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Everything posted by griz326

  1. Just knowing that this extra wait is becoming the norm has screwed up our planning for the return trip. I was hoping the girls could come back with me.... Now we may have to meet in Seattle at a later date.
  2. While embarrassing and discriminatory it seems fair to me. The plane has to lift a certain amount of weight off the ground and it takes energy to do that. If you weigh more you pay more. As a big guy, I won't like it, but then that's how it goes.
  3. ...and we thought the SATs were tough
  4. That's just WAY TOO MUCH INFORMATION without pictures, we'd accept videos too.
  5. Good news on the PINK! This delay on the arrival of the VISA appears persistent. Any news on this? Can't you just stick around and pick it up at the Consulate?
  6. Remember when there were bottle deposits? Kept us kids busy and the roads clear. This is a reasonable thing for China to do and one that the rest of the world should emulate.
  7. Maybe I'll see you there ... our interview is 07/02. Are you staying at Mr. Yang's? OBTW, congratulations!!!
  8. I did my weekly call to the US State Department this morning. I almost cried when the gal at the US Dept of State told me Xiaoyuan and I have our interview July 2nd at 07:15 am. The letter was sent out today. I cannot believe how that news instantly made me nervous, excited and emotional. Time to book a flight!!! I know that I cannot go into the interview, but it is still our interview so I plan to be there!
  9. Excellent news & good report. Best of luck to you.
  10. So it probably will come in without difficulty. Her baggage or mine? I will suggest that she explain the medicine as for menstrual cramps, colds or headaches.....
  11. I think my gals should bring some trusted, common Chinese medicines with them when they come. I know that we have medicines here, but I beleive it will be reassuring for them to have medicines they know at hand. Unlike many of you, there are no major Chinese communities in all of Montana. I do have one source in the Chinese community in Calgary, but he is very expensive. Should we mail the medicines by China Post? Should I carry them in? Or should the girls bring them when they come? Any common Chinese medicines that might be a HUGE red flag to customs?
  12. >>>hope the damns hold ....that could be the real disaster! I believe in this case they want the earthquake formed dam to fail in a controlled manner. Interestingly though, the earthquake may have just formed a new natural lake and the earthquake dam is HUGE so it might actually hold. It would be interesting to hear what the engineers say about the security of the earthquake dam.
  13. May we all share in your good fortune. Best of luck to you!
  14. Good write-up... I hope the visa appears soon!
  15. The people who know and care for me were concerned for the Chinese, probably because they were concerned for me. However, the insensitivity I have witnessed concerning this natural disaster is widespread. It is my opinion that even the most ill informed people sense that the USA ain't what it used to be and that China is about to eat our lunch and this is their way of expression nationalistic frustration. BTW - I am not very sensitive to people who build billion dollar homes on fault lines or within hurricane storm surge areas, but when ordinary people are caught in a disaster my heart goes out to them.
  16. I saw her picture in the dictionary next to a 4 letter "c" word.
  17. Great news! Best wishes toyou and your loved ones!
  18. I've flown through BC to China. I did not require a transit visa. I'll be interested in the responses, because Air Canada is one option for my gal and me.
  19. Thank you, Roger. ...a potentially required, undocumented piece of information that may be asked for at the interview.
  20. This must be written up in the application forms some where, isn't it? Why would a Fianc¨¦e or even a wife know the SSN or the husband's ex-wife? Very unreasonable...and especially unreasonable if it is not documented some where.
  21. Which form/instruction set actually requests the ex-spouses SSN? I remember reading some where that this information is required, but I do not remember seeing it in any of the documents. My X wants to know and I cannot find it. Could it be a myth?
  22. Which form actually requests the ex-spouses SSN? I do not remember seeing it in any of the documents.
  23. It is information I do not have and have no way of getting. I was last divorced in 1983 so I hope the information is not considered relevant.
  24. The link no longer appears to work. Did I miss an update to the link? Sounds like a good place to stay.
  25. While I understand and generally agree with Jim J on this, I did contribute to the Red Cross. Money from government often flows too slowly to the people in need. We've seen it in this country, often followed by an abundance of money coming in after the critical need had past. Even if we presume long term good intent, the need is now, not in the time frame of a bureaucracy.
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