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Everything posted by HanLi

  1. Hanli after I read that you wrote the whitehouse and the whitehouse wrote DOS, I went ahead and skipped the WH and wrote directly to DOS. That's when they told me to call the usual 1225 number that we always call. I will give it a bit more time before I write the White house. I almost feel like it's a waste of time contacting these people. They don't care about us at all. 207689[/snapback] An inquiry to DOS from the White House is much more powerful than yours.... why wait? 207691[/snapback] Your right.........would that be the main WH address? Or is it a special address for a different section of the WH? And I assume your talking about a hand written letter? (snail mail) 207694[/snapback] I addressed it to President Bush at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in DC, you should personalize your situation and be factual without being confrontational.... remember, you are asking for help...... good luck
  2. Hanli after I read that you wrote the whitehouse and the whitehouse wrote DOS, I went ahead and skipped the WH and wrote directly to DOS. That's when they told me to call the usual 1225 number that we always call. I will give it a bit more time before I write the White house. I almost feel like it's a waste of time contacting these people. They don't care about us at all. 207689[/snapback] An inquiry to DOS from the White House is much more powerful than yours.... why wait?
  3. Hey.... great news.... congratulations... and /...... good luck
  4. something is missing here... this doesn't sound right!
  5. Don't let up, contact your Senator and Congressman, call DOS everyday, write to them!! Do not take the adversarial approach, after all we do need them to complete the process. I wrote to the President...... and got a response.. Good Luck
  6. Merc, You are well along the path now.... hang in there, extra expenses now won't add any value or time at this point... but shake your perplexes and do what your heart says.... good luck
  7. I would add that you inform the local SS office that indeed the DS-230 was checked off and that you expected to already receive the SS card. Good Luck
  8. HanLi would you happen to have the address that you sent your letter to? Thanks 207361[/snapback] Are you talking about the address for the White House?
  9. like the answers here, the time frame is all over the board, but usually the P-4 will give you approximately 1 month notice for your interview, my particular case was more weird than most.... I was told in early March that the interview was going to be on June 12. Of course I had contacted everyone from the White House on down..... good luck
  10. Merc, congratulations on reaching a milestone.... look forward now, not back best wishes for a quicker timeframe for the P-4 good luck
  11. it's interesting that I wrote to the White House on December 19, 2005, and received a reply on March 1, 2006. The usual apologies for late reply due to new mail screening security procedures..... My complaint was specific to the seven weeks my wifes application package sat in Chinese Customs for lack of a simple clearance document. I spoke in general to the lengthy immigration process that involves our attempts to be with our spouses. My letter was referred to DOS, and I received a response from them on March 28, 2006. They provided me with the date of my wifes interview. This is the first time in over a year that I have seen anyones interview scheduled 3 months after name check clearances. my suggestion, individual letters can be potent, keep the letter brief and to the point, be specific on any delays. 2 paragraphs, no more than 8 -10 sentences in each. Do not use attack language, you should approach this as looking for assistance from the delays you have encountered. They are well aware of the staffing issues, after all, it is the busiest counsulate in the world. good luck
  12. Frank, Thanks, this gave me the form numbers, I will print the updated forms out from the USCIS site..... hopefully I can check it to be sure my wife has everything she needs.
  13. Thanks, but I noticed that several of the forms have expired some time ago. I was surprised that there wasn't something more current here on CFL oh well......
  14. I couldn't find anywhere in the FAQ's a listing of the contents of a CR-1 P-4. Can anyone help?
  15. HanLi, it would be helpful if you could provide a timeline in your signature so that we can see how your application progressed. Thanks. 206924[/snapback] ok
  16. Ken, you are getting other's hope high... hey, congratulations on the speed on this .... good luck
  17. hang in there Jesse..... I called them same way, even wrote the white house, got a reply, the following week they told me my wife had an interview on June 12... that was a month ago... ever hear such???? good luck
  18. Dan, you had great timing during your process... congratulations
  19. I thought you got the CR-1 ??? but didn't check the previous posts since I have not seen you online in a while...... shouldn't have any problem with Chinese customs.. unless there is contraband in her luggage.. how have things been for you and your wife since arriving few months back....? Anyway, it is immigration, not customs that is the concern always..... look what it took to get here!! good luck
  20. progress is progress.... keep the faith.. good luck
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