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Everything posted by HanLi

  1. This is absolutely fantastic.... congratulations on going that extra mile for your family.... and the right to a fair review!!!
  2. I'll celebrate, but will be glad to help you dispose of your leftovers.... Happy Thanksgiving to all we have much to be thankful for.........
  3. Mark, Congratulations to you and your wife for the successful interview... a great post.... look forward to more as the transition takes place.....
  4. HanLi

    DHL Posts

    Frank, Thanks, I was only trying to shake this loose... the delay is easily explained... GUZ has failed to provide Chinese Customs with the necessary clearance document... even though Mr. Guan promised DHL on October 20, 2005 that he would do so.... I simply would like to understand why this cannot be processed in a timely manner. I think it gives credence to the thoughts that many have, GUZ simply uses the Chinese Customs as a blame point while they are using them to delay processing.... This is too frustrating!!
  5. do it yourself, and we are all here to help you through the process, as Carl says, the forms are not that difficult, and the possible problems you can encounter by having someone assist you in China is not worth it... unless you contact King, he is an American attorney that works in the same building as the new Counsulate.... good luck
  6. HanLi

    DHL Posts

    Hello Moderators.... Can you help with this question? The Counsulate is responsible for providing a document to Chinese Customs in order for shipments to "clear" customs.... A package was delivered to the DHL facility on October 19, 2005 and has lingered there every since. A Mr. Guan with the Counsulate indicated to DHL that he would prepare the necessary documents on October 20, 2005............ DHL tracking Number 7579366056 it was shipped from the NVC on October 17, 2005.
  7. well you just summed it up!!! have a great time
  8. Ken's right, follow his directions, and yes, the white booklet is the notarization of your translated document. Also remember to make copy of the original to take with your notarized copy, just as an extra. good luck
  9. great news..... congratulations.... and keep us posted....
  10. ummm, a rose by any name.............
  11. the truth is, you will have been there 2 times to see her when she is asked the question.... have the passport handy, if he/she wants proof good luck
  12. Carl, You and Ying will have wonderful opportunity to finally be together after all your misery.... best wishes to you both........
  13. HanLi


    I guess there is an official position, and an un-official position that they take.........
  14. lots of different experiences.... almost like the interview process... seems the extra bag is the best way to go.......
  15. CR-1 seems the best route, will a few days make a difference by filing another application? seems redundant, but works for many, go though all the responses, make the choice that you are comfortable with....... and good luck!!
  16. wonderful news...... congratulations and enjoy your new life together....
  17. Yes - I've kept an eye on the table for a long time - only 1 day off on mine. Good luck to you, Hank 170294[/snapback] Randy.... thanks, but it seems I got caught in Customs Hold Hell..... been there for a month........
  18. Mark, Thanks so much for your efforts to continue providing such a valuable service to those of us looking for the glimmers of hope....
  19. perhaps you didn't understand my comment entirely.... I thought your attack on other member here was uncalled for, you got a reasonable response and took it out of context. Once again I reiteriate, we are here to support, encourage, and help each other. Now, with that said..... I agree that showing respect to the parents of your SO is admirable, and it is obvious that you have a trememdous love for your SO. The question you orginally posed seemed simple enough, that you wondered if your marriage was recognized by China. I think that regardless of country of origin, bonafied marriages are recognized around the world by other countries. Take Amerchin's advice... and don't critize others for their attempts to respond to your questions.... good luck with your and your wife's decision to celebrate your marriage in any way you wish with your in-laws........ 170065[/snapback] I appreciate hearing from cool heads. Although I'm new here and an expert on absolutely nothing to do with CFL's on-topic discussion, I'm not new to online discussion. What I would like to add is that experienced posters quite often compose their posts with the general reader in mind, rather than simply replying directly like they would in a private email. When doing so it is an excellent policy use as simple and direct a manner as possible. I can't think anything more simple and direct than "Married is married". With this in mind, it is therefore ill advised to take any answer personally in a negative way. Of course it is perfectly appropriate to take compliments and congratulations personally. :-) Mike 170071[/snapback] Mike, accept my welcome, you will love this place.......
  20. looks like some people are total jerks and can not see past what comes out of thier mouth...have no time to think first...to many dogs out here want to bark before they bite......what answer would that be?..a samart comment?..right...Oh well....More words from fingers on a keyboard with no effort behind them....time to think about what one says before they bite...etc...etc 169721[/snapback] had a chance to look in the mirror lately...? You allude to having intelligence beyond your words, is it possible that an emotional or other affiction is affecting your ability to ingest sound advice? calm down, most here are trying to help......... 169820[/snapback] Sure have a mirror..Just how small is yours?...One smart comment after another..No dis-respect but I (allude) not one word..If you have a problem with smart comments or can't see them when given,then I would allude your intelligence is on a par with another..Again no dis-respect but it seems so many people here get caught up in a (government) game they to see them as a number also, and get bent on the game, losing in ones mind why we ask what we do, who we even bother to ask a simple or complicated question for. I cannot see myself in none of this, if I did guess I would need a very long look in that mirror..Ask you this..Just what was miss-understood about wanting to (honor) your (SO)'s parents anyway one can..(SO) in my thinking is my betterhalf, my best friend, so many things she is to me..Don't understand why something so simple many find very complicated..Who was it gave this person life?..Who was it gave birth to the one woman you have allways dreamed you (might) find..Next door ok, but I guess we didn't find them next door did we..She was 8,000 miles away..Some of us i guess it was luck you meet, others I do belive it was somehow meant..I did not pick my (SO) from a picture..So wrong would I be if I did this..My simple little question was only this..Nothing at all to do with a game it seems we all are caught up in, and you can't say that many do see it that way, no fault of thiers, don't again miss-understand, I know you can see that..Anyway my little woman, my (giant) is my life, I have none of these (me) thoughts, what or who am I if I did?..Said nothing more than if someone out here felt the same as me, only wanted to honor my wife and her parents in anyway I can..Asked no more than that and it went to honor right back to a game we all seem to be stuck in at the moment..She came here before I could go there, that in itself tells all don't it?..A chinese woman went through all that to come here to NC to be married?..My god you all know what that says, you all know how hard that was for her to do..Close with this..It was my parents a witness at our little wedding, Since I am the man why would I not want to do everything I can to honor hers in this way, why would I not?..I guess thats what sets us apart from 99.99% of most people out here..She went through hell to come to the USA and marry a little white guy..So what is it I allude to?...What mirror I have not seen I need to take a deep look in?...There isn't one 169955[/snapback] perhaps you didn't understand my comment entirely.... I thought your attack on other member here was uncalled for, you got a reasonable response and took it out of context. Once again I reiteriate, we are here to support, encourage, and help each other. Now, with that said..... I agree that showing respect to the parents of your SO is admirable, and it is obvious that you have a trememdous love for your SO. The question you orginally posed seemed simple enough, that you wondered if your marriage was recognized by China. I think that regardless of country of origin, bonafied marriages are recognized around the world by other countries. Take Amerchin's advice... and don't critize others for their attempts to respond to your questions.... good luck with your and your wife's decision to celebrate your marriage in any way you wish with your in-laws........
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