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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. Definitely the faucet and the hot water valve to prove you can provide hot water with a statement from your plumber. This will satisfy U.S. housing laws and if the plumber's bill is marked paid you prove you can support a wife. Seriously the list looks good. The only thing we added was letters from people that observed us together as a couple in China.
  2. Anyone in the Los Angeles area will probably find it easier to do the SS registration in Monterey Park. They are very familiar with this.
  3. The regulations will say that you are entitled to a SSN in only one of two instances. The first is for work, hence the need for an EAD for the K-2er since it is not one of the listed visa categories that allows for work without specific authorization. The second is that you need the SSN because another federal or state statute requires that you have one in order to receive a particular benefit, assistance, or service from the government. Documentation that you must provide to support this can be difficult and usually requires the involvment of the governmental agency. I always wondered how this second instance tied into the I-864. A number of people I know in our area were issued SSN with hardly any questions asked. They were asked for proof of marriage which was enough to show the spouse is the beneficiary under SSA regulations. The cards came in two weeks. No reference was made to applying for adjustment of status or work authorization. One of the friends said that a clerk initially objected to accepting the application but the supervisor heard and came right over to straighten it out. Of course in these cases the SS card states "Not for Work" but once the work authorization is received it over rides the statement on the card. Then a request is easily made to remove the work restriction at SSA. Perhaps they are more aware of the need here in California since SSN have been such a political issue as part of the driver's license issue. Many legal immigrants have been denied licenses because the computer wasn't poperly updated for up to 6 months. In some cases this has resulted in lost jobs in addition to other hardships. Recently it has been quick.
  4. Korea and Japan with higher pay and waiting lists require teaching English degrees and or experience. China does not yet. Japan now requires a PhD at many upper level schools.
  5. Here is the rule of thumb [for chinese ladies]: 1) Forget that you thought at one time in your life (maybe when really drunk), that you understand women 2) Forget anything any western woman has told you or how she has treated you 3) Realize that only the moment exists (we can start another thread on whether it exists or not).. now we're moving eastern... 4) Chinese do not like to explain themselves, it just "is". 5) Remember why you fell in love with her... if you can explain it, then something is wrong. 6) Read the quoted section.. then start at #1 again. Don have we met in China? Sounds like you know both of us.
  6. Good I will have 3 out of 4. Personally I do not think the petitioners presence does very much at this point of the process unless there have been only 1 or no visits in the past. That does change if a blue slip is issued and you can present needed evidence immediately because you are there. Anyway I hope so because my vacation time and funds are limited. Also and more important when I asked if she would like me to go to GZ, she answered "don't you have confidence in me?". I know you can do it dear.
  7. We refer to the inability or lack of skill at bargaining as a "goyisha cup" basicly means gentile thinking. I was annoyed that at a big department store they said they don't bargain. I wanted to go search elsewhere but she told me somethings you must pay what is written. Oh well no place is perfect I guess. I did work a great deal on a TV. If I move there they have some nice digitalized refrigerators. I found a household goods store that will bargain on those and I already checked the department store retail prices. This is more fun than buying jewlery and luggage in Mexico.
  8. Unless the limit has been raised the most you can send before being reported for taxes is $10,000 If there is much funds in China I would either invest in Chinese real estate or buy goods that can be sold here at a good profit. Be sure to have invoices for the goods and shipping to use as business expense or the total sales could be taxed.
  9. When this happens and I am not sure if she took it seriously, I ask "are you mad at me?" Usually I just get back "what do you mean?" Why do you say that." Once in awhile I get told something and it has usually been a translation error. Good Luck.
  10. Women are women. Wait a minute here... Are you suggesting that all our problems with women won't magically go away just because we now have an asian SO? So I explained everything there is to know about men a while back and it only took 3 paragraphs.Can you explain women to us in say 3 pages ? Ah Roger the only reason it may seem to magically go away is that you blame it all on cultural differences. Once you learn which things are cultural and which not it will boil down to the old male female thing. Now if you want to reconsider Trigg may have a sheep you can bargain for.
  11. It comes from all the news agency and hollywood free publicity given to promote American society.
  12. Corvette's list makes real sense. So with the addition of #9 just do what we do in L.A. all the time, right?
  13. Based on my discussions with NVC, the US visa service simply overlooked her name. Paul this explanation is hardly creditable. You want us to believe that the government would over look something and then admit it? Please look for another more believable. The gov can't make a mistake you just read the rules wrong. maybe I've been waiting in this line too long. Anyway it is great to have things straighten out.
  14. In my experience Chinese are excitable and can rant with the best of them. I have not been the object of it but have heard it many times. Afterwards when things are settled it is fine again. I have no misgivings that my So is meek, she is stubborn and wont hesitate to stick up for me. We have both wondered what our first fight will be about, hasn't happened yet. She said she has been asking a friend who is married to an American how they argue. I told her I don't hit but when I asked if she does, she said maybe. . I think arguing style is a real concern for the SOs because they hear so much about violence in America.
  15. Every time I think about my wait I look at the immigration page on processing and assigning the quota numbers. A friend is an aplicant from Mexico his sister the petitioner. Luckily he has a Tax I.D. and pays taxes faithfully while in this country. Even with this California wont give a license because only the SSN is accepted. The numbers look the same and it works the same and it will be his SSN when his status changes. He has waited 10 years and when he last called in was told currently he can expect three more years for interview. Well I am learning why we are the home of the brave. We must be! Today is tax day Feds own report states that preparing and investigating tax returns is the single greatest loss of productivity in this country. A gov study a few years ago showed that a flat tax would be much lower on the average, not require the huge beauracracy and generate more revenue. Don't you just love politics? NOT
  16. Congratulations! Its nice when things go right.
  17. We are in the same situation since the visa can only be put in the passport if it has at least 6 months remaining. My SO went to get a new one but they wont do it until May so we have fingers crossed that the new passport will arrive in time. I don't expect any problem since we submitted a copy of her old passport and the need for a new one is clear.
  18. Ah tink that be gud advice bru Jim.
  19. I was reading some of the posts and thought what interesting study material they would make for our SOs. Perhaps we can publish a text. Practical English or how to debate in America. I must say I think my SO would be very interested in what we talk aqbout and how we each express ourselves. She is always using new idioms or expressions she hears. Sometimes I am quite surprised. When she hears something bad and uses it I tell her she shouldn't. But then she tells me "but don't you want me to know if someone is saying something bad to me? How else can I know to be mad at them? Now how do you pronounce this one? Fu.." "Ok dear you win yes you must learn everything" Teaching English can be so much fun. But it is much easier to explain the nuances in person than on the phone. Depending the direction this takes it might end up in the L.L. so please keep to language comments.
  20. Ah, kinda like me when I was in Japan and wore my Jochi Daigaku student uniform and geta. I enjoyed that too cultural emersion.
  21. This sounds very usueful, I'll look into it. Thanks! How accurate do you find tthe English to Chinese translation? I would think this is difficult since the English is more a matter of the context of the word.
  22. That price sounds pretty cheap. My SO was in the travel business and all of her friends have her buy their tickets for them when they travel. From what she tells me, cheap tickets are usually available on short notice in China. Seems long term reservations are unheard of in China and things are often done last minute. I'm a careful planner but so far when we traveled she has proven this right.
  23. Sounds like you have the situation covered but what a disappointment to get in first only to be delayed. I am assuming her English is very limited. Is it?
  24. Gee Roger are you sure she really cares? Maybe I should limit CFL to the mornings only. Now I'll spend an extra hour trying to go to sleep. As nice a waiting room as this is and as great as everyone has been, waiting still sucks!
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