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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Hey OTR Mark, sorry to hear about your father-in-law. Man, two months without her???? Better get a few hundred bags of of cheetos and dig out those old urls you deleted from the favs.
  2. Welcome to the Candle. lots of good info and good people. You came to the right place. Trigg
  3. I'll third it. Bruce dude, you have definately made a difference. Great stuff man.
  4. Perhaps I'm more skeptical of charital organizations. I know nothing of 'safe place' and have no idea if the 'Chinese Immigrants' Fund is for 'Jenny' or who. I feel more comfortable sending this to Bruce and having him distribute it to the 'Jenny fund'. Afterall, I know where he lives- If a local bank set up a 'Jenny fund' with all the money going directly to her--then that is the way I would do it. However, waiting isn't an option so my check is being mailed today to Bruces address. Trigg
  5. well Carl, you rock too dude. You are one of the main players in getting this thing together--keep goin' man. This IS what the candle is about. Damned glad I came back.
  6. Bruce, Thanks for all that you are doing. It might be a good idea for CFL members to send their checks to you and have them presented as a single gift from CFL members. That way we could send all the checks to you now, and you could get them to their final destination by mail or personal delivery when you get a location. This is my suggestion anyway. Others may want to offer different suggestions. Also by making one gift we might be able to get a news story about the CFL gift to this woman and her daughter. It could serve as an invitation to ask members of the Danville community to make donations. Wouldn't it be great if CFL could raise at least $1,000. With all the people who have pledged to make donations we might already be past that amount. I hope so. I think it would be helpful if we all put ourselves in her shoes. Jenny and her daughter desperately need help. I hope everyone will be generous and give whatever they are able to. Like Trigg, I'm also anxious to send my check. I'm convinced that we will go way beyond the $1,000.00 dollar mark. 'Jenny' and her daughter will need much more than this to start a new life or go to China or whatever it is they want to do. I know that we are all in a very different financial situation and that for some a few dollars is all that can be afforded and some of us can afford much more than that. I know my CFL brethren will give what they can wether it be $1 or $1000 dollars. This is to close to home to say 'let them take care of it'. My friends, we are them. I agree John's idea about sending the money to Bruce and then having him deliver it is on the money. This will insure that the initial donations are given directly to 'Jenny'. I would also like to see a bank account fund set up for those who would donate again or for those who would rather send to a fund. As long as 'Jenny' and her daughter benefit from all the donations-no administrative fees. The kindness I see emanating from the brothers and sisters of CFL is the reason I could not stay away. I for one am proud to be a member, if only part time. Trigg
  7. GOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooood Luck. As a wise man once said 'luck is when preparation meets opportunity'. You sound ready and it's an opportune time. Ssooooooo---no sweat. Trigg
  8. What an adventure you are starting out on. I hope yours turns out as well as mine did. Good luck man! Trigg
  9. Great work Bruce. I for one can't wait to send my check off. The letter from the chief of police somehow touched me and my wife deeply. Just let us know where. thanks, Trigg&Fang ling
  10. I can't help but get as strong sense that some of you are feeling as though you should have spotted this poor excuse for a human being for what he is. Some may even be feeling a sense of guilt for not being in tune to this and therefor preventing this disastrous from happening. Nothing could be farther from the reality. RMark said it well when he said this is a sickness and other aspects of this persons life will likely appear normal. It goes well beyond this though. Pedophilia is under the broad category of Anti-Social Behavior Disorder. These people do share some common traits. The most striking is their above average social skills. One could use Ted Bundy as an example. This makes them seem friendly and nice--like the fella next door and almost impossible to detect. Having spent my professional life dealing with mental health issues I can assure you, as RMark can, that none of us-not the lay person nor the psychologist, could have foreseen this and subsequently done anything to prevent it. Finding out what and who did this came as the same shock to me as it did to my CFL brethren. My thoughts and hopes are with the child and her mother. Like RMark, I have spent a great deal of time trying to undo the damage that has been done by men like this. Although it is a monumental task, It is doable. This child and her mother can still enjoy life and a peaceful happy future. It will just take help from good people like you all and a lot of 'real' love Just my thoughts Trigg
  11. When did a search for the truth become personal??
  12. Sooooooooo, the old man is 49-er almost 50. Just remember at your age, never assume it is just a fart. Happy birthday dude Trigg
  13. Believe it or not. yup, that's what i'm saying. Your getting good at this.
  14. American Vs Chinese truths are but collective societal truths. Not to be confused with personal truths and certainly not to be confused with numbers. The recent tsunami is an example of objective reality. How does this equate to what you believe to be real numbers coming from our governemnt about Mao Vs. real nimbers coming from the Chinese governemnt about Mao? Keep believing what you are told and reallity will bite you in the ass.
