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Everything posted by griz326

  1. I know this is a REALLY DUMB question, but do I need to submit separate checks of $1010 for my wife and my step-daughter? ...or can I write one check and not gum up the works? Really stupid, but the government can be really picky sometimes.
  2. You can bet on it... Some of the best Cuban cigars I've smoked were seized by border crossing guards...
  3. This confused me , David: >>>Most K1s try to file by the 90 day marriage limit; applying the 90 days of marriage to the AOS filing. In fact, this is not technically necessary.... you can apply your AOS at later than 90 days.... as your already later now. Are you saying that you do not need to have your AOS paperwork in the lockbox 90 days after your gal arrives?
  4. Yup! I had all of the meat products I tried to bring in from Chengdu confiscated last summer. No fine though. Next time you might try sending them China Post.
  5. We left Eureka at 07:00 and arrived at the Civil Surgeon's office at 13:00 (90 minutes of shopping before the doc). The doc wanted to give them a full physical at $200+ a gal without shots...but thanks to this board...I insisted the physical had been done already in China. $125/each for the doc to prescribe a TB test for both of them and 3 vaccinations for my wife. $235 for the shots & TB tests at the public health department...but we've got another bill coming for reading the TB tests. I cannot take another day off of work and drive 400+ miles to have someone put a ruler to the TB test. OYE! BTW - The doc opened the X-rays of both gals which I was a little nervous about thinking about the "sealed envelope" but it made sense that he should review the x-ray so that when the Chinese TB vaccine throws a false positive he knows that their chests are free from TB. *** One thing I'd urge everyone to do before leaving China with their wife or fiancee is to get ALL of their gal's and children's medical records to the best of your ability. I didn't like my wife getting vaccinations when I feel certain that she's had them and didn't need them. *** Another thing I'd recommend is that you get to the Civil Surgeon 6 weeks in advance of your filing deadline. I'll just squeek by (I hope).
  6. Thank you for the information on the every changing market for teaching English speakers to speak Chinese. I am looking for information on how to teach Chinese speakers to speak English.
  7. I'm putting together the AOS documents and am looking at the Affidavit of Support, I-864. It's pretty much the same document that I submitted before. So here are my questions: * Can I just transfer numbers from the K1/K2 submission form? * Can I use the same bank letter? * Can I use the same employment letter? ...or do I need to update all of that stuff? It's only been 3 months. (I'm wondering why a resubmission is required when they already have my Affidavit) Anyone know?
  8. I'm going through this form. Part 1 is clearly something I need to complete, however, do I fill in any other sections? I just want to be certain that Part 6 is not asking for my wife's name. Part 6. Health department identifying information. (If completed by State or local health department on behalf of a refugee, place a stamp or seal where indicated.) It just has "Type or Print Name" which is not crystal clear to me whose name is being requested. My gut says it is the health department representative, but this is bureaucratic paperwork where one "t" uncrossed could create a world of grief. Anyone know? TIA
  9. I was fortunate enough to be able to be with my fiancee for her interview. I was there to celebrate with her if all went well; or to comfort her if it did not. It went well and we are now married in the USA.
  10. The skies have been clear here the last two days and the moon has been nothing short of spectacular! We have been eating moon cakes with our friends at every opportunity. Last night we took some to our Romanian neighbors and told them some of the festival stories... about the woman in the moon ...and about the overthrow of the mongols. What did you do?
  11. My girls like the moon cakes I got from this place: http://www.shengkee.com/ It is my 2nd year ordering from them. They have small moon cakes so you do not need to be a great man to eat one by yourself.
  12. Clayton, the posts from Mike & Lily and ktmracer mirror what my Chinese daughter says. It is Saturday morning...the wedding is today...and my Chinese daughter is listing to VOA history lessons! She studies all day, every day!!!
  13. We went to the high school open house yesterday and I started to get an idea of how smart my Chinese daughter is. She really surprised a few of her teachers. The English teacher (who speaks terrible English ) said something about the kids learning something about culture. I suggested that she ask my girl how much she went to school in China and how much she studied. That should be an eye-opener for the kids.
  14. The BIG day is tomorrow! I should be all nervous...but I'm A-OK!
  15. Well if you're game...you and Jin are invited Rob. God bless you....
  16. hehehehe.... ...and where are you coming from? 12 hours on a cycle...crap...I fell asleep on one of those things going through Texas.... You want to make the ride...we have cots and sleeping bags too.
  17. I thought Sunday was a good day to get married, but my gal said 31 is unlucky...the Chinese like doubles. OK...so we are getting married on Saturday, 8/30... Do you know how difficult it is to get married in remote Montana? No wedding planners.... No banquet halls.... No private rooms at the restaurants or pubs.... No wedding photographers... 150 mile RT drive to get wedding supplies... The menu: Deep fried turkey Beef tenderloin Pulled pork Roast duck Foie gras ...and maybe I'll poach a fawn for the grill Fixin's galore.... Top shelf booze, wine and cigars.... ...and a wedding cake the girls will enjoy.... It's been a challenge...but I think that we will be ready!
  18. This is not a uniquely Chinese problem. At the end of the 19th century and well into the 20th century, the disparity between city and rural incomes was STAGGERING in the USA. China is going through the same period in its development. Unfortunately for China there are more media big mouths with electronic communication than ever before so they cannot work privately through this evolutionary problem. BTW - there is still a HUGE disparity between city and rural wages in the USA. PS - I fully agree that this is an issue for which China must find solutions.
  19. The Westin cannot provide the assurances that Mr. Yang can provide. The Westin is very nice, but it is extremely expensive compared to the other hotels in the immediate area. Do not let this post alarm you. The theft was caused by an error in judgement of the traveler. The solution is simple, always take your valuables with you.
  20. I understand that your tongue was at least partially in your cheek Roger . . . but the sad thing (not sad for China) is that China's personal freedoms are overtaking our personal freedoms in the USA. The latest revocation of freedom are the bans on cooking with trans fat or serving foie gras in restaurants. In my trips to China, I have never seen evidence of the human rights abuses we hear so much about, but I allow for the possibility that these things do occur. My sense of law enforcement there is that while they certainly pay close attention, you'd have to spit in their eye to move them to action. I have never seen the pot stirring that I've seen frequently in the USA. Some people will recall my concern about staying with my gal at Spring Festival without registering with the police. It turns out that my gal lived in a housing complex designated for police (her ex was a cop and she got the flat). No problems. Your TIC comment is striking too close to home. It is also why I did not like seeing China giving into the anti-everything-except-what-we-agree-with crowd on shark fin soup, dog meat and smoking. If Americans don't wise up.......
  21. Good to know, Randy. When using Wenlin's character recognition my gal had a hell of a time.
  22. In checking the TwinBridge site they offer both handwriting and voice recognition software (mandarin or cantonese). My experience with both of those has been pretty shaky, especially chinese character entry. Has your wife found stroke order for handwriting recognition a problem? Have you tried the voice recognition?
  23. My gal's daugher is doing just fine typing and writing in Chinese using pinyin entry to find Chinese characters. My gal does not know pinyin. What can I do to enable Chinese character entry for her? I have XP and VISTA English OSes.
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