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i give up i may just move to china now

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i dont meet 125% poverty level guideline i think,i made $12,135 last yr thats at 8hr is all,i feel short of,its like $15,260 for 2 people togther i read,im about to just give up and go to china,blah on the whole k-1 visa thing,my finacee is worried they wont let her in cause of this,and i dont know where i can get a co-sponser to help me now,could any friend help you out,or does it have to be family,if no one will help me,im leaving and going to china,ive had it up to here,Chris ;)

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anyone willing to put their name on the dotted line

you can still file the I-129 f and G-325 A you wont need the affidavit of support until close to interview. If you think you can get your income up by then. Also if you have enough assets such as stocks bonds home etc you can pass.

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i own my own car is all,i rent from apartment for now,i was making some side money on ebay selling tshirt and differnt things,making like $200 a month on the side or so,im sure that wont help much,i really dont have any sale proof on it,will they need to sell sales proof or can i make up something,my friends owns a business and makes good money,make i can ask him for help,who knows,i feel upset now and down,Chris ;)

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If you reported the e-bay sales on your income taxes as income, you have the proof you need. Also your assets (such as bank accounts, savings, car, property, count for 1/5 of the shortage - if you are short $1000 of the requirement, then you need $5000 in assets). Hopefully this will give you some ideas. I researched this since I was self-employed when I initially filed the I-129F. Of course, by the time the INS finally gave us our interview, I didn't need the co-sponsor, assets records, etc., because I had gone back to work.

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my finacee is worried they wont let her in cause of this,and i dont know where i can get a co-sponser to help me now,could any friend help you out,or does it have to be family,if no one will help me,im leaving and going to china,ive had it up to here,Chris  


Chinese Lover,


Don't beat yourself up to bad. Things have a way of working out. This is only my oppinion, but if you think you can do very well living in China, then go for it! If you are set on bring her to the U.S. then do it!


There are many ways to help you meet your financial needs. I know it is very frustrating. :) I have been there myself, but in the end, it all seems to be worth the hard work, troubles and the trials. I agree with warpedbored, go ahead and fill the I-129F and G-325A. You will have several months to work on improving your financial needs. CFL will be here to give you encouragement when you need it the most.


Good luck! :D



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Chinese lover, it's not that easy to move to China. They don't give out long term visa's unless you have work over there. Whatever you decide to do, it doesn't do any harm to send in your G-325 and I- 129f now and think about everything while your papers are being processed. You have at least 8 months before you need the I 134 and it could be more than a year.

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Chinese lover, it's not that easy to move to China. They don't give out long term visa's unless you have work over there. Whatever you decide to do, it doesn't do any harm to send in your G-325 and I- 129f now and think about everything while your papers are being processed. You have at least 8 months  before you need the I 134 and it could be more than a year.

I thought chinese_lover alread had a P-3... Is that not correct?

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Chinese lover, yes you can move to china. You can get 1 or 2, 1 month visa's to stay here. If you get married during that time you can than apply for a 3 month extention in her town. You should be able to do at least 3 of them and it is around 250 RMB give or take a fewRMB. If you go to HK you can ahhh, hmm, ohhh and come back with a 6 month or 1 year mutli entry visa.


As for work if you can breath and speak english you can teach! my understanding is there is sure to be someone who will ask Bill Clinton while he is here.. hey! you want to teach english??


Most people teach around 20 hours a week and their pay runs around 8,000.00 to maybe 12'000.00 RMB a month which in US Dollars is only $1'000.00 a month, well under the 125% you need. It will make a comfortable living for you here.


If you live on either coast or can get there I'd look into being an Air Courier. It cost me $35.00 to join and from JFK to HK it was $300.00 for a round trip plus a refundable $100.00 deposit. I flew JAL {japan airlines} and had a stop over in japan with hotel for the night included.


As for living here.. don't drink the WATER! and as the Chinese say.. there are too many people in China. So it takes added time to do anything here and when you do get the chance to do it.. the person on the other side either doesn't know what you want , how to do it or whom to ask, but they usually are friendly or smile..:lol: And finally you MUST learn that it is OK to elbow that 80 year old woman getting on the bus as she will surely do it to you if she can!.. hehehe


It took me roughly 5 to 6 months to adjust to this culture and during those months it could some times be a bit of a roller coaster ride of emotion. I think for me in looking back at this time here I will treasure it as it gives me so much more insight into my wife and her life here. I'm looking forward to sharing the clean air and open spaces, uncrowded towns of the north east east, where I grew up with my wife. She loves the photos we have found about my home town and other bits and peices of info about the area.


I hope this info helps inform you and the other great advice others have offered. :o


Mark and Bea

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Don't know? Didn't sound like it.

