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Everything posted by griz326

  1. Today is ÇåÃ÷½Ú - q¨©ngm¨ªngji¨¦ in China. (April 4th) Tomb Sweeping Day is a festival to honor ancestors by making their grave sites more tidy. Many families travel considerable distances to return to the village of their ancestors.
  2. Wasn't there just a report debunking the environment claims of the bio-fuel industry? It seems to me it was just 2 or 3 weeks ago.
  3. Anti-smoking Nazis are at it again.....
  4. I few days??? YIKES! That's going to be one pricey airline ticket. My gal has to get the medical exam, not me. Correct? Thank you for the telephone number, Rob. You got your NOA-2 two months ahead of me and are predicting a May/June interview. I was hoping that our interview in GUZ would be June/July - but I guess that is overly optimistic. July/August or August/September are probably more likely.
  5. I hope that the letter scheduling our interview date will appear in 6 to 8 weeks. Will the scheduled interview date appear in the USCIS website in a timely fashion; or will my gal have to tell me when she gets the letter? I am certain she will be very excited when she gets it; so I'll probably get a call the instant it arrives; and I know Roger will email me as soon as he know....but I'd still like to see it on the website if it is available there. Will I be notified of the interview by USCIS?
  6. As I was reading a few less than encouraging posts this question came into my mind: Are VOs USCs or are they Chinese nationals?
  7. I wouldn't remember it...but then I ran out of that ginko stuff Just kidding. If he does not remember a charge in that amount, it is important to contact the CC company. If they cannot refresh his memory, perhaps his CC# has been passed into an underground economy server and sold. Identity theft and variations of it are a big thing today.
  8. A John Fairbanks book I read on China many years ago gave me the impression that the Chinese have never seen themselves as conquerors. Fairbanks said something like, the Chinese defeat invaders by absorbing them into the nation and making them Chinese. ...or something like that. Deng's policy of "when it comes to foreign policies, China is to participate, not to lead, not to have enemies" probably grew out of the sort of ancient wisdom reported by Fairbanks.
  9. Success! Continued happiness.
  10. The construction business will be booming for a few years. When China has an issue, it is always a monster issue in a scale beyond the comprehension of most people.
  11. I bought a dart board for making my future stock picks........ I couldn't do any worse
  12. That's the post, ZackinIL. Thank you.
  13. There was a great post here a few days ago by one of the guy's gals who worked in a marriage broker place as a translator. I could not find it, but she provided real first hand insight. Maybe someone will remember which thread it was in... I learned these things from personal experience: * Don't exchange emails with a gal using a translator (sure their are exceptions) but chances it is the translator you like not your intended; * Do the web cam thing; * Run the other way if the gal starts asking for money. A gal in her mid-50's was probably not taught pinyin, so she won't be able to use those nifty little translators they make today unless they have character recognition. ...and she may not be able to use a Chinese character dictionary because families often did not have enough money to educate both their sons and daughters so the boys went to school...and a Chinese dictionary brings a whole new meaning to what we used to say as kids, "How do I look it up in the dictionary if I don't know how to spell it!" But if your dad was lucky enough to find a good Chinese woman, I feel certain that his life with her will give him many happy days.
  14. Looking at that VOs mug you can see it's the only way he could have a sex life. Some creep tries to pull that crap on my gal I'll arrange a special place in hell for him.
  15. Really! The green card issued after AOS? ...and no visa required to enter Canada? This is great news. The Canadian guard at the crossing here in Eureka told me that she would not be allowed to enter without a Canadian visa. He was just a kid and maybe new on the job. I sure hope you guys are correct! That puts a great little China town reasonably close to us.
  16. I don't think you can lose just some respect; respect is an all or nothing sort of thing. The words we use shape our thoughts and our future. Perhaps if you make an effort to think of this as a disappointment in your gal rather than a loss of respect you will spiral upwards rather than downwards. Good luck & best wishes.
  17. In reading all of the posts here...I will bring a USB memory stick with EVERYTHING just in case we don't get through the first time and must go through overcome. ...but like Jim said...giving them EVERYTHING might have unintended consequences.
  18. I'll try to remember that sage advice!!!
  19. Thank you David... It is an expression that I commonly use because of my Irish grandmother. It will be good to share it with my gal.
  20. A fine article leaving me with mixed feelings. >>>Undesirables spanning the gamut of anti-China sentiment are being round up and imprisoned, deported, or executed. I wish there were some attribution with that line rather than the presumption of accuracy. Having been to China four times over 30 years, the more I learn about China the less I know about it. I am looking forward to living in China with my Lao Po for a few years while she gets her retirement and I teach. Living there is probably the only way to truly get an understanding of China.
  21. Perhaps you would be willing to elucidate your point further for those of us who are not privy to such information... Roger, the point doesn't really need elaboration; it is simply the logical conclusion to the "world's most powerful economy" story. If the Chinese can hold the country together, the day will come when that will happen. It's nice to believe the USA will always be #1, but the US needs to get on the stick for that to happen. :cheering::cheering: For the sake of discussion consider this partially tongue in cheek reasoning: Let's presume that the number of smart people, brilliant people and highly motivated people is a constant the world over (give or take a percentage point here and there). Let's also agree that opportunity energizes the highly motivated people (entrepreneurs, salespeople, inventors). So what do these highly motivated people do? They use smart and brilliant people to seize opportunity. Based on percentages alone China will have a larger and larger number of people seizing opportunity over time. ...and well when you add in the raw number of workers to do the actual work! The Chinese will simply over run us in the economic world unless USCs get off their butts, re-enter the competition, contribute and change their fat, dumb and happy ways. Just think of the percentage of fat, dumb and happy people in this country content to drink a 6 pack every night and boast that the USA will always be #1. All of China probably doesn't have as many fat, dumb and happy people as we have right here in Montana. However, we are lucky because of the number of aging and infirm China must care for; it helps to offset the liability imposed by our fat, dumb and happy USCs! As for inflation, it is just part of the economic cycle that China must contend with. We'll learn a lot about China as we watch that issue over the next few years.
  22. >>>unemployment is not the main cause ...but everyone wants to explain why crime is increasing. Crime and capitalism go together like peanut butter & jelly.
  23. Sorry to read this.......... This part just frosts my a$$: >>>The Consulate has determined ... that you do not has a bona fide relationship with your petitioner.
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