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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. you can get the SSN now but you must apply soon after she is here or you will need to either get an EAd or greencard. After you are married you need to fill out form I-485(and accompanying forms) for her green card. Depending where you live this will take between 3 months and a couple of years. Of course you know that if she came on a K1 you MUST marry within 90 days!!
  2. Yea Syl. My stepdaughter had to wait for it. After six months I called UCIS and put in a tracer thingy. Two weeks later she got her green card. it seems that it was sitting on a desk in memphis and the UCIS queiry got it rolling again.
  3. With a March 27 interview, the 2005 taxes will not be required. Given your situation, it sounds to me like it would be much simpler not to provide it. You might want to provide copies of your 2005 W2 forms. 194973[/snapback] I would not take a bet on that one. Tax filing receipts for the previous year(before the April 15th filing date) have been ask for with similar interview dates. 194977[/snapback] Yup, a few years ago they were asking March interviewees for that years tax material. Rare but possible!
  4. My stepdaughter come here at age 14 during March of '04. she spoke a little English as taught by Chinese teachers. we enrolled her immediately so she could transition into American schools. It was a good move as not only did she assimilate well but she rapidly learned English. In retrospect I'm glad she came mid-term as it gave her a huge leg up socially as well as academically. 194745[/snapback] Take Trigg's word on this. I've met Wong Fong and had no problem at all in speaking English with her. Even slang and humor which surprised me. She does have a bit of an accent, but carries on a conversation like any other kid her age. 194827[/snapback] Soon we will be getting her caught up on cussin'. 194842[/snapback] Trigg: I didn't mean to confuse anyone. I didn't mean to NOT enroll. It is just that most programs will begin with ESL and minimal education classes until they pass a certain level of fluency. It doesn't make sense to throw a child into a competitive class situation in say, Trigonometry, without being able to understand any of what is going on in english. Of course, I didn't fare much better in some of my classes supposedly speaking the language... I sure didn't do so well in chiming in on this subject! Back to the cheetos, Phil 194862[/snapback] Phil, most schools have programs beyond ESL. That is to say that most will include the child in regular classes for most of the day with moderations for language abilities. If it is a highschool student their first classes will ethe easy ones, P.E, art etc. If it's a pre-H.S student it won't really matter as long as they are learning and passing. Either way, most find the transition to be much easier than we would be inclined to think. Certainly easier than an American child moving to China!!!!!
  5. I had no problem with travelers checks. When using the ATM they paid based on the better Chinese rates. Yup, a C note a day will work for sure!
  6. My stepdaughter come here at age 14 during March of '04. she spoke a little English as taught by Chinese teachers. we enrolled her immediately so she could transition into American schools. It was a good move as not only did she assimilate well but she rapidly learned English. In retrospect I'm glad she came mid-term as it gave her a huge leg up socially as well as academically. 194745[/snapback] Take Trigg's word on this. I've met Wong Fong and had no problem at all in speaking English with her. Even slang and humor which surprised me. She does have a bit of an accent, but carries on a conversation like any other kid her age. 194827[/snapback] Soon we will be getting her caught up on cussin'. 194842[/snapback] I thought she got plenty of this already, oh yeah, that's in Chinese. http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/24.gif And yes, her English is EXTREMELY GOOD!!!! 194849[/snapback] Of course it's good. I'm her role model!!!
  7. My stepdaughter come here at age 14 during March of '04. she spoke a little English as taught by Chinese teachers. we enrolled her immediately so she could transition into American schools. It was a good move as not only did she assimilate well but she rapidly learned English. In retrospect I'm glad she came mid-term as it gave her a huge leg up socially as well as academically. 194745[/snapback] Take Trigg's word on this. I've met Wong Fong and had no problem at all in speaking English with her. Even slang and humor which surprised me. She does have a bit of an accent, but carries on a conversation like any other kid her age. 194827[/snapback] Soon we will be getting her caught up on cussin'.
  8. I tried then but there advertised price never matched there real price!
  9. My stepdaughter come here at age 14 during March of '04. she spoke a little English as taught by Chinese teachers. we enrolled her immediately so she could transition into American schools. It was a good move as not only did she assimilate well but she rapidly learned English. In retrospect I'm glad she came mid-term as it gave her a huge leg up socially as well as academically.
  10. NO No NO---------. I've worked for school systems. They DO NOT stop enrollment based on language proficiency. All children in america not only have the right to go to scholl but it is mandated that they go.
  11. All American schools have ESL (English a a second language) programs. this not only teaches English but gives him certain alterations in his learning environment while he earns the language. He will catch on quickly I'm sure. it would however, make the transition much easier if he were to start gaining English skills now so he could at least communicate on a rudimentary level to his classmates. figuring that it will take every bit of a year before he would get here, it seems that he could get a good 'leg up' on this before his arrival.
  12. You think your scared now!!! Just wait until she gets here!!! Welcome to the candle!!!!! Trigg
  13. That'd be my guess. Hell, Armageddon may happen before the get together if it takes as long to put together as the last get together took to get put together(say that fast nine times). I was going to come to the last one but my visa expired before ya'll had it finalized!
  14. Well, it's only two data points very close together but it might indicate the reason for the 4 month delay between P4 and interview is a new policy to schedule parents and children for Immigrant Visa interviews on the same day. I don't recall seeing K3/K4 interviews done this way recently. Has anybody else noticed? 194057[/snapback] I was under the assumption that k1/k2 and K3/k4 visaa were always schedualed toghether. It makes good sense as some of the K2s and K4s are quite young.
  15. The I-134 keeps getting confusder and confusder. It is supposed to be notorized so one would think--no you can't. BUT, it IS NOT a required document. whats that you say?? "it isn't required?? Are you crazy?" well, maybe I am just a little but check out what Guz said about the I-134. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=15273
  16. No problemo, I'm used to getting beat and punched!!!!!!
  17. I'm thinking he meant his I-94 had expired as she has been here more than 90 days??????? Anyway, the I-94 is a small white card type paper that she would have filed out on the flight from china. It should have been stamped and dated at the POE. It then expires in 90 days.
  18. Wise words paula. There is no 'how too' go through the wait. You just do it!! After it's over it will seem like a distant dream and in most cases--very worth while!! Good luck! Trigg
  19. Oh, and before you spend the time and money on an EAD, you should determine where need to file for AOS or where it is processed. If you are in one of the faster areas, the Green card may beat the EAD-so you wou be wasting your money. Some of the slower areas take a few year for AOS and only a few months for EAD!
  20. Thanks for that quick reply! How does she apply for an EAD? 193962[/snapback] She can apply for EAD at the time you apply for AOS-or later--but NOT before. you can include the forms with your AOS apllication (include the fee with a seperate check). I'm not sure what the form number is--but someone will know it and how to download it.
  21. Actually I think it is 90 days before the two year anniversary of the two year green card--at least that's what they told me????????????????
  22. Calling soon??? never heard of that one before. They may schedual you for biometrics but for me they sent a letter and a number for me to call to schedual it.
  23. Welcome Rick, you are going on a helluva joruney. I think you will find several here that are more than willing to answer your questions about the K3 visa. so kick back and ask away!!!!!!
  24. You got it, and I'm going to name you as a witness so you can appear and help to charm the bastages. But the wise man in me made sure to point this out to my wife so she would know up front, it's better than her discovering it and telling me how badly I allowed her to be cheated out of a month, so I too don't have to hear H U S B A N Dhttp://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/24.gif 193614[/snapback] Amateurs!!! Did you even think about a way to make it look like her fault rookie???
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