of your way for what you wanted in life. And special enough to try something, not exactly knowing what the outcome will be. I know quite a few folks who are afraid they will be duped if they try something new. It is as if they have little faith in their own judgement or self discipline. I have seen this from religion to women to even try driving on the highway. Enjoyed your story.
  16. Now this is a good thread. Someone actually having fun. IZUS you made my CFL looksy day. Thanks!!!!!!!!!! You know maybe I will have to take my wife to watch the Yao. She will get excited over anyone achieving something though.
  17. One thing is that any USC who goes for a gal in China IS special in my book. There are so many in the USA who just wouldn't do it. Never cross their mind. If told why I am doing it, there is this blank stare of no comprehension. Or they seem to be thinking...... WHY? We are not suppose to critisize our native ladies, but I tell you, there is a streak in I bet 99% of us who are looking for values that run true to our sole. I could get out on a limb and compare it to the small percentage who did all the fighting and dieing for this country to be established in the first place. The others don't bother or wonder....... why? I compare it because there are usually some ideals we want, and it aint bad ones, and we are willing to hunt and find it and do what is necissary to have it. Others of us have done business over there and discovered something. Just to be in a position of going to China is amazing to me. So we are a rather unique bunch here in CFL. For various reasons we are a bit pioneering. We hold to some ideals and have gone to great lengths and some expense to have them in our lives with you SOs. Just wonder what the others think? If nothing else of yourselves and why you did it?
  18. Where is that turd eye comming out? That avatar about describes you I would say. You only have ONE CHinese wife? I mean your REAL special.
  19. You have got to be the most imtelegnet man on CFL. Glad you posted. What a great idea. Now if only I married a farm girl. I WILL use your ideas. No bra does help prevent breast cancer supposedly. So the less she wears it. There have been studies. Somewhere I have some links. Fresh air does kill mold and germs and maybe helps with dust mites. So good idea, but they go overboard. One month in bed? My own Mom did that. Of course I was a bit large My wife knows the superstitions but has always confronted those things logically and eleminated them one by one over the years she says. So I may get her to follow the recomandations but not by superstition. She will maybe for other LOGICAL reasons.
  20. Don or one of you mods should move this thread to CULTURE. This is a culture issue, fast food, and all this TX stuff. Nothing TC about this thread. Whata-Ya think?????
  21. Dublin makes Dr Pepper the old fashioned way with pur cane sugar. Just compare ingrediants. It does taste different. I remember that up until about 1991 I could tell a good DP from a bad one. Don't know when but it made a big impact was when the Irving DP plant was built and I have no idea what ever happened to the Ft Worth plant, but man those old Ft Worth DPs were the best in the Metroplex. Wasn't called a metroplex though. Old Dallas DPs were a little harsh, I think the water. FW DPs were smooth and sweet. If chilled just right, oh boy. Plastic bottles have ruined all soft drinks. Heck I rememebr tasting exhaust from a truck when they first came out. I made phone calls to every bottler in the state when that happened. They must have heard my complaints and got the diesel fuel taste out. You can drive to Stephenville or Dublin and buy suger Peppers in glass bottles if you want. They sell a lot of cans too but ahhh. Best you can do is find a good fountain DP. But that is getting dificult anymore. I think the Dublin bottling Co still has fountain service the old way, if you go down there. It is worth it. Best I ever had was Provo, UT. I was stuck there for a year in 71/72 whe I was 18. Boy did I get homesick. The only place in town to get a DP was a drug store that had the old pale green fountain and the DP syrup came in a glass jug. I saw them using it one time. Man it was strong and oh so good. Now THAT was original. That drug store is gone now. 7-11 going nation wide brought DP to the nation not too long after that. 7-11 is/was a Dallas based company (Southland Corp. So was DP. I can remember in the 80s and 90s having trouble with ATMs in CA. Sometimes I had to go to a 7-11 because I knew their ATM was connected to TX banks. Oh well later.
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