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Everything posted by griz326

  1. I'd suggest reading the FAQs at the top of the page to get started. Don't worry that is seems clear as mud at first. Eventually it will start making sense.
  2. I'll be there in a few days and will be spending more time there than ever before. I'll be on my toes, thank you for the reminder.
  3. I called the State Department today. They told me that the US Consulate has July 4th as a holiday ... and they thought that Saturday and Sunday the visa people did not work. Hoping for pink............ When is it realistic to expect to be able to get our visas for my gal and her daughter? What I am trying to do is to return to Nanning to see the family. There are other posts saying that the visa will not be mailed outside of Guangdong province so we will need to return to collect the passports and visas or wait for them? Is Monday, July 7th realistic? Or must we figure on July 8th? Or is even that unrealistic? I intend to call the consulate...but do not know if I will get any better information from them than I can get from the experienced people here.
  4. Thank you, I imagine these will work nicely.
  5. I could probably paste something together in Wenlin and learn to say it, but figured some one here actually knows the phrase - rather than giving a stinky google translation. I am certain there is a customary expression to say that "I will take good care of them" and that's what I hope to say to my Chinese mother, father and her brothers when I see them next month. I'd prefer the expression in Chinese characters for cut 'n paste into Wenlin. TIA...
  6. Should I install the XP Chinese OS for the girls? Or make them learn to use the English OS? I am concerned that I will not be able to fix the computers if they are running the Chinese OS. Your experience?
  7. Great news! Congratulations. B)
  8. Do you mean highest? Or do you mean lowest? My gal commented on how little RMB she gets with her life money now compared to when I first started sending her money.
  9. Congratulations! :cheering:
  10. I recently switched from commercial toothpastes to baking soda and lemon juice.... Brush first with the baking soda...and then squirt a little lemon juice into your mouth from one of those little plastic lemons and brush like crazy before your mouth explodes! It does a good job.
  11. Wisconsin ginseng was popular on my last visit. I also brought huckleberry jelly, vitamin E and Hershey chocolate. You can also bring cigarettes which are appreciated by the smokers although not politically correct in USA circles. This trip I will bring locally made elk hide slippers for my Chinese mother and father and more Hershey candy.
  12. Maybe a concrete pad would work as a bed!
  13. Mostly agree with you, Jim. ...but if we'd have been serious about it 30 years ago...there'd be no chance that China might lay claim to that technology ownership in the future.
  14. WOW! Great story. I hope I have such a great story to tell some day.
  15. I just bought Rosetta Stone for me to use with my audio training programs. I have all of the Pimsleur Mandarin Chinese courses, the FSI Chinese training, a few Chinesepod sessions and all of Yong Ho. I'd certainly like to have more than 8 lessons for my gals since I have so many audio training programs that I should already be fluent! What I am hoping to find are additional audios for the girls listening on the plane.
  16. I have a futon, but it is soft compared to a Chinese bed. My future daughter will sleep on a Cabela's outfitter's cot until we get her bedroom situated. It will be interesting to see if she likes the space foam mattress I have for the cot.
  17. I bought 8 lessons of Pimsleur for Mandarin speakers and transferred them to MP3 players for my gal and her daughter. There is plenty of room on the MP3 players. Are there any other audio teaching programs I could add to the MP3 players before I give them to them? I've got about 3 weeks to get the programs them and copy them to the MP3 players.
  18. Å®•ø Wenlin says: a syllabic script created by women in Jiangshui - nothing else.
  19. The video said it was a secret language used by women to commiserate over their marital hardships.
  20. In Wenlin, secret language translates as: ÃØÊÂÓïÑÔ However, the announcer called it "nu shu" which translates Å­Êõ or rage skill. Given the intent of the secret language of women Å­Êõ does not seem an unreasonable translation. But.... ...does anyone know the characters representing this "secret language?" Or is it unknown....because it is a secret?
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