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Everything posted by heyjimi

  1. Good Luck Robert in the land of Guz Jimi
  2. I used Uschinatrip for all my trips to china,great prices,cheapest i ever found,great service,.....on one of my trips,from Shanghai to Chongqing ,the flight got canceled...they(uschinatrip)contacted me,and made different arrangements for me . Now bringing my wife to USA from Chongqing to New York,i used Flychina,which ended up being the cheapest....
  3. heyjimi


    I play guitar,drums and some keyboards,i play very loud Rock music,but i can play anything.I played in a German Rock band called Stranger in 1979-80 in Berlin Germany,and did the whole Hollyweird club Scene in the 1980s,.Whats the gig you have?check out myspace Heyjimi ( www.myspace.com/509126017)
  4. Yeah my wife began using clinique products when she came here to USA,my thought is it could be the make up she is using,or even the clothes detergent.we will trial and error switching with different brands but i told her if it continues,we will go to the doctor and see what is going on.
  5. Hey Steve I am doing good.I just finished reading the thread you started sometime back,i will try the benedryl,she was taking something similar to benedryl,but it makes her drowsy......i was reading your thread,and one mentioned dairy products,which i found interesting,as last night we ate " cheese ravioli's" for dinner.this morning she had the rashes,the rashes are mild,but are itchy.Anyway hope all is well with you. jimi
  6. yeah,my wife is the same way in the cosmetic aisle ,she trys all different kinds.We will just have to trial and error,I think it could also be the wash detergent with all the perfumes put into them that i dont think she is use to.
  7. Hahaha...yeah right now my wife thinks shes allergic to me !!!!
  8. Hey has any of your ladies developed skin rashes when coming over to America.My wife keeps getting rashes on her face,of course she itches it and makes it worse,she said she never got this in China.She washes her face with all this "clinque"products.I finally convinced her to stop that for a few days and just use plain old ivory soap,and see what happens.I was just wondering if any one else experienced this. Jimi
  9. I had my EOR letter notarized there,I would do it again,if had to do this all over again,in the real world being well prepared would be enough,in the land of Guz sometimes it is not enough,thus the "kitchen sink"....our second interview we brought the kitchen sink and the bathtub.....and then,none of it was looked at LOL ...my wife and I were well prepared in the first interview...but i was not there in Guz the first time,and that may or may not have played a role in that decision...its hard to say really ,because there are no concrete rules,theres many things that go into play here,none all that clear for instance ,how about the issue of english,does the lack of english play arole in a VO's decision? it might.I know when I went to Guz to see the wizard,(ACH)the second time around,i addressed this issue to the VO,as my wife does not know alot of english,i was asked many questions on how do we communicate,and then again for others it may not be a factor,in my opinion,as i think this whole process is a joke,but i think even if it seems retarted and silly to do,do it anyway,it certainly isnt going to hurt,getting your EOR letter notarised in Guz,unless of course you dont have the 30 usd to pay for it. I think 30 usd is a bit outrageous to pay for something to be notarized,on the other hand they do read them and it gets noted in the computer that you had a Letter notarized there,at least when i was there,she typed something in the computer.My opinion, go the extra mile to avoid getting denied,you can never be too sure about anything. Jimi
  10. Man,sorry to hear the bad news.I been thru the same thing,my wifes first interview was an interrogation also.Hang in there,believe me,I know its easier said than done.But maybe get married,do the cr1,waiting to appeal will take a long time,you can try contacting our wonderful politicians,but i wouldnt hold your breathe.......My wife had her second interview,and she passed easily.Try to figure out what might be red flags(you will have to put yourself in a VO's shoes)see what might be the problem(because they will not give you a reason).then address these issues in your next filing,which ever path you decide to take.......Geez...what a Christmas present. good luck and hang in there. Jimi
  11. AH,Good question,i know i've asked this question a zillion times,not only is my search skills bad,so is my memory. My wife wants to bring her daughter over,so she will have to wait until she becomes a citizen,(daughter is 22 yrs old).How long would this take to get her daughter over here.(generally speaking of course). jimi
  12. WOW !!!!!! I havent been on candle in awhile ,GREAT NEWS !!!!!!!!!! so good to hear this.Congratulations. Jimi
  13. heyjimi


