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Everything posted by griz326

  1. I read it differently than you. I took it to say if the families had more than one child the grief would not be so terrible. However, the reporter's intent could easily be as you read it.
  2. Good news! Continued happiness.....
  3. I am happy to learn that I missed the news item even though I was looking for it. I feel better now.
  4. 210,000 surveillance cameras!!! WOW! Not nearly as many as in DC.
  5. Did I miss it? Any other country would have had an offer of USA aide and assistance by now.... Why hasn't the President at least said, "If there is any way that we can help in this tragedy, we will be honored to help."
  6. I searched the site, looked in the acronyms and even searched Google without success. What is a GNI-2?
  7. That's a perfect link... This must have been deep into your Google search results because I never found it.
  8. I loved the Charlie Chan movies when I was a kid and didn't realize Charlie Chan was not played by a Chinese guy. http://www.charliechan.net The story lines were always clever and I loved the "Chinese proverbs." These movies probably had an influence on me. BTW - Does anyone know where I could get a list of Charlie Chan's "Chinese proverbs" ??? TIA
  9. Much happiness. Thank you for the heads up on the focus on your divorce in the interview. We have not talked alot about my divorces because they were so long ago. Perhaps a bit more discussion is in order.
  10. It doesn't matter at all who becomes President. Aside from the slacker/freeloader society we've created...US leadership dropped the ball after Nixon setup a tremendous opportunity for the USA to understand and be a key part of the future with China.
  11. Just to be certain this, ¹Øϵ, is what you are talking about, Dennis.
  12. As China adopts more western ways crime comes as part of the package.
  13. I saw plenty of uniformed corruption while working for the US government, but my view was limited to a very small outfit. As a journalist, I saw corruption in every government office that I covered; there were no exceptions. There are different types of corruption suited to play well within each system. Any attempt to brand one nation's system more corrupt than another is pure foolishness.
  14. No need for binoculars, they are in the yard just 10 or 20 feet away. http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj161/griz326/moose-04192008.jpg It's a damned shame I am not a better digital photographer.
  15. Yeah...I hope they win. It has less to do with pro-China feelings than it has to do with my intolerance for irresponsible, incompetent, deliberately slanderous/libelous reporting by people who were once my peers. ...and my feelings on this point are not isolated to China but go into national, state and local coverage as well. This country does not need to censor the news media, the media is brainwashed to present "news" in a way that benefits the master manipulators of government and industry.
  16. My gal is from Nanning. When we passed by a beauty parlor I pointed at it and asked "water face" ... she laughed and said "Yeah, yeah, waterface" and laughed so hard I thought she was going to wet her pants. Good heavens, Robert S, if an ant caused that much commotion I cannot imagine what a moose, bear or cougar might do! There was a cow moose strolling through my yard just last week. Coyotes, deer (I have a private herd of about 20 that feed on my grass hoping for corn), turkey and skunk are common in my yard; bear, cougar, moose and elk come in several times a year.
  17. The way my gal uses the expression Lilac...it means that she's going to the beauty parlor for a facial.
  18. I hope they win! From Fox news: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,352402,00.html A Chinese primary school teacher and a beautician have filed a suit against CNN in New York over remarks they say insulted the Chinese people. They want $1.37 billion in compensation - $1.06 per person in China, a Hong Kong newspaper reports. The case against the Atlanta-based cable channel, its parent company Turner Broadcasting and Jack Cafferty, the offending commentator, comes after 14 lawyers launched a similar suit in Beijing alleging that Cafferty's remarks earlier this month violated the dignity and reputation of the Chinese people. Cafferty said the United States imported Chinese-made "junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food". He added: "They're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years". CNN said Cafferty was expressing an opinion about the Chinese Government, but the Foreign Ministry demanded an apology and accused the network of trying to drive a wedge between the Chinese people and leadership. The lawsuits come amid a wave of criticism in China against Western news outlets in the wake of recent unrest in Tibet and disruptions to the Beijing Olympic torch relay abroad. In New York, Liang Shubing, the beautician, and Li Lilan, a Beijing-based primary school instructor, claimed Cafferty's words insulted all Chinese people and "intentionally caused mental harm" to the plaintiffs, the Ta Kung Pao newspaper reported today. Six lawyers were handling the case for Ms Liang and Ms Li, it said. "The $1.3 billion averages out to $1 per Chinese person, so it isn't much," the newspaper quoted a lawyer as saying. Asked if China supported the action against CNN, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu characterised it as "spontaneous activity by Chinese civilians". "We will wait and see CNN's response," Jiang told a news conference, referring to the Foreign Ministry's request for a full apology. "We hope CNN will take this seriously, because what CNN said and did has not only hurt China's feelings, but also CNN's own image."
  19. My gal went out last night. I asked where. She said, "Go water face." It cost me a trip to China to learn what "water face" is, but now I'm giving you the guessing game I played for months I had a confrontation with a thief yesterday; he was working for me and took something. When I told my gal I'd have to end our conversation when he showed up, she said, "Be careful. Bad man. Pang pang." I explained he was not that bad a man and that everything would be okay. The thing that tickles me is that she always says "pang" for "bang." I've spelled bang and pronounced it for her a number of times. Do Chinese speakers have trouble with "b" ... the trouble with "r" is legendary ... but trouble with "b" ??? She's seen pictures of me target shooting rifles and handguns, but it will be interesting to see her react when I strap on my guns when I get out of bed.
  20. The US government and it's bureaucracy forgot long ago that it is supposed to serve the people. Ohhhhhhhh...don't get me started!
  21. I guess you really hate Californians then for Kalifornicating Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana.
  22. Who'd ever think so many guys want to get something pink Good story. Congratulations!
  23. The content is a bit out of date but it looks like a good course, David.
  24. In some ways crime is just the free enterprise system at work; capitalists looking for a market with less competition because of the high risk.
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