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Everything posted by ChrisA

  1. Rob, Thanks, I wasn't as fast as you on the marriage side, Randy knows what's on the fire right now, so I'll leave it at that. AOS has arrived in Chicago on Monday June 30, 2008 (marked Expedite).
  2. Congrat's to the both of you
  3. You know it's a very special feeling that we all share together, couldn't ask for anything more.
  4. As for the EOR, I sent our computer genrated letter via email, and fallowed with a hand written notarized letter for my Lao Po for the interview, I can't say if this worked or not, but considering the lenght of the CG, 4 1/2 pages and 10 pages hand written, I don't see any harm getting this in front of the VO or IO for that matter, they don't have the time to read the entire letter at the interview, but they have to respond to the email and I would assume they would have more time to read the email prior to the interview before putting this in with the file.
  5. Wait No More, Great News to You and Your's, Congrat's
  6. Rog, Your right on the point, when the Government, Highlights or put a word or sentence in bold print, this is veiwed as very important or key point to remember. My expeirence on Gov. rules and regulations, is when reading, don't interject anything into the sentence, read as it is written (face value), don't try to interpret the word or sentence to meet your needs, as this is incorrect! You make some very sensible comments here, and I understand all that you say and why you reached certain conclusions. The paperwork reduction act, was implemented to minimize the paperwork burden for individuals, small businesses, and non-profits. It is directed at the federal government entity, for minimizing the paperwork required to complete a given task; and not the individual, who might be supplying info/data to the government. Moreover, as I have mentioned in previous posts, I keyed in on a small sentence in the USCIS online instructions for completion of the packages. I tried to interject this info into a couple of threads and several posts over the past 18 months, but no one ever commented and/or expanded on this facet. ¡°Submit as complete a packet as possible so the case can be adjudicated from what you submit. Submit a complete packet of information for each petition or application.¡± The word ¡®complete¡¯ was in bold print on their info page. I viewed this as a real clue and followed this direction, in completing my two I-130 and two I-129F petitions.
  7. Hi All, Were now officially Man and Wife. It's also a special day as it's her Fathers Birthday, we have contacted him to wish him a birthday with a special surprise of our marriage.
  8. Live and learn, I've traveled to a lot of places, and I have always used a belly pouch when traveling to keep my wallet and other important information it.
  9. Guys, Relax, you still have the weekend, get out enjoy some of it, everything else willl fall into place, your SO will do fine. My SO did her interview in English, which isn't real good, this surprised me as I thought she would do it Chinese, when the time for your SO interivew comes, she'll handle it like a pro. It's the waiting while she up on the 5th floor that keeps you on edge. The only things that could stop the process is not having the Kitchen Sink completely ready.
  10. Hi Dennis, I'm not complaining, just asked her to let me know where she has moved things, so I know where there at too! B) I'm enjoying it. Just hand it over to her, Chris. It is now hers to nest and yours to provide. The best (and maybe even the worst ) is yet to come, but go with the flow, bro. It is all good. A sincere congratulations to you all.
  11. Hey tsap, How is your world going? Yes, life and the house have already seen major changes, both of them are going shopping this morning to beat the heat (forecasted to be 113 today), 10 minute walk to Wally Mart. For the both of them this will be the first out on there own, we still need to drop by the local Asian market, maybe tomorrow.
  12. Thanks you two, Lijun plans to called Aiwen in the next day or two, in the afternoon, had to remind her about the time zone differences.
  13. Hi Nate, Thanks, Any news on your side, submitted doc's for the over-come etc?
  14. Hi Randy, We got less than a month before 21 comes, plan to marry this Thursday, civil and get the ball rolling and keep our fingers crossed, plus we have a plan in case it doesn't go our way, so were covered.
  15. All is Well on the Home Front, arrived at the LAX POE, 10 minutes later (No-Questions) at the POE, on our to pick-up our bags and start the long journey home. LA to Tempe. I was kidding the both of them, this morning, asked how long they have been here in Tempe, son said three days, and I said, it amazing, niether one has had a chop-stick in your hands yet ha...ha... Lao Po made breakfast this morning after watching me, yesterday, the house has made a lot of changes since there arrival.
  16. Congrat's and Enjoy the Moment
  17. Rog, Ref: the POE at LAX, did you use the US side upon entry? I remember back a long time ago when I drouf\gh my ex to the US for a visit, I sent her thru the non-immigrant side, when she could came with me on the US side. Chris
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