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what's the difference?

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Singapore was a British port at one time, and Hong Kong occupied or owned by the same for a while...  So, would you say that Taiwan is really the only one to 'effect change on their own'?


No I wouldn't say on their own. There have been many outside influences. Remember until recently a Taiwanese could not vote or hold office. This was allowed yo mainland families only.


But even without any outside influence change happens. It is matters of degree, speed and direction and the result is always unpredictable. Bush believes in forcing change. This certainly will effect degree, speed and direction but only time will tell the results. Even those results will shift again continually in time.

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Could you tell me in your opinion what's the difference between chinese girls and the US girls?


Simple answer... Chinese=Sweet US=Evil. :D haha, just kidding mom. awe man , now I got to go to my room again. :( Do you know the difference from garbage and girls from NJ? Garbage gets picked up. dough!!!
sometimes they eat too much fastfood~ uhh~~~ can't think of anything else so far, will keep updating~


Ya Sometimes!!! Only time we don't eat fast food is when we're in China. That sucks. I want to write a letter of complaint to my wifes gov. No Micky D's within 500 miles of my LaoPo's house. I start feeling woooozy when I get too much blood in my cholesterol system. :) :rolleyes: :D :lol: :D
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No Micky D's within 500 miles of my LaoPo's house.

I guess it depends on where in China you are. My lao po lived in Nanning. We had our choice between Micky D's, Pizza Hut or KFC. All within a 5 minute walk from her apartment. Love Chinese food though, so we never visited any of them.


As for the difference between American women and Chinese women.. Sure their are differences, but each has their positive qualites as well as negative. I know many good American women. The only problem I had with them was they were already married. My problem was not with American women in general, but those that I found in the dating pool. So thus prompted the expansion of my search.

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As for the difference between American women and Chinese women.. Sure their are differences, but each has their positive qualites as well as negative. I know many good American women. The only problem I had with them was they were already married. My problem was not with American women in general, but those that I found in the dating pool. So thus prompted the expansion of my search.

Very true. Chinese women will date someone a lot older than them. My wife said they won't date someone younger than them. So if you want a wife much younger than you, then China is the place.

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have no problems with american women except ex (not ex bashing) american women seem to fine fault in me, bald, fat, and near 40, gentlemen, open doors, stand up when a lady come in.


When guys that cheat, beat thier girlfiends and basic treat them like dirt seem to be the one that american women want to date


I find my SO very refreshing



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I wonder how much difference noted here is due to age difference in Chinese women. My take is that women the age of my SO (38) have a much different outlook than the younger set. Maybe many of the younger ones didn't experience the side effects of the cultural revolution as much and due to the Internet and TV have lots more westernization (careers, independence, etc). Maybe American women just went through this transition 20-30 years ago. So the 35+ crowd has more traditional values that some of us like?

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I wonder how much difference noted here is due to age difference in Chinese women. My take is that women the age of my SO (38) have a much different outlook than the younger set. Maybe many of the younger ones didn't experience the side effects of the cultural revolution as much and due to the Internet and TV have lots more westernization (careers, independence, etc). Maybe American women just went through this transition 20-30 years ago. So the 35+ crowd has more traditional values that some of us like?

I think you have something there Paul. Much we are looking at are slices of time in regional development which we are all a part of.

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I was born in 1980, kinda between the "culture revolution generation" and "internet" generation.


I've experienced the "poverty" of china but also catched up with the new generations in many ways.


for my opinion, there actually are some difference between your MMs, some of them I know were divorced, even have childern from former marriage, but some of them are even younger than me, not even graduat from college.


most of you guys talked about "frugal" of your mm, for me, it's easy to understand, I guess all of them are elder than my age. even for me, I can't get rid of this attitude of life, the memories of childhood are still vivid, to have a house phone at home was almost a dream never come true~first experience of instant noodle was to share a bag of it with 2 or 3 friends, I mean it was not even boiled, but dried...a happy memory though~there was only one kind of vegetable available in winter: chinese cabbage~ I believe your mms got more stories than I do, that's why even nowadays you can get almost everything in china, and your life is 100 times better than those days, you are still "frugal" into your bones.


but the girls in 1980's? I guess they would be less "frugal"~ (i guess no 1990's girls are in our discussion yet) frankly I almost don't have any girl friends who were born after 1980, so I will just leave this topic for younger mms to discuss.


I suppose marriage can change a person a lot, so if your mm are divorced, her idea of many things probably would be totally different from mine~ even she is at my age, we won't be the exact same either


I started this thread just because I was curious about how american gg think about chinese mm,

I was not intending to start a "goodie" "baddie" discussion~

for me the american mms here are kind and considerate,

unfortunately I've not had an american mm friend yet

I would like to make friends with them once I get together with my gg

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Chinese girls like my wife and her cousins are not frugal. They are in their 20's and spent money on clothes and makeup. They never work before and don't realize how hard to make money. For most members here, their SOs had work experience and know how tough to make a living. So they can be frugal.

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Mo SO and her cousins (although I always called them meimei), are very poor. Apt they share has no running hot water, no shower, no refrigerator, no washing except in the sink.


They wash their face in cold water, they split the chores, the apt only holds what is absolutely necessary, and they scrape for everything.. they live quite the spartan live.


And I went to live in this for two months... and in this existence, you see that the fire might soften the metal, but you use a heavy hammer to forge the sword.

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What I find fasniating about my SO (viet namese) is she has the same outlook that people in the 40 and 50 had on family.

Only thing is I'm opening her eyes to a world she never dream possible. Her world was a place where women are still look upon as property or below men, when she told me that it the rightof a husband to beat thier wife made me very upset. until just 10 years ago it was allow to have 2 wives or more.

I think american women take it for granted they can have everything and a career most really don't want to have a husband around.


A bald fat middle age man has almost no chance of dating a nice girl in america because. today image of a good man is young, rich and with hair and a beach body



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I find fascinating that everyone I know says, "She'll think this is the luxury of the world to be in the US.. hot water, large showers, a 'real' toilet' "...


I think that I'll just let her response the way she wants you... I don't need to assume what reaction she will have.


Maybe she'll come over here and say that I live in a materialistic world, the water gets too hot, and bathroom is way too big (although mines a meage size apt).


But if I had to guess, she'll say, "mei guan xi".. this is our favorite line.. Nothing really matters.. only to be together does... We don't really take anything too seriously...


Even walking six flights of steps every day at her apt, we turned into a game.. stop on the third... half out of breath.. look at each other and just laugh... ok, another three to go...

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David -


I am in somewhat agreement. I think that how happy you have grown up / how good your memories are is more important then silly thing like 'hot water'. There is more to life. I think sometimes that our Chinese SOs have had a more fulifilling life actually. I don't nearly have as many stories to tell. But then again, maybe that is also a bad measure.... Who can really say that this is good or that is bad (I am not talking morally).

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