  14. i think from your description my fiancee had the same witch for her interview. nothing about myself and fiancee just focused on her daughter trying to trip her up with questions like implying that she was my fiancees sister not daughter. of course they weren't confused and answered properly. it is a joke. at the least it is un-american and certainly their conduct is immoral in my eyes. i guess over time the job may make them that way? i couldn't have a job such as that. i wouldn't last a week before i got relieved for refusing to treat all people with respect and dignity. don't you wonder why the two of you are never permitted to either be at the ACH or lord forbid the interview, that way there would be a witness to their attrocities i guess. their entire process is set up to exclude any outside scrutiny thus is guaranteed to be abusive at a minimum. i wanted to ask you about the CR1? I am not familiar with it. what is involved and what is the prupose of that route say versus a K3? if i knew then what i know now i would do three things differently: 1) I would have gone to Guangzhou and attended the ACH and made my presence known. i'm certain it is not allowed to ask any real questions or maybe that you will receive any real answers. even though i had an attorney it was never mentioned to me as an option? 2) it was recommended that we should go for a K1 as it was supposed to be quicker and more easily approved. I would upon hindsight gotten married and went the K3 route. 3) i would have waited a little longer to go to China the first time as it was in your case very close to the separation from my ex and when it was finally granted more than a year and a half later officially. i don't understand how any of these things should matter. the facts should speak for themselves. to be honest i'm not sure if i have the finances to start all over again? everything the interviewer needed was with the first submittal. she asked for more about my marriage documents and financial information which of course they already had. the dna request was totally off base i believe. a stalling tactic for sure. have you ever seen the movie Uncle Buck? if you get the chance i see a similarity between the interviewer and the principal that uncle buck confronts. after being denied at the initial interview and then again based on the additional information i always think of that when i think oh her even though i have never met her. these people in their seeming disdain for human beings can't help but bring out these types of reactions and sterotypes. take care. rich Next time you go to China and you arrive at the airport,theres always a nice gentle Chinese woman or polite Chinese man to greet you,When you arrive in an American airport,your greeted with an attitude "get in line...your in the wrong line... O V E R H E R E !!!!!! We went to get my wifes SSN card,and had a woman with a big time freakin attitude....anyway....it sounds like you had some similar issues. Get married and do the k3 or cr1 because waiting for the k1 to return back to the states,going to take some time.and a lawyer....do you really want to know my opinion on them? hahaha.anyway, Address all the issues you think might have led to your '"NON BONAFIDE RELATIONSHIP"address it up front in your k3 or cr1....I think the cr1 is better,but takes a little longer so it has been said....my wife actually ended up with the IR1 because when she entered USA,we were already married 2 years,and so she got her 10 year green card.Also,i really do believe being there at Guz for her interview makes a big difference,I am not saying it is a guareentee a visa,but really it just makes sense to be there.At the ACH,I must say I had a very pleasant male VO,allowed me to ask all my questions,did not blow me off,was very attentive,typed alot of it into the computer......also from the description my wife gave me of her VO,it sounded like the guy i had.So the second time around for my wife,was a pleasant experience.quick interview.anyway,good luck whatever you decide to do. Jimi
  15. I been down this road before.By the way,i dont know where you stand on health care,but this is the same government that wants to run health care,very,very scary.This whole immigration process is a complete joke.My wife was k3 had her first interview in october 2008.She had an interview with a very nasty woman.My wife had every document and proof of a bonafide relationship known to man,the only thing missing was a video tape of us in the bedroom,i mean i know i am being absurd,but this whole thing is absurd.This woman harped on my wife about my wifes daughter in a photograph,asked how old my daughter was,my wife said 21,the VO said your lying she looks like shes no more than 15......see this VO had a crstall ball could see all things,she did not want to see the birth certificate,because why? To be honest,i was and still am ashamed to be an american,Gods honest truth.Now this is my opinion,but i am a believer,my wife was already denied before she even had her interview.Looking over our file,we had a few flags,one was my divorce,close to the time i began writing to my wife,and a quick marriage,we got married on my first visit.I felt nothing wrong with this,but i had to see...what was it they were seeing...... So on our next try at an interview i went cr1,i did address these issues up front.I also went to ACH and brought these issues up to the VO which i think really played a role in my wife passing her second interview which was in June 2009.To answer your question about how long it takes for it to get to usa (your file).Well as of yet i have heard nothing on my k3 (denied)case. In August of 2009,i did get an email stating USCIS had just recieved our K3 file for review.i might not hear anything now anyway since my wife was approved on her cr1.but as you can see it took 10 months to get from Guz to USCIS.maybe what you ought to do, get married and refile for k3 or do the cr1 if you can.
  16. SSHHHH !!!!!! speak softly......i have already been deleted for calling this man what he is......yup freedom of speech alive and well in America. jimi
  17. I agree....with the current administration,i wonder if we'll be told the truth.......one thing...one of the shooters name isnt your average English American name if you know what i mean.
  18. GO for her interview.!!!!! My wife was denied first time (i wasnt there for her interview)......she got denied and i was not there to comfort her....theres no evidence it makes a difference......i went for my wifes second interview.....my gut feeling says it does make a difference being there.Second time she passed,second time a very simple interview 3 questions asked,i went to both ACH and the american services thing ,got my letter of relationship notarized there,i think also my wife had the same VO that i had at ACH.I think it makes plenty sense to be there for her interview if you can.And of course there are plenty of people who did not go for their girls interview and passed.But my advice would be to go for the interview,if all possible. Jimi
  19. heyjimi

    we are # 1

    It seems very poor people always have cigarettes, and a dog. The poor people I knew in Ohio always had money for cigarettes, beer, cell phone, cable TV, and a 50inch TV, but no money for rent, or food. also have money for lottery tickets
  20. How do you file this amended return.I was one of those who got screwed,and didnt recieve a dime because my wife did not have a SSN,(not to mention i had a SSN for 48 years,and did not recieve it for me). jimi
  21. My wife has an apartment in Chongqing,pays rent by the year,in fact will be due in March.Its not very much,i think its 3000 yuan for the whole year. jimi
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