  15. Mine too. I gotta get over this delusion of reciprical intelect.
  16. You make my point when you are so sure that we, as Americans, are more adept at critical thinking because we have so much more freedom to think. I agree only so far as I am told we have so much more freedom to think-I don't know this to be THE truth. Rather I only know it to be MY truth. Stated another way there are always three truths. MY truth, YOUR truth, and THE truth. MY truth is obtained by gathering information and assimilating it into my way of thinking that has been dictated by MY personal knowledge, learning,experiences and teachings. YOUR truth is obtained in the same way only it is based on YOUR teachings etc.. THE truth is only seen by those who have none of the above trapping. Hence, as related to this topic there is the American truth, as seen through our eyes, The Chinese truth, as seen through their eyes and THE truth as seen only through totally objective eyes. Subjectivity rules supreme when searching for reality and only through the objectivity that eludes even the most open minded of us can the real truth be seen. What is true for you may not be true for me and is likely not true when looked at through he Chinese mind. If it is perceived as real, it is real in it's consequences. Therefore never become so seeped in reality that one forgets life is about perceptions. Just my opinion Trigg
  17. I have to wonder if brain washing doesn't go in many directions. I suggest one studies sociology in reference to ethnocentrism and it's dangers. We all know that the Chinese are forced to pay homage to chairman Mao from their first trip to school "I pledge allegiance to the..." " America the beautiful..." how is this any different? The point is this, where you stand depends on where you sit. We ALL are prejudiced by what we have learned in our youth. Stalinist and lennonist are no different that the Mao backers or those who back the regime currently in power in the US. We have all learned that our way is the only way and our learned prejudices won't allow us to think outside of our preordained ethnocentric box. As long as there is a China little Chinese kids will say "Damned capitalists and as long as their is an America little American kids will speak of those "damned oppressed commies" Which is the real truth??? Only one raised in the absents of such brainwashing would ever be able to figure that out. But of course we would call him "Damned noncommittal liberal". Keep you ethnocentric ways and their will always be a need for a winner and a loser. Open your mind and possibly, just possibly we will see we are all wrong and we all right. Just depends on where you sit and therefore where you stand. Just my opinion, I could be wrong. Trigg t
  18. Yup, what he said. I'm not sure where I ever got the idea but when I first filed for AOS I assumed that my K1 fiancee became my K3 wife after we werre married. BZZZZZZZZ Wrong.
  19. Hey Kim, remember this??? Now the score is what??? And it took less than two weeks.......as Trigg passes on the left leaving Kim trying to remove the dust from his eyes! And they are off, Gordon on the inside, dale jr comming up, and Oh gawd, waltrip passing on the turn, is is going to be closed, oh no, Ken just got bumped in the rear, Trigg charging, it is going to be close, Stay tuned AAANNNDDDD---their off--It's inside on the outside and outside on the indside while gas passes from the rear. Outside passes inside of outside on the oustside while inside passes gas near the outside. Anndd, tolilett paper is bringing up the rear.
  20. Hey Kim, remember this??? Now the score is what???
  21. My wife wass in the jewlery buisiness in China. She has the same ideas. We must have 100 pieces of Jade around the house. The problem is most americans can't tell good Jade from green plastic so they stay away from it. Like most Chinese wive's, she too wants to work. We domn't need the money but she wants to 'contribute' to the family. She always seems to get out of work by saying if she works, "husband have to do homework' --ain't gonna happen.
  22. Hmmm, perhaps we should force these people to be civilized. We are pretty good at that! Surely you are familiar with---well it's a long long list.
  23. Yea well, Chinese do things in a big way' Are you sure we have the truth about China??? Are you sure we have the truth about Kent State?? When was the last time China invaded another country and killed over 50,000 people?? 100,0000? 1,000,000?? Basically I have found the Chinese to be much more peaceful than most western societies. Don't you agree??
  24. Out here in the boonocks of TN. Englsih clsses are rare. Even after we found ESL for my wife, she didn't want to go. Soooooo, we found Chinese TV on the satelite and low and behold--Walaaaa a Chinese station that teaches Englsih eevery motning from 9:00-10:00. Only problem now is that I can't get her to shutup!!!!
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