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Everything posted by Trigg

  1. Snarkiness??? Did you get that word from the new unabridged triggctionary?? Anyhow, there HAS NOT been undercurrents of snarkiness. All snarky behavior has been overt and focused. Dayum Don, don't you read any of this stuff???????
  2. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!! 226473[/snapback] Trigg: I will reassess my calculations and consult with my mentor Professor Irwin Corey and then report back to you. Ken 226474[/snapback] Ken Trigg is just trying to sway you with Triglogic. Don't give in. Keep your system and market it. If you go with Triglogic you will find a consulting bill in your email I'm sure. Read the post again, Trigg needs any means possible to raise money and avoid a mop slap that will make history. 226477[/snapback] Well DUH Dan!! Of course I'm trying to cover my oversize hiney. Oh, did I mention that wifey flies into LA on the 11th too late to catch a flight home. I told her i booked her a nice suit at the hotel Dan and I hired her a chauffeur to pick her up at the airport ant carry her half ton bags via Danny's skycap and goat skinning services?????? 226479[/snapback] No problem Trigg. In true Chinese fashion we always have room to put up a friend or two over night. (I hope the carpet doesn't make too soft a bed). 226482[/snapback] Cool!! She'll have the mortgage book with her too. i'm sure you will take care of it for me. Dayum, my first day posting again and I've already managed to hijack a thread and piss off the mod squad!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BACK!!!
  3. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!! 226473[/snapback] Trigg: I will reassess my calculations and consult with my mentor Professor Irwin Corey and then report back to you. Ken 226474[/snapback] Ken Trigg is just trying to sway you with Triglogic. Don't give in. Keep your system and market it. If you go with Triglogic you will find a consulting bill in your email I'm sure. Read the post again, Trigg needs any means possible to raise money and avoid a mop slap that will make history. 226477[/snapback] Well DUH Dan!! Of course I'm trying to cover my oversize hiney. Oh, did I mention that wifey flies into LA on the 11th too late to catch a flight home. I told her i booked her a nice suit at the hotel Dan and I hired her a chauffeur to pick her up at the airport ant carry her half ton bags via Danny's skycap and goat skinning services??????
  4. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!! 226473[/snapback] Trigg: I will reassess my calculations and consult with my mentor Professor Irwin Corey and then report back to you. Ken 226474[/snapback] Alrighty but do remember that the prof did not have a Chinese wife and did not sneak off to Vegas and loose the family fortune---two very important confounds that need to be allowed for in his calculations!!!
  5. Oh sure Ken--but are you using the new math??? My calculating goes something like this-- Actual time needed for wifey to say hello to all her family=2 weeks Time needed for me to enjoy Vegas=1 week Time needed for me to recover from vegas=1 week Time needed to find 4 person house cleaning crew=1 week Time needed for crew to shovel out most of my mess=1 week Total vacation time for wife=6 weeks Total time for me to heal after she sees house and depleted checkbook=LONG LONG TIME So you see that not only is 6 weeks not too long, It is essential!!
  6. Let me see if i've got my facts straight. your wife is going to china for a month and thats ok. My wife will be gone for a month and a half and thats a no no in your opinion. So, how do you arrive at that figure??? How does one determine that x time is ok but x=1/2 is not?? Just had to ask!
  7. It ain't so bad havin' her gone. She calls everyday to nag about something--takes away the 'I miss her" pains a bit!I just wish I knew where she puts the clean undies?? 226252[/snapback] Hey Trigg, I thought she wasn't going to be gone long enough for a change of undies. Are you planning to put on fresh undies and take a shower before heading to Las Vegas? Now this is information even your wife might pay for. 226277[/snapback] Already been to Vegas Danny Boy!! Hey man, got a quarter I can borrow for a bowl of soup?? 226285[/snapback] Do you have a paypal account? 226291[/snapback] I did have but they cut off my electricity so now it won't work! this message is being brought to you via smoke signals care of a native ameerican friend!
  8. It ain't so bad havin' her gone. She calls everyday to nag about something--takes away the 'I miss her" pains a bit!I just wish I knew where she puts the clean undies?? 226252[/snapback] Hey Trigg, I thought she wasn't going to be gone long enough for a change of undies. Are you planning to put on fresh undies and take a shower before heading to Las Vegas? Now this is information even your wife might pay for. 226277[/snapback] Already been to Vegas Danny Boy!! Hey man, got a quarter I can borrow for a bowl of soup??
