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I am in Guz, INTERVIEW tomorrow morning.

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I am back home, I am fine, thanks for your posts folks, I didn't be wet in these days, I even smiled and said 'THANKS YOU ' to the VO who gave me blue,but after read all your post, I cannot help myself crying.

every body here is very kind to me, thank you all folks again.

The truth is CCP membership is a very important issue in US government eyes, at least by my statisticon 001, till now still no any CR1/IR1 can over come it.I am not sure how about on CFL, but by what I have read, only those who quit more than 5 years can overcome it.

I will post later about the deatils, now we are very hungry, will take my daughter for a big dinner.

I will never give up, life will continue, thank you all again, CFLers !



Sorry to hear about the blue mama and papa bear. It sounds like you two have such a strong marriage. I truly hope that an overcome occurs. Best wishes and hugs to mamabear!!! :D

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Sir Lancelot I am not going to get into the apology debate but I do feel you were a little harsh on her whether your stance is correct or not. Not nice to kick someone when they are down.




I went back and took a look at my post numerous times and I still can't see why I need to apologize? Or that I even kicked someone when they're down.


I even said "It's unfortunate for your personal situation". If I wanted to kick someone when they're down, I would have said "It serves you right" or "See, you should have done what was advised to you". I actually empathize with Paula. I don't see why I should apologize for anything I said.


In fact, I must say that Lee is doing a tremendous disservice to potential applicants on here by downplaying how GUZ views CCP membership. I think he is wrong on this. Completely wrong. It's posts like his which give others a false sense of security about CCP membership not having any impact on a petition. I will NOT back down on this. Lee needs to stop doing that.


Some of the reactions to my post has been completely overblown. I don't even know why Lee is being so indignant here. My original post wasn't even addressed to him. If Paula actually feels slighted by my post then I will say sorry to her, but unless and until I hear Paula say such, I will leave things as is. Lee is NOT the boss of me and I certainly won't acquiesce to his dictates.


Unless he thinks facism is cool with me, his method of confronting me is completely out of line.


I demand an apology from Lee for airing this out in public. Why didn't he PM me to address his concerns?


Hi, This is paula. Honestly when I first read your orgional post, I felt a little bit pissed. You dont really know the reasonswhy chinese join the communist party here, so you cant say that words to us. Yes , compary to chinese hugh population, Chinese communist membership rate probably is not high, maybe low. But indeed in some work or some field we have to join it for keeping our job and support our families. It donest mean we believe communist ideology. oppoiste, we dont believe it at all after china is open to the whole world. Sure Chinese people espcially over 50 years old remember Chinman Mao's day. But I dont think they remmeber it because of the communist issue, People remember it just because chinese people in that times didnt consider money the first, they were were nice, helpful, devoted themself to hard working. Working in Chinese school, we do are asked to join the communist party, espcially some departments in the school.


Another reason I think you are wrong about Guangzhou consulate. Yes if consulate consist with their rule about communist, me , mama bear would be fine, as we know every communsit need to do additional check. But problem is few communist were asked to do check, most of them got visa without any problem. Yes, most of them are K visa, but look at the post on CFL how consualte answered communist issue during visa processing, Consulate said K visa is treated as CR1, as the applicant will get married in the US soon and apply for immgration visa too. I aslo found on 001 few chinese ladyes hold K1 visa and changed their status in the US without any problme after they addmit CCP membership. They got their CR1 visa with no delay. why me and mama bear treated are different from them? What you should say to me and ma ma bear? Bad luck? :D

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Sir Lancelot I am not going to get into the apology debate but I do feel you were a little harsh on her whether your stance is correct or not. Not nice to kick someone when they are down.




I went back and took a look at my post numerous times and I still can't see why I need to apologize? Or that I even kicked someone when they're down.


I even said "It's unfortunate for your personal situation". If I wanted to kick someone when they're down, I would have said "It serves you right" or "See, you should have done what was advised to you". I actually empathize with Paula. I don't see why I should apologize for anything I said.


In fact, I must say that Lee is doing a tremendous disservice to potential applicants on here by downplaying how GUZ views CCP membership. I think he is wrong on this. Completely wrong. It's posts like his which give others a false sense of security about CCP membership not having any impact on a petition. I will NOT back down on this. Lee needs to stop doing that.


Some of the reactions to my post has been completely overblown. I don't even know why Lee is being so indignant here. My original post wasn't even addressed to him. If Paula actually feels slighted by my post then I will say sorry to her, but unless and until I hear Paula say such, I will leave things as is. Lee is NOT the boss of me and I certainly won't acquiesce to his dictates.


