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Dan R

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Everything posted by Dan R

  1. BBBWWWAAAAHHHAAA you might as well enjoy it witht the rest of us.
  2. But have you used "4Q2"? There've been a number of times I wanted to. Ok I'll bite what is 4Q2? Anything close to R2D2? Is it within my NTK (need to know) JIT (just in time) which is the current government standard for training? 88 (baba) (Zhongwen chat talk)
  3. Can't resist this one Carl. Woman at the local news stand in China almost always wears a sweatshirt with "EMERICA" across the front. And GOOD LUCK to you and Ying! acw So is it Senator John Cornyn of Texas that I need to talk to to be allowed to leave the U.S. Carl the misspelling should prove to them that you are a CFL member and as such one not to be reckoned with. I hope you hear back quickly. Have you notified your service center based on humanitarian grounds? USCIS Expedite Criteria All expedite requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and are granted at the discretion of the Service Center Director. The criteria are as follows: * Severe financial loss to company or individual. * Extreme emergent situation. * Humanitarian situation. * Nonprofit status of requesting organization in furtherance of the cultural and social interests of the United States. * Department of Defense or National Interest Situation (Note: Request must come from official United States Government entity and state that delay will be detrimental to our Government.) * USCIS error. * Compelling interest of USCIS. If a response to the expedite request is not received within 72 hours, the request is denied. The application or petition will then undergo normal processing.
  4. Not silly. I never used the term either before arriving in CFL. It is Significant Other applied to either spouse or fiance of either gender. I get confused many times by the frequent use of acronyms here. Just ask someone may know what they were talking about.
  5. SSN are life long no need to apply you lucky dog. That means in a state requiring SSN for a driver's license she is already qualified. If they will accept a P.O. box for residence, do you have someone who will check it at least once a week? I would be surprised if they would allow a P.O. Box as residence althtough mailing address should be ok. Anyone ever do that? I would go with the neighbors address. Check with the postman. Some districts wont leave mail that is addressed to a person they don't know is living there. I have had that happen. Putting the name on the mail box takes care of that.
  6. Mark get her driver's license and add her to your insurance first before shopping. Does every state's insurance charge more than double for adult new drivers like California? It will be like having a teen driver all over again Shop carefully some insurance will accept Chinese driving experience with documentation as being an experienced rather than new driver. That should save over $1000 per year for the first three years. Enough for the down payment.
  7. Michael wouldn't issuing a decision by mail with ability to appeal refusal be more practical than an interview for this purpose and save everyone including the tax payer a lot of money? If as you say it is just to fulfill a procedural legality then the public is being bilked by the government attorneys.
  8. Whew Frank that is a lot of reading. It seems that the biggest problems are poor enforcement and inability to track individuals once they enter the country. It also mentions the lack of processing and using the data that is collected. I didn't see anything yet about the visa interview stopping K visa fraud. It is interesting that the religous visa is the most used for changing illegal status to legal. I have been involved with OIG and know they are a group dedicated to keeping government on the up and up. Unfortunately they are in more limited numbers than VOs, cover more territory and are hampered by a worse burden of proof than we are by the visa process, to bring charges against government workers. Trigg I agree with you that the interview for AOS is much better tax money spent.
  9. I wonder if the nerve wrecking process of the visa interview is really of value. Has anyone found any statistics on the number of people world wide that are permanently denied entry no matter how they try? Recently Cuba took away a man's passport whose brother had just used the same documents three days earlier to leave for the U.S. Such money and time is spent by the government on a quick last defense against visa fraud. Is it worth it? 1) Is the interview a deterant? 2) Does it catch and permanently stop a large percentage of fraud? I seriously doubt from what I hear in the immigrant communities here that it does either. If the goal is to catch spies and terrorists I would guess that it is less effective with those trained to pass. Fraud for a K-1 would be someone not intending to remain long term in a marriage. If the system is effective there should be statistics on a significant percentage of applicants who were stopped and could not resolve their cases. Does anyone know of such statistics? My suspiscion is that we go through this most nerve straining step for political posturing for the public to demonstrate our government is looking out for us. I would like to be proven wrong on this.