  9. My wife and children are the most important thing in my life also and that is exactly why I occasionally take separate vacations and allow them to do the same!!!!! I learned way way back in my first year of grad school that a person is no good to anyone if he does not first take care of himself, both physically and mentally, in order to be 'there' in all ways for those he is charged with caring for. Self sacrifice and altruism are indeed good things but unavailable for use if one does not have his 'facilities' sharp and at the ready. One of the two reasons I retired from my profession as a child/adolescent psychologist is that I did not put myself first and burned out after nine years. Should I had taken breaks from those who needed me, I may still be there for them!!! 'nuff of these opinions--has anyone seen where wifey put my clean undies???? I could really use a change!!!!
  10. Ahhhh, the rubber goat. Well Mick the poor ole thing has got a hole in it---but you already knew that!!
  11. It ain't so bad havin' her gone. She calls everyday to nag about something--takes away the 'I miss her" pains a bit!I just wish I knew where she puts the clean undies??
  12. Yuppers, what Franky said. Wifey has been in China for almost a month with three weeks before her return. After two weeks she wanted to come home. I told her I'd change her tickets but she said "No husband, costing toooooo much money to stay only two weeks" She is obssessed with getting her monies worth no matter how miserable it makes her!!--Damned good thing cuzz i'd already booked my Vegas trip!! Hmmmmmm, come to think of it she didn't tell me to stay in Vegas an extra couple of weeks--Hmmmmmmmmm?????????????
  13. "K visas do not use the I-134, not the I-864." This must be a typo. I think what he meant to say is "K visas USE the I-134, not the I-864"
  14. I dunno how you get this info so quickly but this si the kind of stuff that is VERY IMPORTANT to many of our members!! Good stuff--thanks Trigg
  15. To answer your question, don't send the papers to the consulate. send them to your SO. she will take everything to the med exam. they will seperate them and put some in an envelope fore the consulate. she will hand carry all suporting evidence to be available at the consulate at the time of her interview.
  16. Jany, I really have no words that would help. I'm sure you will find the happy home that you so desire and whoever your husband will be, he will be a very fortunate man indeed! Trigg
  17. let me clarify the med exam situation. My wifes med exam was over a year old when we finally got an AOS interview date. I noticed this the day before we had to make a 400 mile round trip drive to the interview so I called UCIS. I explained the situation to the 'rep' who took my call. She said that if you apply for AOS before the exam is a year old that it is still valid. However, at that time a CFL member had been told to get a med exam for his wife 3 months after she had taken a physical in GZ. I asked about this and she new nothing so I asked for her supervisor--then asked for the supervisors supervisor-as i wanted to get the real info. The higher up person was very bright and straightforward. She said that although the rule says 'good for one year' that the VO has total complete discretion to either ask for another at any time they choose to OR waive a physical exam should they see fit to. In other words we have extremely strict rules at UCIS but we don't need to adhere to them-you do. This was from the horses mouth!.
  18. Rule of thumb--NEVER give GUZ more than they ask for. You may be creating a problem that does not exist.
  19. I feel a fill blown wahoo coming soon to a thread near you!!
  20. I just have to ask. Why doesn't your company hire American workers?? There are plenty of them without jobs. I honestly have to say if they are hiring foreigners so they can get them at substandard wages--well then they got what the paid for!
  21. Yuppers, you have been mop slapped for sure. This is a no brainer. If you tell her her friend cant come now,wife looses face. If wife looses face, wife isn't happy. If wife isn't happy, ain't nobody happy! Yup, mop slapped alrighty! Welcome to our world!
  22. I am very confused. She overstayed a visa-correct?? How did she get work authorization?? Why is she not in bad status?? Usually and overstay of that length is a minimum of a 10 year ban.
  23. Depends on what visa type. K visa are getting faster. Sent to GZ Jan 11 should get p3 soon -then maybe 3 minths to interview!
  24. As offciail CFL wahooer I am vested with total discimimnatory powers pertaining to issueing wahoos and have therefore have decreed that yet another wahoo is be be issued. And now, live form CFL Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeessss WWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
  25. You have earned and are about to recieve you offical CFL wahoo. Hang on tight cuzz here it comes---- WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
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