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The darn hoops they make us jump through. All that you have done isn't enough you have to show you speak Cantonese. The interviewer probably doesn't even speak it that well. Can't they see how much you care for her? I feel for you James. :D

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JC, sorry about this problem, they are just looking for ways to keep us from getting these visa's. Try to have the tape notorized and also put some proof in from of you, so they know it is you. I have heard they pull this before. They are fully aware that even if the two parties can't speak the same language, they use interpeters. This is just looking for hair on the egg. Pure BS.

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They pulled the same stunt on JoninDenver. I haven't seen him here in quite awhile, but you might consider trying to contact him to get his feedback. PM me if you want, and I will try to get you his e-mail address if you can't find it. Is there no end to the misery these jerks seek to inflict :D :D :angry: ?

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HI all,


As always, thanks for your support. I made the tape and shipped it today. Hopefully, it will get there in good time. I just made the tape in ntsc format because I have no clue on how to make the video in PAL format. I am assuming they know the video is coming from the US and have a way to show it on their VCR.


If the tape doesn't get my fiancee the visa, I will fly my butt over there and demand it. I am hoping it does not come to that.



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Hi all,


My fiancee went to her interview today and came away empty :greenblob: :greenblob: :redblob:  I need to make a 5 minute video in Cantonese to prove I speak it.  Going to make it tomorrow and mail it quick.  Everything was going so well and then this comes up.



james,sorry to hear that.Probably the best way is that you just simply fly over and talk to the VO in cantonese.If you are too busy,then ask your fiancee to bring a portable video machine just in case GZ VO couldn't play the video you mailed to her......good luck!!!

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Good grief! This is so ridiculous! As Tex mentioned, they pulled the same crapola on Jon In Denver way back a year ago. Seems they should spend their time over there doing more productive things. Sorry to hear this happened but the problem is no insurmountable. The aforementioned Jon made the video and his girl got the visa.

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Guest Long_strider



Sorry about the delay and the need for the tape. I hope you said a few "choice" words to them in Cantonese. I have heard of this ploy used by the Consulate before. My understanding is that there is no legal requirement that the parties speak the same language. The law only says that the must be in a "relationship". They use the tape to "prove" that the parties can talk with each other and develop a relationship.


Like the othes in this thread, this is only a roadblock that the US Consulate people like to throw up to frustrate petitioners and beneficiaries. Hang in there, things will work out soon.


Mike and Yuqing

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Too bad , james. I went to my visa interview yesterday and the visa officer asked me questions like "why u are interested in him, why he is interested in U? What does ur father think of ur relationship.." Pretty weird questions, fortunately I passed, however, I do not think those questions are very professional. :lol:

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