Actually, I found this posting from a previous thread:


>what is the average time from the P3 to getting the P4 to getting a interview date and >coming to the usa,let me know something,

>im just wanting to see how long my wait is now,we have just gotten our P3 sent to >us,Chris^_^ my finacee is from China

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This whole story seems all screwed up. Chinese_lover is literally within a month or so of getting a visa and going to give up and move to China because of the poverty level issue? :D


After working (or waiting) through the rest of this lengthy process why stop just before completing it over an issue that has so many ways to get around?

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ok i went and asked my mom to be a sponser today,she said no cause of legal issues i dont want to get into,i aksed my friend who owns a business about giving me a job for rest of yr,well he could just say he paied me $3,000 or $4,000 i need to clear the 125% poverty level guideline,i would claim it on my tax return and he could on his,give the blank pay stubs needed and all that,and i just pay more into the goverment,or you think i mite get caught,please anyone help me,im hurting,i know someone talked about people claiming ebay sales and stuffed you own like your car,how could i report them,i dont have any recipts from the ebay sales,i just remember i made $1,200 off a guitar amp on there a few months ago,and my car is work like $2,000 or so i think,any info on this would be appreciated,Thanks,Chris^_^

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sorry i jumped to conculsions and got all mad in the heat of the moment,since last nite i calmed down and still want to get her over here,i will work at it,i plan on getting a new job in jan that pays more,would that help any,to get her over here,and me starting school in march also,and yes we got our p3 and she is about to sent it back,everyone keeps saying i wont need this proof of income for 6 to 8months,does it really take this long to get her interview and visa issued,

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Hello chinese_lover,

I don't often reply to posts, although I love to spend a little part of each day catching up on what is happening on Candle (I'm another one of these addicted old-timers) and occasionally I feel the need to respond to a particular post (the pre-nup one being an example) and offer suggestions and help if at all possible. First of all, congratulations on meeting your Chinese fiancee. I heartily endorse what already has been posted regarding the Chinese woman, and the qualities that most of them possess. Of course, I happen to believe that I have the best of all of the Chinese wives, but then I'm sure a lot of us feel the same way. I wish you the best of luck and happiness in your future endeavours in bringing her to America. However, as probably someone who is a lot older than you (I'm almost 49 and I'm guessing you're in your 20's) I would like to offer you the following advice: Before you begin this incredible ordeal (and trust me, at times you will ask yourself why you are putting yourself through all of this trouble) of bringing your fiancee to America, please make sure that your own personal life is stable enough to endure and overcome the added difficulties which accompany the beginning of a new marriage, not only to a Chinese woman, but any woman as well. Please forgive me if I step on your toes and offend you, that is not my intention at all. I am merely trying to caution you before you make a mistake that will not only disrupt your life, but your fiancee's as well, and maybe cause you both considerable emotional pain in the future. From reading your posts, I sense that you are still young, and really do not have an idea of what you want out of life, much less how to accomplish it. Of course I understand and believe in the power of love, love at first sight, and I know of couples that have started out their lives together with nothing but love, and have succeeded in building a happy home. But actually, these couples are few and far in between, and the reality is that most marriages begun in this fashion fail within the first five years. Do you realize that finances are the number one cause of marital strife, and that more couples argue and bicker over money than anything else? And I know, that your response, and probably your fiancee's will be that it doesn't matter, because you love each other very much and things will work themselves out. But when the fireworks fizzle out, and believe me at times they will, then what will happen? Will you hold it against her if she comes to America and cannot get a job right away because of her limited knowledge of English, or because she cannot get a Social Security card right away, or cannot drive a car, or just cannot find someone who is willing to hire her? And because you invested a lot of money in the visa process, and will still have to invest a lot of money in the AOS process, will you feel bitter towards her? And will she feel bitter towards you when she realizes that you don't make enough money to support her, especially when undoubtedly her views of America have been severely distorted by the media? Does she understand that not everyone in America owns a home with two cars and a picket fence? Will she feel bitter towards you when you do not have enough money so that she can call her family in China? Or buy her a new pair of shoes? Or a wedding ring? Please, I am not trying to be cynical here, but what will her feelings be when she sees countless people with seemingly more money than you have? Will she be satisfied with that, or will she be bitter towards you? Maybe you live in a rural part of America, and $8.00 per hour is enough to support a family, but I live in California and $8.00 per hour is barely enough, if that, to support a single person living at home with his or her parents. I cannot imagine someone who is making $8.00 per hour, trying to bring a fiancee over from China and begin a life together. For that matter, I cannot imagine anyone beginning a marriage in America when only one person is making that much per hour. And you mentioned going to school, which I whole-heartedly agree with, so you can better yourself. But are you assuming that she will support you while you go to school? And if so, does she know this? And does she clearly understand the situation that you are in? Does she understand that you only make $8.00 per hour, and does she know how little that is in America? (Please remember that amount in China is big bucks, but over here, it is below poverty level). Please understand that I am not saying these things to hurt you, but to ensure that you realize the seriousness of bringing over your Chinese fiancee to America. Not only will you both have the culture and language differences to overcome, which are very difficult at times, but now you will have additional financial difficulties, and I fear that your marriage will have a very rocky road from the beginning. Sometimes when reading different posts on Candle, I fear that some of us American guys really give no thoughts at any great length to the obstacles that our Chinese fiancees face when coming to America. Sometimes, (and I will admit that I have occasionally been guilty of this) I think we fail to completely understand the enormous differences between life in China and life in America, and how that affects our Chinese wives and fiancees. Most of us American men are romantics at heart (especially us on Candle, and I think that is why most of us are enamoured with the Chinese women), and we think that all of our problems and differences can be solved by the love we have for each other. Unfortunately, that only works on television and at the movies, where the everyday struggles of life are rarely shown on those mediums because it is usually just too boring to watch for any great length of time. And a lot of American men relish the role of rescuer, or knight in shining armor, and we think that all we have to do is rescue our beautiful, lonely, imprisoned Chinese princesses from the clutches of the evil dragon, (no guys, I am not speaking of the mother-in-laws), and as soon as she comes to America, we will live happily ever after and our problems will disapper with the sun setting on the horizon. Unfortunately reality sets in when we come to realize that our princesses did not need to be rescued, or they are not quite the princesses we imagined them to be in our dreams. Or the princesses soon realize that the knight in shining armor who came to rescue them and who looked so dashing and exciting as they rode into town on the big white horse, is actually, once the armor is off and the horse is gone, the same man who leaves the toilet seat up and belches at the dinner table. All I am trying to say here is that both of you really need to think this through very carefully. I am not sure how long you have known each other, or how long you have been corresponding, but I beg of you to make sure you both realize and understand that this is a very serious step to take, and that neither of you take it too lightly. Without siding with anyone in this forum as to whose fault it was, and there are two sides to every story, lately I have been reading too many accounts of failed relationships or marriages. I want to caution both of you before you begin this sometimes incredibly difficult journey, that you each know in your hearts without a doubt that this love you have for each other was meant to be, and that nothing will come between it, no matter how difficult the circumstances become. And that you both understand the seriousness of the step you are about to take, and the lives (not only your own) that will be changed because of it. Chinese_lover, I caution you to completely understand the enormous responsibility of bringing over a fiancee from China (or any country for that matter), and to remember that you will be totally responsible for taking care of her for the next several years, even if it turns out, God forbid, that the relationship is not going to work. Prepare your life well, know in your heart that you can and are willing to take care of and be responsible for another human being, because after all, underneath that beautiful white veil that your princess wears, is a woman who will need someone to take care of and protect her (boy, I am really going to hear from the feminists about this one!). And to your fiancee I would like to caution that she makes sure that she knows exactly what she is getting into before she takes this step. America is not the country that she sees on television and movies, or reads about in the newspapers or on the Internet. Most of us have to work very hard for a living, and we struggle each and every day to make ends meet, and sometimes life is very difficult here. And under all of that shiny armor, your knight is just a man who is trying to survive and do the best that he can to make a life for the two of you. Chinese_lover, I am hoping and praying that God will bless you and your fiancee, and that everything works out the way it was planned. Please do not take this post the wrong way, I am only trying to be the voice of caution and experience here. Thanks for listening.


