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Everything posted by Bryan_Qunying

  1. This same thing was tried, I think about last October by Owenkrout and I can't remember who else. They went to GZ and actually had an appointment if my memory serves me. The result was anything but productive. Don't get me wrong! Maybe a few of you might have better luck, but I think you'll just be limited to the Thursday Night Q&A GZ already has set up for K1 & K3. It is always nice to get the latest news from the source, but if you or anyone else isn't going to be in GZ to do this, you might just be spending all that extra money for the only satisfaction that you were able to find the location. My thinking is that in the past this has not worked! Good luck anyway! Bryan
  2. My wife's P3 had been lost the first time GZ mailed it and after 3 emails, GZ actually called my wife and she received the P3, 2 days later. Prior to getting the P3, our file was taking forever to show up. In fact, one of our other members on CFL received P3 before my wife. The coincidence in this is that the other members fiancé lives in the same community and are just about next door neighbors, and our I-129F had reached GZ about a week before. Long story short - I did the "get the forms from the net" thing and completed them and sent them to my wife. She told me that the forms that I sent (exp date 5/31/2004) was different from the form she had received (got P3, 4 days after my forms arrived). So I told her to use the ones she got from GZ. That's just a little FYI and my experience so far. Good luck! Bryan
  3. OK, My patience is starting to become thin now. I e-mailed GZ on 4/27/04 and asked them if they had received my wifes documents from the P3. The reply stated that ... "We have not yet processed your wife's paperwork yet" ...... yada yada yada! Now I kind of took this as a "YES We Have it" type of answer. So I waited until after the Labor Day week and yesterday I sent an email to ask if they had any idea as to what kind of time we were looking at (guesstimation) when we might expect to receive an interview date. The replay from GZ this time was: ... " We have not received your wifes paperwork and are waiting for it so we may process it." .... OK ... is there something here I missed or is this just the typical run around BS from GZ? Does anyone have a way to call someone to check other than by email? rrrrrrrr!!!!! Bryan
  4. Same here. My last card ran me less than $19.00 and get 860 minutes (14 hrs 20 min. aprox.) Gota Love it!
  5. Hi Dave, Now that you are married, you can only file K3. The K1 is strictly for the Fiancé. You will need the I-134 but not until she has received P4 and an interview date. She should get the blank form with her P3, but I got it from a post here on CFL and completed it and sent it to my wife a few weeks before she got her P3. She will take this completed form by you, to the interview with her. Good luck and speed. Also don't forget the patience. The process is an average of 6 to 9 months with several having to wait over 1 year. This is both K1 and K3. Bryan
  6. Hi David and welcome to CFL. You are not going to need the Birth Certificate until after she has arrived in the U.S. . Bryan
  7. Welcome to CFL. You have just started, what will seem to be a forever wait. The process for K3 is about the same as that for K1. To get a better idea as to how long you might have to wait, look at the time lines of several couples. You are going to see where many have waited and still wait after 1 year and then you are also going to see a very few time lines where the wait was only about 6 to 9 months. The only advice I can give you is to expect the worst and celebrate should your wait be shorter. The best thing is that you have found the most supportive family of couples on the net. You will also find several whom are professionally connected and will give there support freely. Good Luck! Bryan http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/26/26_9_24.gif
  8. I must agree that those husbands that do not plan for this just have no idea how good their life will be once the wife has over come these issues. Very soon my wife will be here in the states. The funny thing about this topic is my wife and I had this same talk last night. I told her that I know she is strong enough to do anything she wants to but the biggest and only worry I have for her and my step daughter will be the loneliness that will probably set in after about 3 weeks. I have tried to prepare myself and my wife and daughter for this transition. But all the planing and talking about it will not keep it from happening. Sense I have several years with my company, I have a sizable amount of vacation I can take. I have already set aside 30 days for when they get here and another 2 weeks for Christmas. I have told my wife that we will always make a visit to China every 2 years as a family. (Each odd year will be to visit my family throughout the U.S.) she seems to like this idea the best. It will also give us the chance to save more money so our visit can be longer than 1 or 2 weeks. I feel that I have a good plan to help combat what is yet to come. But I will never be able to keep the feeling of missing family and friends away 100%. This will be the time we will do special things together as a family. Bryan
  9. Sam, All you did was the same thing many of us would have done. You just got there first! The thing is that one of our CFL family members, JerryL, had a chance to research and found the answer. The only problem is that no one else seem to read all the postings and so the thread took on a new life by splitting into several threads. Visa delays of any kind, are just a volatile subject to many of us that have been waiting for a while. So don't beat yourself up to much. You saw something about a potential delay and you brought it to everyones attention. No Harm! Bryan
  10. I know that when you first read something like this a Panic rushes through your veins. What I read in this is that the Visa Information Center is there for all other visa's and not K1 - K4. The K1 / K3 visa is governed by a completely different set of process and procedures. It doesn't make sense to have GZ call the Visa Center to set up an interview that they handle at their installation. I must agree with Donahso, keelec and Se_Lang. Everyone else that wants a visa to visit the U.S. must go through the Visa Information Center. Relax! Everything is going to be OK! If something does blow up, then, as always, the CFL family will take action and get to the bottom of it. Now every body Breath! Bryan
