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Everything posted by frank1538

  1. Won't need to clean the floors for a while since you're walking on clouds. Good news and good luck.
  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha There is only one style of cooking in our household, and it ain't western.
  3. Here's what an I-94 looks like: http://www.uscampus.com/arrive_usa/i94.pdf In case you're interested, here's the customs declaration form too: http://www.customs.ustreas.gov/xp/cgov/tra...ration_form.xml
  4. Judging from your avatar, I'd say you're like the wizard Merlin. He didn't age; he younged. Happy Birthday.
  5. You're rounding second and headed to third. Congrats.
  6. What a pain in the ass. As they told Trigg: "It's not lost. We just don't know where it is." I'm not even a part of this snafu and I'm pissed.
  7. Some of my friends believe that a birthday celebration starts on your birthday but goes for the same number of days as your age. By my calculations, you've still got a ways to go to complete the celebration. The idea a celebrating for the number of days as your age made great sense when I was in my 20's and 30's, but I gotta tell 'ya, it gets harder and harder with each passing year.
  8. A properly filed I-485 keeps the individual legal and "in a period of stay authorized by the Attorney General." I agree with Gene that the NOA acknowledging receipt should be enough, but I might also bring along a copy of the regulation or policy statement. This link may be the regulation but don't hold me to it: http://www.vkblaw.com/news/eighthundredseventyfive.htm. Don't was to dis anybody but remember who you're dealing with. If it's something out of the ordinary, my guess is that the DMV will try to knee jerk you with a quick "no".
  9. Great news. Be prepared for her to take over your life's focus. As some are prone to say: "Resistance is futile."
  10. Here's a link that explains the procedures for a lost passport and visa. Unfortunately, it says that you should contact the issuing consulate or embassy. Uck - GZ again. http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/info/info_2009.html
  11. Man, I'd say. You beat the estimate by a month. Our statisticians may have to go back to the drawing boards. Good luck.
  12. http://www.atlantachinatown.com/en/about.html Tony, your link is a good one but only tells about one small shopping center in Atlanta. A bit more comprehensive overview can be found at http://www.atlantaregional.com/regionaldat...ata/chinese.pdf. Most of the information in the report is based on the 2000 census data, and current estimates put the Chinese population at closer to 50,000. The report contains a number of websites related to the Chinese community, and I would be happy to answer any specific questions.
  13. My advice is don't do it. Buy one there. 1. Like Don, I also priced computers while in China and found better deals here in the US but preloaded English based software may be more problematic for someone not familiar with the English language. I ended up buying one locally in China. 2. Mail/shippments have a tendency to get lost in China. 3. Chinese customs tariffs are hit or miss and sometimes dependent on the greed of the official. 4. If you buy locally, depending on the city where your SO lives, on site support can be easier with a computer purchased locally. Whenever Jingwen's computer crashed, she'd pick up the phone, call the seller, and a tech would show up and fix it.
  14. You guys that are at the end - go back and look at the current OF-171 and tell us what's listed. I say this because the GZ website says to bring those documents listed in the OF-171 to the medical. Is the visa fee receipt one of the listed documents? If so, then it seems you need it at the time of the medical.
  15. Well, sorta. A joint account usually gives each owner an undivided interest in the entire account. In other words, each owner has the right to 100%. This is different than, for example, an asset held "in common" where each owner is given a specific percentage of the asset. If I had to guess, I'd say that, technically, joint assets should count as much as assets owned solely by one individual, but I agree with Dan. Maybe the safest way to go is a joint sponsor.
  16. Congratulations and best wishes. Sounds like you handled it extremely well.
  17. Welcome to CFL. At four months, Jimmy shouldn't have any trouble learning as many languages as you want. It's all a question of what languages you and your husband speak and what languages your son hears.
  18. Congratulations. Sounds like your were well prepared. Best wishes.
  19. Wonderful news, and it only took 435 days. Now that you guys have endured the long wait and the stressful interview, take a deep breath, relax, and..... CELEBRATE!!!
  20. Hey, that's cheating. "Hey bro. How about letting me borrow your K-1 files since your wife already passed." What a wonderful coincidence, keeping it in the family like that.
  21. Since the approved list of hospitals includes some in Beijing, one would think that you could get the exam done before you have to pay the visa fee, if it is true that you can only pay the K visa fees at one of the CITIC branches listed on GZ's website. It would seem logical but, then again, we're dealing with the government.
  22. A good overview is here: http://www.visajourney.com/forums/index.php?pg=k1k3aos. As to your specific question: "We plan to get married very soon. But then what do I need to do? ", I suggest a honeymoon.
  23. Another step on the road to happiness. Have a good trip.
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