Unless he thinks facism is cool with me, his method of confronting me is completely out of line.


I demand an apology from Lee for airing this out in public. Why didn't he PM me to address his concerns?

At no point have I down played the way GZ views CCP membership, the DOS (Department of State) makes an issue of this, in cases where CCP membership has been presented to an IO at a USCIS interview they have examined the evidence presented, asked a few questions and in cases like this have issued a waiver, just like the VO's who work for DOS in GZ are authorized to do according to the FAM's.


This Fascist saw a post made in public that I feel humiliated another member, whether that was your intention or not. You are correct, I am not the boss of you, my 5 year old niece has got that one down well also.


You should do the right thing and stand responsible for your words.


At no point did I make this a personal attack and yes you owe Paula an apology, you singled her out and saying you will only issue an apology when she asks demonstrates your character and demonstrates the worst in American ethics. To repeat a well respected member here: Not nice to kick someone when they are down.

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Sir Lancelot I am not going to get into the apology debate but I do feel you were a little harsh on her whether your stance is correct or not. Not nice to kick someone when they are down.




I went back and took a look at my post numerous times and I still can't see why I need to apologize? Or that I even kicked someone when they're down.


I even said "It's unfortunate for your personal situation". If I wanted to kick someone when they're down, I would have said "It serves you right" or "See, you should have done what was advised to you". I actually empathize with Paula. I don't see why I should apologize for anything I said.


In fact, I must say that Lee is doing a tremendous disservice to potential applicants on here by downplaying how GUZ views CCP membership. I think he is wrong on this. Completely wrong. It's posts like his which give others a false sense of security about CCP membership not having any impact on a petition. I will NOT back down on this. Lee needs to stop doing that.


Some of the reactions to my post has been completely overblown. I don't even know why Lee is being so indignant here. My original post wasn't even addressed to him. If Paula actually feels slighted by my post then I will say sorry to her, but unless and until I hear Paula say such, I will leave things as is. Lee is NOT the boss of me and I certainly won't acquiesce to his dictates.


Unless he thinks facism is cool with me, his method of confronting me is completely out of line.


I demand an apology from Lee for airing this out in public. Why didn't he PM me to address his concerns?

At no point have I down played the way GZ views CCP membership, the DOS (Department of State) makes an issue of this, in cases where CCP membership has been presented to an IO at a USCIS interview they have examined the evidence presented, asked a few questions and in cases like this have issued a waiver, just like the VO's who work for DOS in GZ are authorized to do according to the FAM's.


This Fascist saw a post made in public that I feel humiliated another member, whether that was your intention or not. You are correct, I am not the boss of you, my 5 year old niece has got that one down well also.


You should do the right thing and stand responsible for your words.


At no point did I make this a personal attack and yes you owe Paula an apology, you singled her out and saying you will only issue an apology when she asks demonstrates your character and demonstrates the worst in American ethics. To repeat a well respected member here: Not nice to kick someone when they are down.


Thanks Lee for your caring words. Yes, I was totally shocked when I was told just because of my former communist membership, I could not get a visa. I was helpless and desperated. On the point, mama bear is better than me as she had mentally prepared this crap. Yes I didnt get an immgration lawyer help my case, so I didnt know american immgration law at all untill VO mentioned it. Why American embassys in China dont tell american not marry chinese communist women before they issued them single certifications.

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Paula, since you felt "pissed" at my post, then I will apologize to you. If you felt I kicked you while you were down, sorry about that. It was not my intention.


What you say below is true for some I'm sure but not everyone in China thinks the way you do regarding the CCP. Neither do I claim everyone thinks the way I've stated regarding CCP membership in China.


With regards to GUZ, again, I will say the US Government scrutinizes over CCP membership. Some may get away with it, but as you've said your self, some whores and prositutes easily pass through GUZ gateway as well. So it shows you GUZ is not perfect and they let some pass through who perhaps shouldn't have passed. I've seen others on here with this party membership problem as well, not just you. Notibly Natalie on here who is petitioning for her boyfriend to come to the US on a K-1. They have had a LONG, LONG delay because of his CCP membership. Name check after name check after name check. :(


This is NOT an unknown problem. And Lee should not be downplaying this. The US government gives a rats ass. The people who don't think CCP member may cause considerable trouble for them throught his process are fooling themselves into a false sense of reality. I, for one, will not downplay this and sugar coat it with a "everything will be fine" post. Petioners and beneficiaries should be warned when they enter this process-as you suggest/ask yourself.


