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Everything posted by ChrisA

  1. LOL, 1 page? I don't think that will cover the entire courtship. For what's it's worth, write the EOR as you see fit (start to finish in detail). Mine was 4 pages via computer, 8 pages hand-written. I also sent it to GUZ via email, this I hoped to insured that they (GUZ) did read the EOR before the interview, plus it does get added to your petition file and GUZ has to respond to the email. Just make to have both the computer and hand-written EOR notarized at your local bank, don't sign them until your ready to notarized them at the bank. By the way it's free or they may charge a small fee, why pay GUZ ($30) to have them notarized there?
  2. ChrisA

    Roll Call

    Born and raised in California, lived in Germany for 27 years, lived in Texas, Alabama and Washington. Currently live in Gilbert, AZ. My wife is from Guangzhou, born and raised there and currently lives here in Arizona.
  3. My son's BIO appointment was done on a Saturday, it surprised me to, a US Government office office open on a weekend?
  4. Great Story, Amanda. Welcome to the USA. Just want to say a few things, my wife is currently back in China, for her father's 80th BD, she called me shortly after arriving to let me know she safe and sound there. She said, it didn't feel like home and missed me, I said to her "you can take the girl out of China, but you cannot take China out of the girl" China will always be your home. Now you have two homes. If you get the chance look up Asian Supermarkets on the web and find one nearest to you, this will help balance what you might be missing from the veggie side of shopping.
  5. I have to agree with DavidZ on this, I have lived in Europe for over 27 years, driven on the worlds fastest roads (Autobahn) but I doudt seriously I would ever think about driving in China (Blinders on and re-enforced roll cage around my car). Fender-benders happen all the time in China and because of all the traffic in most of the major cities, going 50 to 70 kmph is no where close to the speed limits we have here in the USA nor anywhere close to Germanys speed limits. So with that being said, and we don't hear much about traffic accidents happening that include death, but in this case, there were four death involved. Now think about this, the curbing in China for most main streets, are pretty high, to jump a curb is one thing, to drive the wrong-way is another, as most major streets have a center divider. Does the punishment fit the crime? We may agree to disagree here! But the court decided death for the individual, so be it and like many other's here who have posted acticles here, should we have perposed the same sentence, IMO yes. Rehab only works if the individual really wants the help! Germany has been hands-free (cell-phone usage) since 2003, get caught and that's a fine of $160 cash on-the-spot, the GP don't play games, they will drive you to the nearest bank to collect the fine. The diffence there is the shear speed, 75 mphs plus compared to here in the USA. I see this here in the USA, that drivers using cell-phones and texting are a major problems, one they can't concentrate on driving in the first place, I see this everyday day because I'm out there everyday. I see this with my in-laws everytime I'm in China, impeding traffic trying to find the restaurant. Example, guys/girls driving in the extreme left lane on the freeway, see's his/her exit coming up talking on they're cell-phones, and cuts everyone off as he/she veers accross all the lanes (up to 4 or 5 lanes no less) trying to make the exit and they don't care on minute of the effect of what they have caused, you having to put your foot thur the floorboard so you don't hit them, no plan on where there going and how there going to get there safely. Then we sit and wonder why we have road-rage?
  6. ChrisA