P.S. I am sure I have opened up a large can of worms here, but I am actually looking forward to the responses. :D :P :unsure:

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im 28 and i use to make good money $12hr at coca cola till i was layed off,i had to settle with this crappy job for the last 2 yrs,soon i will be moving to arlington,tx beside dallas,tx where job and pay is better,and starting 3d animation school and 3d modeling,takes like 1yr and half yrs to get out of the school there,with a pay base around $40,000 a yr,the school will help finding me a job soon as i start school there,most average jobs pay $10hr in dallas area,i will go to nite school and work full time in days,i know what your saying and all that,ive been with my fiancee around 3 yrs now,me and her have been togther serval times when i went to shanghai to visit her,she knows im limited on money and she doest ask for alot,she said this xmas i dont have to get her anything if i cant afford,i will of course get her some new clothes and things,she comes 1st in my life and i come 2nd,when it comes to needs,she understands the us culture alot,she had alot of us english teachers at her college,her english is perfect,she has been studying it since she was a little girl,and univeristy of texas at arlington as approved her to finish up college here,she has a asscocites degree in accounting,and in 2 yrs out of ut arlington she have her masters degree in accounting,she said she knows that it will tough time ahead while where in school and she can accept it,she knows better things lay ahead after school,i got a level head right now and she does too on money and issues,i know i must look like one of the poorest guys in this fourm money wise,i didnt see this coming,needing better money to get her into the united states,another reason i stayed with this crappy job its family owned and i can take time off any time i need to go see her in shanghai,if i would have gotten any other jobs they would have told me no,i know of this,so this is my story,sorry to ask so many questions,Thanks,Chris^_^

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