But you realize the problem now. Again, I apologize for hurting your feelings.


I wish you the best with this process going forward.


P.S. Keep in mind that I NEVER said it was impossible for you to come to the US with a past CCP membership. All I said was the GUZ cares about that information. They will do more extensive checking of your background and then decide. It's very possible you may still make it through, but your case will be delayed.




Hi, This is paula. Honestly when I first read your orgional post, I felt a little bit pissed. You dont really know the reasonswhy chinese join the communist party here, so you cant say that words to us. Yes , compary to chinese hugh population, Chinese communist membership rate probably is not high, maybe low. But indeed in some work or some field we have to join it for keeping our job and support our families. It donest mean we believe communist ideology. oppoiste, we dont believe it at all after china is open to the whole world. Sure Chinese people espcially over 50 years old remember Chinman Mao's day. But I dont think they remmeber it because of the communist issue, People remember it just because chinese people in that times didnt consider money the first, they were were nice, helpful, devoted themself to hard working. Working in Chinese school, we do are asked to join the communist party, espcially some departments in the school.


Another reason I think you are wrong about Guangzhou consulate. Yes if consulate consist with their rule about communist, me , mama bear would be fine, as we know every communsit need to do additional check. But problem is few communist were asked to do check, most of them got visa without any problem. Yes, most of them are K visa, but look at the post on CFL how consualte answered communist issue during visa processing, Consulate said K visa is treated as CR1, as the applicant will get married in the US soon and apply for immgration visa too. I aslo found on 001 few chinese ladyes hold K1 visa and changed their status in the US without any problme after they addmit CCP membership. They got their CR1 visa with no delay. why me and mama bear treated are different from them? What you should say to me and ma ma bear? Bad luck? :rolleyes:

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Thanks Lee for your caring words. Yes, I was totally shocked when I was told just because of my former communist membership, I could not get a visa. I was helpless and desperated. On the point, mama bear is better than me as she had mentally prepared this crap. Yes I didnt get an immgration lawyer help my case, so I didnt know american immgration law at all untill VO mentioned it. Why American embassys in China dont tell american not marry chinese communist women before they issued them single certifications.



Paula, you can't have this attitude of always blaming others. Ignorance of the law does not mean the law doesn't apply to you. That's rule #1 for the US. Because you don't know of such rules/policies/laws doesn't mean you won't have it applied to you. There are many people who didn't hire immigration lawyers for this process but they (we) all still researched about all this. Immigration is a HUGE deal. I don't understand why you didn't put more effort into researching about this entire process.


Your question about the American embassy could easily be turned into: Why Chinese Notary Office don't warn Chinese people that if you they have a CCP membership (past or present) that it may be difficult to immigrate to the US?


Why do you put the onus on the American side? It's your responsibility to know this process if you're trying to immigrate to the US. It's not for the US Government to say "Oh Paula, because you weren't aware of this, then it's ok, we'll just approve you."

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Thanks Lee for your caring words. Yes, I was totally shocked when I was told just because of my former communist membership, I could not get a visa. I was helpless and desperated. On the point, mama bear is better than me as she had mentally prepared this crap. Yes I didnt get an immgration lawyer help my case, so I didnt know american immgration law at all untill VO mentioned it. Why American embassys in China dont tell american not marry chinese communist women before they issued them single certifications.



Paula, you can't have this attitude of always blaming others. Ignorance of the law does not mean the law doesn't apply to you. That's rule #1 for the US. Because you don't know of such rules/policies/laws doesn't mean you won't have it applied to you. There are many people who didn't hire immigration lawyers for this process but they (we) all still researched about all this. Immigration is a HUGE deal. I don't understand why you didn't put more effort into researching about this entire process.


Your question about the American embassy could easily be turned into: Why Chinese Notary Office don't warn Chinese people that if you they have a CCP membership (past or present) that it may be difficult to immigrate to the US?


Why do you put the onus on the American side? It's your responsibility to know this process if you're trying to immigrate to the US. It's not for the US Government to say "Oh Paula, because you weren't aware of this, then it's ok, we'll just approve you."

First you apologise, then you do it again. Albiet truthful, your post IS kicking someone who is down!

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First you apologise, then you do it again. Albiet truthful, your post IS kicking someone who is down!


Then your mother raised you differently. I was taught not to sugar coat. Offer the truth and be as objective as possible.

Uh huh, then your mother raised YOU differently. I was taught to tell the truth but to show compasion whenever possible!