  11. Clifford, If you look in the instructions of the 1040 there is a statement that tells you that (not verbatum) even if you did not have taxable income, you should file any way. As I see it, your going to probably get some money from the IRS, even if only a few dollors and filling the 1040 gives you a history and establishes what your yearly income has been. As you know, this is important for things such as the I-134 and I-864. So in my opinion, why not file! Also remember that when you do submit the 1040, how I understand the tax law, you must file as married if you are married. I could be wrong, but that is how it was explained to me when I was getting the W-7 ready for my wife. Bryan
  12. Hi mia ke shu shu, Here is my experiance with the W-7. When you file your taxes you must send the W-7 along with supporting documents attached to the 1040. Remember to send it to Philidelphia for processing. The address is in the instructions for the W-7. The problem I have had with this is I sent everything to the correct office, but some mail room dweeb looked at the return address on the envelope and re-routed the entire thing to Kansas City instead. As a result, my deductions for my wife were disallowed but the IRS allowed me to keep the Filling as Married filling joint. I sent a letter to both offices to request clerification. The Kansas City office called me to let me know that the W-7 did not show up at their office. The conclusion is I went ahead and accepted the refund as it is now and once my wife comes we will re-file and amend this year and last years 1040 "AGAIN". The bad part about all of this is I had called 3 "Tax Professionals" a CPA, H&R Block and the IRS Help Desk. I did everything these people told me to do and the IRS still found a way to screw it up! That's my experiance for this year. I hope you have better luck than I did! Bryan
  13. Maybe Carl and Bing will post something. As you know, they should be making their visit today or tomorrow. I am hoping they might get a faster scoop as to what is going on. Also Mark and Bea might have heard something. My head hurts! Two bottles of Advile in 4 days...... Thank God I had a three day week end so I could think about all of this! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/12/12_5_23.gif
  14. Carl, What did you put in that VHS to close GZ down? Just kidding! Good Luck, if you ever get in. Bryan
  15. I just finished going through all the Embassy and DOS sites and the same message is posted on all sites. What else can possibly delay us? I don't have any more hair to pull out. Darrell, I know you are feeling this just as hard. Until now, you were only days from maybe getting your interview date for your MM. The worst part for my wife is she will be closing her shop in June and will now need to depend on me to support her until she comes to the States! I have no problem with this. I only fear that the next thing the Chinese Government will do is cut off any possible transactions to other than Chinese Banks (i.e. ATM, Visa / Mastercard, etc.) I'm sorry, I didn't mean to unload like that. I'm just tired of all the BS we must put up with for what ever reason the U.S. or China do to spank each other. I feel like the parent. I think I'll send them both to a separate corner for a while. I guess waiting for them to "Kiss and make up" is out of the question?!?! All I can say is,... "Leave The Rest of US the HELL Alone"!!!!!!! OK .... I'll step of the Soap Box now! Bryan
  16. Good Luck! I could never get past the recorded messages. I finally started to get answers through email. I Hope you get through. Bryan
  17. I don't blame her at all. We have what seems to be our more than fare share of postponements, I am very excited myself. Qunying has had to start to close her business by June and start to look for someone to rent the house. This is a great relief to know that we can now actually set some what of a tentative date for when she will be arriving in the states. For the first time in several months, I had a good sleep last night. Bryan
  18. P3 Came Today!!! I am so very happy now. My wife told me this morning that she received fer P3 and will complete it and send it out tomorrow. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/26/26_9_7.gif In other news ...... Step Daughter takes 2nd Place in school athletics for the "Long Run". http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/18/18_3_110.gif Step Daughter Photo That's all for now. Thanks everyone for your input and support. I can now see some light at the end of the tunel.... no .... Wait! .... "It's a train coming this way!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! Bryan
  19. What I did was to send them my wife's phone number. My wife told me that they told her they received my many emails. I'm glad I decided to add the phone number at the last minute.! All I know is I am very happy they did this. The goes to show you that GZ actualy can go above the call of duty!!!! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/1029.gif Some body pinch me! I think I'm dreaming! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_8_3.gif
  20. Good News! I sent a new email to GZ yesterday and told them I was unable to FAX because for some reason, their FAX machine was not answering any calls. So I gave them my wife's address in pinyin and also her phone number. GZ called my wife today and told her that they would send a new P3 to her today. They also told her she should receive it in about 3 to 4 days. I am happy, My wife is happy, My heart can start to beat again! B) Bryan
  21. Thanks Frank! I think I'll see if I can do just that. Did GZ reply and let you know they had sent the P3? Again? Bryan
  22. A Little Update on our P3! I have now emailed GZ 3x and I have found a little useful bit of trickery. It seems that when you select the word "OTHER" in the subject area of the GZ email form, you can forget about ever getting a reply. My 3rd email, sent 4/20 received a reply in 24 hours when I used one of the other subjects and not "OTHER" like I did for 2 emails prior. The only problem with this reply is, I got the same canned reply as everyone else has when having trouble getting delivery of the P3 packet after GZ said then sent it. My next questions is ....... When does GZ actually connect the FAX machine and set it up to answer in-coming FAX calls? I have tried several times and all I get is the phone rings continuously. This keeps up, I wont have any hair left to turn Grey. I will have done pulled it ALL out!!!!!! http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_2_204.gif Bryan
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