    ACS and ACH

    By all means, yes go to the ACH, let them review what you have. If you have followed the CFL Kitchen Sink guidelines you shouldn't have a problem, the VO will not tell you that your missing items from your packet. He/She may even saying everything looks OK.
  7. Does that mean I can not buy a one way ticket for myself even if I wanted to? No, you can buy a one-way ticket for yourself, but think about it from this POV, a RT ticket is cheaper in the long-run, her one-way ticket, let's say purchased within 10 day of the Visa being issued is going to cost $600 plus and depending on went you purchase your RT ticket, hopefully a month or two out from the (estimated) interview date could be cheaper than buying two one-way tickets? My wife is currently back in China, one of her friends here booked their flight 3 months out together, LAX to KOR to GUZ, $600 for the RT. Now when we returned from China in 2008, after she got her Visa, the cost for a One-way flight was about $800, the same flight RT for me was $1100, do the math and see which is the best option. Here are some links to use: http://paciasia.com/ http://www.uschinatrip.com/index.cfm?error...FTOKEN=41255310 http://www.cheapoair.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1685&sid=1 http://www.justasia.com/Default.aspx?DN=98...01-5aa7ff8ab9c0
  8. Interesting enough, I bought ONE way ticket for my wife Mei right here in the states. It's paid for and ready to go and it's even refundable. I never had problem with her having to have visa in hand in order to buy the ticket. What's going on there? Steve Steve, First off, you booked the flight for her, she didn't, she can't get out of the country and fly to the USA without a Visa. I think your missing the point, she can't buy a ticket for the USA in China without having a Valid Visa in hand.
  9. Does that mean I can not buy a one way ticket for myself even if I wanted to? No, you can buy a one-way ticket for yourself, but think about it from this POV, a RT ticket is cheaper in the long-run, her one-way ticket, let's say purchased within 10 day of the Visa being issued is going to cost $600 plus and depending on went you purchase your RT ticket, hopefully a month or two out from the (estimated) interview date could be cheaper than buying two one-way tickets? My wife is currently back in China, one of her friends here booked their flight 3 months out together, LAX to KOR to GUZ, $600 for the RT. Now when we returned from China in 2008, after she got her Visa, the cost for a One-way flight was about $800, the same flight RT for me was $1100, do the math and see which is the best option.
  10. Interesting enough, I bought ONE way ticket for my wife Mei right here in the states. It's paid for and ready to go and it's even refundable. I never had problem with her having to have visa in hand in order to buy the ticket. What's going on there? Steve If your ticket is open-ended, not an issue but a risk!
  11. Your Ticket should be a RT, with a real time-frame from the Interview/Visa date, make doubble sure that yours is changeable without fees and add about 7 days to 10 days, and to let her have time to say the goodbye's to family and friends. Flights will cheaper at the 8 day mark, anything under 7 days will be more expensive. Also she won't be able book the flight until she has the Visa in hand, but she can make the pre-reservations (deposit). The one TA we used was there on the 4th floor, when she comes down the elevator and turns right by the Coffee Shop, go straight down that walk-way, at the end of the walk-way, there is TA, they will work with you. Also make sure to have your flight information handy, just in case you need to change your return travel date. Example, myself, I had planned my return date for 10 June 08, but the cheapest flight she could get wasn't available until the 13th of June, interview was 5 June 08.
  12. Wait until after the interview, there are enough TA on the 4th floor to get a reasonably priced ticket. I did have to change my return date, but that wasn't a problem, also it's easier if she handles this. Good Luck?
  13. I'm using Vonage, base rate for US only $25, and additional $10 for unlimited calling to China, with tax is comes out at $42 a month. I know the feeling, we had $1300 phone in the 1st month, makes you think quick about finding another phone service.
  14. As for your documents, make one complete filefolder, I-485, I-765 and I-131, do not send them in separation envelopes.
  15. Congrat's on the NOA2 Have Patients, you have been through the 1st step of 5 steps in the process, the next 2 steps very in time/days for completion. I remember, my SO thought she could go from step 1 to step 5 in 30 days. Doesn't happen, you still have anywher from 90 to 120 days to the interview depending on the case-load GUZ at has at the moment. Use this time for the P3/P4 and put your Kitchen Sink together. Good Luck
  16. Congrat's on the PINK, feels nice, that the 1st part of the whole is over.
  17. Had you or your wife known about this prior to filing your I-130, this could have prevented this which you could have included this with the petition. Should be an easy over-come. Good Luck
  18. Congrat's, Interview date will be comming very soon
  19. Well, I got Stuart to handle the case, he will file the MTR on May 28, 2009. Should be interesting to see what the outcome will be, he feels confident that we will win the case, it just depends on how far the Gov. is willing go in persuring the entire denial process i.e. BIA or OAA. That's the big?? In my conversations with Stuart he has mentioned that there are 2 more cases pending right now on the East Coast. Were still waiting for the NTA (Notice to Appear), I won't file a new I-485 yet, until I know how long or when USCIS will respond to the MTR.
  20. In respect to all the individual replyies here which right on point to this whole process, and something I did in advance to my SO interview was to email a copy of the EOR to the GUZ, and I did make sure she had the notarized typed and hand written EOR's at the interview. This also insures that GUZ does read the EOR and that it is also placed in the petition folder. My reasoning was prior to our engagement (my visits to her), I was still in divorce proceedings, therefore I did wanted to dispell any negative thoughts GUZ might have (questions), by letting them in advance straight from the horse mouth the truth about our relationship and that she wasn't the reason I was in divorce proceeding in the first place. Devoted the entire first paragraph to this subject. This included information about the date and time my separation and relocation from Europe back to the USA. Also this accounted for all my 6 trips to China, places we visited, being there for her birthday, and any relevant Holiday's. As ar as I know this wasn't addressed in the interview period, nor was the EOR letter asked for.
  21. Wife got her's today, interviewed on April 22, 2009, received May 5, 2009. So about 13 days from start to finish, I don't think this is the norm.
  22. Wife's GC arrived today. One down and One to go.
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