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Yajie I am so sorry to hear the bad news. You have always been one of my favorite members here and I know from our chats that you are truly a sweet kind gentle soul who would never harm anyone.

There are waivers for CCP members because it it s a fact that many people are forced to join the party if they want to get a job in their particular field. Teaching is one of those fields.

Sir Lancelot I am not going to get into the apology debate but I do feel you were a little harsh on her whether your stance is correct or not. Not nice to kick someone when they are down.


Yajie and Dan, hang in there. Perhaps you will be lucky and your overcome will come swiftly. Good luck my friends. I sincerely mean that.


Thanks Carl,

I think things will work out fine, now it is just a waiting game unless of course it takes too long then it will trun into a letter writting game and I am not too proud to pull off a hunger strike right in front of the White House, hehe


If we have to live in China then so be it, I don't think it will come to that.

I have my wife and that is what matters the most.


Thanks again to everybody

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Nobody is required to join communist party except in very few professions, teaching is not one of them.


People who would like to advance or being promoted faster in a government job or teaching, have better chance if they join the communist party.


Communist party members are not evil. Rather opposite to this, they are usually nice, upright and hard working, and have self-respect and descipline.


Mama bear was young when she joined. The opportunity of becoming a party member might be view simply as an honor to her. She should not be punished for being a party member.


Yes teaching is one of them at least it is in her college and we have proof that is why I know there shouldn't be any problem getting a waiver for her.

When she first joined it was to keep a job (they were getting rid of all non-party members) she ended up loosing latter anyway.

You are right, members of the communist party are not evil people but there are evil people that are communists just like there are evil people that are democrats, republicans libertarians ect....

The biggist problem I have with this whole process is that a lot of K1 visas are approved even though the person recieving the visa has admitted membership to the CCP but CR1 visas are a different story, no quarter is given to them, that is just wrong.

And the biggist puzzle of all is if the CCP is such a threat to US security them why are we doing so much business with them sending Billions of US dollars to China, it makes no sence.


Oh well it will all work out in the end, if it hasn't worked out then it isn't the end.

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I'm sorry to hear about all of your troubles Mama Bear and Paula. My wife and I are getting ready to apply for a CR1 and I'm worried because she is a yubei dangyuan (Ô¤±¸µ³Ô±). I mentioned this in my first post here:



Do any of you here know if yubei dangyuan count as having the same status as regular party members in the eyes of GUZ?


Anyway, I'm sure that everything will work out for both of you two. Like other members are saying its just a matter of time. Stay strong!

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First you apologise, then you do it again. Albiet truthful, your post IS kicking someone who is down!


Then your mother raised you differently. I was taught not to sugar coat. Offer the truth and be as objective as possible.

Uh huh, then your mother raised YOU differently. I was taught to tell the truth but to show compasion whenever possible!

Careful Trigg or you might get called a fascist, by the noble knight, too. :blink:

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I'm sorry to hear about all of your troubles Mama Bear and Paula. My wife and I are getting ready to apply for a CR1 and I'm worried because she is a yubei dangyuan (Ô¤±¸µ³Ô±). I mentioned this in my first post here:



Do any of you here know if yubei dangyuan count as having the same status as regular party members in the eyes of GUZ?


Anyway, I'm sure that everything will work out for both of you two. Like other members are saying its just a matter of time. Stay strong!

Thank you, we will stay strong and have to.

I don't know when it will be 1 year after she became a yubeidangyuan,the age of your ccp memebership count from the date you became a yubeidangyuan, but if you don't change your status after a year when it should be , then you won't be a ccp member again. but in other's eyes, you will be like an alien, worse than never be a ccp, espicailly in some place such as govenment, school or other state owned unit.

As your case stil in the middle way, your SO still have chance don't change her status to a normal ccp member. And when you fil in the form, it depands on yourself, you see, Paula and I choose to be honest and fill in the form and reply the VO we are or we were, the rewords is dely, those who choose lie and already pass their visa, live with thirefamily in the States. It seems it is a kind of punish ment to be honest. So maybe we give a good example, if you are cr1 , you don't have a chance, better lie. For K1 , it depands, some wait alraedy 1 year after interview, and some without any difficult to pass even the VO already know she /he is.

But I don't regret for choosing to be honest to tell I am, I have my reason why I am and why not quit, I worte it in my personal statment, if US is an christain country, then it is write: 1 CORINTHIANS 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.

7:24 Brethren, let every man, wherein he is called, therein abide with God.

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