  10. Both are expensive. I hope she knows how to drive. both are superfluous... What? The expense and the license?
  11. Congratulations! Thanks for the info. I just emailed her about the air conditioning.
  12. HUH???? When I made my rservations they promised me that no goats or anyone affiliated with said same would be allowed. Last time i spring for an $18 dollar room!!!!!!! 18 bucks! You went deluxe. I was told i'll have a freshly turned hay stack to sleep in and the barn yard companion of my choice. It will be nice waking up to fresh goats milk. Trigg I'll bring you over a glass. I was thinking of taking MAX (whatever that is) to the hotel. I am assuming it will have something marked west bound or downtown. Some way to distinguish. Since Trigg will be there first I'll just find my way listening for contented Baaaas followed by a resounding thwack of a wet mop.
  13. Ok Carl, I can take a hint. I have a room now at the Days Inn - Center
  14. Best Regards to all Jim. Did Jen actually say you can take a day off from making the place habitable for her? You're heading for home stretch. You certainly are seeing both sides of life these days.
  15. Oh I forgot the soy dog and chorsoyrizo from my list!!!!!1
  16. Not wanting to start a politi-religous debate here Tony, but what is the right way? There is boiled, steamed, broiled, grilled, pan fried, fried, baked, griddled, roasted, and microwaved or just cold. Then you can eat them skewered, on a plate, in a bun, wrapped in bacon, baked in dough wraps, corn battered, baked in beans, cut up in eggs. So, just how would you teach her to make them? Next what is your favorite meat type, beef, beef & pork, beef, pork poultry, chicken or turkey. Also popular are Knockwurst and kraut ehich is similar to a large hot dog. And this brings up another matter. Should you have it with ketchup, mustard, horseradish, mayo, dill relish, sweet pickle relish, onions, chile con carne, salso, hot sauce, jalipenos or banana chili strips. Let's try to keep this civil and not draw any blood.
  17. Rice starch is the common thickener in Chinese recipes. It works well, doesn't sweeten and adheres. I like deboning the turkey, marinating the meat and then tieing it up to smoke in the BBQ. Many Asian friends make the Turkey every year after I do it for them once. No they don't do it to keep me from making it again. They do it because they like it You first slide a sharp knife under the skin from the end lifting it but not breaking it. Then pierce the skin at the thigh. This lets the fat drain out to make a crispy skin. Under the skin I rub either oyster or black bean sauce mixed with garlic and chilis. I stuff it with a mix of under cooked rice, chopped vegetables and chopped Chinese sausage mixed with a little of the sauce. Roast it Breast Up covered with foil until the last 1/2 hour. It is good. The Vietnamese style uses fish sauce.
  18. So what about it Trigg? If they are lucky they'll get there too.
  19. Perhaps the University could start a Trigg Scholarship in Sheep research.
  20. I'm sure that is great Roger but if you don't mind as suggestion. Ah I'll tell you anyway. For most non Americans cut the sugar by 2/3. Sugar is not a major part of any other country's meal. Western style mustards are not a flavor known to Asians. You might exchange it for1 oz of Coleman's Dry Mustard which is the hot Chinese style. I have great Chinese style (I've taught many Vietnamese friends a Vietnamese style do you hear that Robert?) Turkey if you are game for Thanksgiving. Be forwarned that Asians and Hispanics do not like American style roasted Turkey which they regard as dry and tasteless.
  21. Considering it is your Birthday here is a gift from a goat man http://www.sheepandgoat.com/shlinks.html As you will see not only does Oregon have sheep and goats but Oregon University has a research center for them. (Yes your sheep can go to college).
  22. Jason & I are spending our one night at Days Inn in downtown I think. I didn't make reservations but expect to find a room when I get there. Are we all doing that seafood place Saturday night? That should be a neutral place in the sheep/goat wars I see you have discovered a benefit of aging. The years start vanishing from the memory.
  23. Corn Dogs I saw at stands in China were fried. The plain hot dogs on rotissories had signs American Hot Dog. Based on this and the great steamed corn bread I enjoyed up north I think if it uses corn bread it must be Chinese.
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